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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Sturgeon

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmhRKU5zBS8 Oh. My. God.
  2. This is like wondering why McDonald's still does business even though there are better fast food chains out there. It's almost like people like fast food a lot! "How is X still a thing?" is a phrase directly pulled from the professionally-indignant-and-offended landwhales of Tumblr, so SJWs are very relevant to the topic. Anyway, it's a new word for a very old type of individual. The problem is that now they've found spaces on the Internet to isolate and endlessly reinforce their own obnoxiousness. Don't be a churl. Making excuses for a rapist would be arguing that men are subordinate to their reproductive anatomy. Pointing out the absurdity of a pandering HBO program that wonders how men can like boobies enough to prop up an increasingly irrelevant magazine is totally different.
  3. The ability for some people to deny reality is pretty surprising, at times. Oh sure, SI is desperate, and the age of furiously jacking off into a sock while squatting over a cold porcelain toilet while trying to imagine a swimsuit model with all her clothes off is quickly coming to a close, but... Does this annoying SJW-pandering show not realize how much men like boobies?
  4. I am given to understand that the stealth materials on F-35 are a lot less finicky than those on F-22. Beyond that, sure, I agree. Maybe the jobs of the F-117 and AV-8 shouldn't be combined, but F-35 exists and that's really what it is. As a fighter, I have my doubts.
  5. I think Harrier legitimately brings capability to the table; i.e. basically that of being able to fly A-7s off minicarriers.
  6. It's very popsci, but I'm gonna use it to start the topic off anyway. What does everyone think? I certainly hope that there comes a point when folks look back at us physically mortal types and think about how quaint and obsolesced that is, even though physical immortality comes with its own set of problems.
  7. I don't think you want to kill JSF, I think you want to get people to admit it's going to basically be a hybrid AV-8/F-117 replacement, and get the designation changed to A-35. Then all will be well.
  8. Agalloch is quite excellent. The below EP is based on the awesome 1973 movie The Wicker Man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR3p1FMCrgE
  9. This thread is for organizing the SH RP campaign. This campaign will use a human GM (I am the first volunteer; I am willing to accept other applications), and will be text-based. I fear with a human GM, player applicants may have to go in rotation to ease the burden on the GM. One possible solution to this is to use multiple GMs, though that may introduce its own problems. Oh, and, just fair warning: I do not like to allow players to create their own characters, though I am fine with suggestions. Discuss, and apply for either player or GM positions. No, we're not using DnD. Not any edition.
  10. We have a terrible movies thread, so let's have a gudfilmz thread. My first nominee is The Wicker Man. No, not the bees; the 1973 version with Christopher Lee, Edward Woodward, and a temptingly sensuous Britt Ekland. This movie has everything the unspeakably bad remake does not. Same premise, same plot, same twist, but with a level of coherence and detail that is extremely pleasing. It features a wonderfully subtle performance by Christopher Lee (paradoxically, one that virtually parodies his later roles) and enough satisfyingly turned tropes to make you giggle with delight. What genre is it? Ostensibly horror; really it's a thoroughly entertaining mystery that could alternately bring out the mad guffawing apostate or the thrilled, engrossed Christian man in the viewer. To me, it's a study in the hubris and obsession of the main character, with a background plot of a small-time patriarch with shoes too big to fill, sweating it out against his own constituents. My biggest criticism of the film is actually a scene that was originally cut. The scene is a fine one, I think, but poorly edited and it looks bad. It doesn't detract much from the movie, but it's really obvious why they cut it. The movie was pretty influential; obviously the abominable remake is one, but an EP released by the Portland post-metal band Agalloch also takes the 1973 movie as its subject; and even uses sound clips from it. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes Christopher Lee, culture clash, intrigue, Christian criticism, Pagan criticism, outrageous men's magazines, the '70s, and titties. This movie is absolutely mandatory viewing for collimatrix. Preferably while slowly drinking absinthe. You lose no points for posting movies that are well-known to the good in this thread, but you gain no points either. Obscure-but-good-films make ideal suggestions.
  11. I need more experience as a GM, so I'm happy to do that. I'm going to be running another game concurrently, so we'll see how that goes.
  12. His website. His other website. Darren Naish's epic smackdown of him. He's basically the Mike Sparks of paleontology.
  13. My gun bookshelf so far: The stack on the right is the reference material for a single article. No kidding. It's gonna be awesome.
  14. Also, I was kidding about DnD. DnD sucks. We'd use a different system.
  15. I wasn't thinking it would be coded. I am talking an old-school campaign with a human GM.
  16. It's clear that Lars is the David Peters of archery.
  17. Frankly, I think this is heading in the direction of our own custom-made online text-based RP campaign. So basically, who wants to play DnD? *runs away cackling*
  18. This is a thread for the sharing of creative ideas. If you don't have any creative ideas or do but don't want to share them, you may not enjoy this thread. We'll start off with some awesome fanfiction I wrote a while back about how we shouldn't give young children absolute control over metaphysics.
  19. Please tell me he was married to both of them at once. Secretly. Each without the other's knowledge. But with their father's consent.
  20. For the best role-playing experience, no skills would be visible.
  21. I would step up to the artist's plate if I were practiced. As it was, I had talent only for sculpture and drawing, not painting. I am highly tempted to veto Jeeps' idea, because I feel the market is totally saturated in post-apocalyptic fiction. However, I don't wish to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and I feel there are some very positive elements to the idea that could be reincorporated elsewhere. At any rate, I believe Toxn wanted to focus on mechanics, first.
  22. I think it's funny that Die Antwoord is going to be in the next Niell Blomkamp film.
  23. AKA The "Bitch About The Price of Books" thread. Some resources - books especially - did not stay in print for very long, or are so highly desired that they have totally unreasonable price tags. The below books, from my Amazon wish list, are great examples: The M16 Controversies - $349.45 The Guns of Dagenham - $450.00 The Bren Gun Saga - $500.00 The Grand Old Lady of No Man's Land: The Vickers Machine Gun - $547.20 EM-2 Concept & Design: a rifle ahead of its time - $684.23 This One Copy of Complete Guide to Handloading - $1,788.00 So this thread is to connect those who have books or resources that may be costly or hard to get to with those who need those resources. It may be too expensive for everyone to drop five hundred bucks, but that's what the Internet is for.
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