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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. S'true! Our homegrown 'pop-up' Jihadi's explosive efforts will always 'fizzle' for reasons that should be entirely obvious if you have any idea how our intelligence services operate (ask Argentina about Exocets). It takes known and quantified Jihadis with a genuine foreign support network to achieve something like the Manchester Arena attack.....Which presumably is why we let the little bastard back into the country. If you've not followed up the connections between the bomber and British intelligence, you should, it is extremely enlightening. PS - Four Lions is a fantastic film.
  2. Classy.....Love your use of filters & pigments, panzergrau's a bastard to make interesting, but you've done a fine job there.
  3. Oh wow, they really went the full Mad Max on that one.....That has to be one of the coolest looking technicals ever.
  4. In recent images Oplots always seem to have a lot of bits missing.....How many have the Ukrainians actually built for themselves?
  5. A European army huh? I'm sure the Russians must quake at the very prospect.....Gur Khan has an article on the subject: http://gurkhan.blogspot.co.uk/2017/09/blog-post_92.html
  6. Have you read Iain M Banks sci-fi at all? I'm a bit of a fan. Iain M Banks - State Of The Art
  7. Not going to happen.....These Elites are a bunch of inbred incompetents, incapable of tying their own shoelaces without assistance from a more capable member of the species. We guard you while you sleep (and we also run your servers).
  8. I have confidence in you guys, you've been in deeper s**t than this before and come through (and you do still have your guns).
  9. Well at least we know who is definitely not running US foreign policy now.....That's a start, of sorts, I suppose.
  10. Considering the fiery death you can mutually rain on each other if you don't get your acts together, I too think that one is the better option. If the US could finally figure out what the f**k it plans to do in Iraq/Syria and then coordinate it with the Russians to mutual benefit (two pipelines are better than none) it would be a bloody good start.....Cheaper too!
  11. Having said that, allegedly you are building a new deep space-station together.....The mind boggles.
  12. It's not their boots I'd be concerned about. Taking further steps to sour the US/Russia relationship just seems unwise to me TBH.
  13. Ah.....I'd assumed that they had adopted a Kurdish only policy.
  14. Exactly.....But just as one might expect the British press are fawning all over the Saudis following the announcement: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/27/saudi-arabia-prince-mohammed-plays-biggest-card-yet
  15. Things might get very interesting quite soon, exactly how many US 'allies' will be fighting each other if this all kicks off.....I lose track? PS - Then there's this: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/22/world/middleeast/kurds-independence-israel.html?action=click&contentCollection=Middle East&module=RelatedCoverage&region=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article I hadn't realised how close the ties were.
  16. Do you have a non-Twitter link for this video.....Please!
  17. Oh bitter irony: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-41415223 TBH if the dumbass really was waving a handgun around on a motorway he pretty much signed his own death warrant.
  18. Would make a great avatar:
  19. F**k me.....Progress: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/saudi-arabia-issues-royal-decree-allow-women-drive/ No doubt.
  20. Ummmm.....Am I alone in thinking this is really a bad idea (Paywall, but the title says it all TBH): https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-to-curb-russian-military-flights-over-american-territory-1506402871 The last war you guys had on your own soil involved muskets FFS! Are you really so desperate to try the up to date version? I don't think you'll enjoy it very much.
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