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Sturgeon's House

Alex C.

Forum Nobility
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Everything posted by Alex C.

  1. For you Nathaniel: http://www.rockislandauction.com/viewitem/aid/66/lid/3595 http://www.rockislandauction.com/viewitem/aid/66/lid/3597 http://www.rockislandauction.com/viewitem/aid/66/lid/3596
  2. It is difficult to comprehend how fast an F1 car truly is. To drive one at its limit, you practically need a jedi knight level skillset. Here is a comparison between F1 and GT:
  3. Would an idler be more vulnerable than the tread itsel?
  4. Were the tank treads of WWII really that susceptible to light explosives? If so it seems like a light weapon (say, an M2HB) with enough hits at the right spot would immobilize a tank... or rather limit it to moving in circles.
  5. Indeed. Also, lets not forget the man's incredibly admirable net worth of $70 billion (alleged to be as much as $200 billion). So I mean, yeah, thats pretty impressive.
  6. Actually yes. General Motor's made M1 Carbines, M3 "Grease Guns", FP-45 "Liberators", and M16 rifles. I am sure I am forgetting some, but basically if you had a factory, you made something for the war effort. Cadillac still focused on vehicles:
  7. What do you do when treaties stifle your main source of income? Why, design a car of course!
  8. So basically they invented OnStar 20 years after the boys in Detroit.
  9. Lol. The guy says I basically need a gun with a red dot, pistol grip, etc. to be in line with the second amendment.
  10. Also, it's time to put those silly Europeans back in their place again: I love the little jab at Ferrari at the end
  11. When Ferraris were just cars:
  12. Gonna have to go with the Russian special forces guys on this one. Also, on Finnish RK's and Galils you can't do the ninja flip because of the shroud that prevents accidentally knocking the mag loose.
  13. Absolutely. This took me 9 months to get a test gun... from a coworker. I have never and will never do a paid review. Others do this so blatantly that it is disgusting. This was the only time I have had to fight to get a video up and published, and it was a really big ordeal. Also again, subscriptions really help. They determine what videos show up at the top of searches and help with search engine optimization.
  14. It is going on TFB later today. However, hilariously only 3% of TFBTV's views are directed from the actual blog. The vast majority come from those already subscribed and random searches. Also, every subscription helps in many ways
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