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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Sturgeon

  1. Some good commentary here, even if you don't agree with it.
  2. So... Is it wrong if I say the latter problem is easier to solve than the former? I mean, not like ultra-fidelity historical representation, but at least a reasonable reflection of the current state of historical understanding.
  3. One thing is for sure, the '80s were the high water mark of full-wall-poster-worthy fantasy art. Oh, wait, uh, yeah, nukes are totally rad and stuff. I wish I were nuclear powered.
  4. This may be a morbid way to start the thread off, but I found this not-quite-anatomically-correct statue of Death to be pretty haunting. It is on display at the Louvre: I won't veto the inclusion of postmodern art in this thread. Hell, if you can make me appreciate that genre, then more power to you.
  5. I'll agree with you on everything except that Skyrim wasn't shit. That point is simply not debatable.
  6. "One never knows, do one?" Oh god how I yearn for that olde timey ebonix.
  7. Hell, I'd like a Medieval RPG that would recreate the 4th-7th centuries. There's a lot of material there, but nope, errybody loves plate armor too much. That's why I got excited for Skyrim, even though I knew better. I thought "maybe, finally, here is the Migration Period fantasy adventure I've been waiting for!" Nope! Here's shit, instead!
  8. I cleaned up the thread a bit. Previous topics simply don't need mention on this forum.
  9. No, Howard Hughes designed the H-4 Hercules, called by the press the "Spruce Goose" because it used wood construction. He crashed the XF-11 photoreconnaissance plane, which was like a hyper-Lighting. The H-4, a huge airplane (still one of the biggest) from back when "composite materials" meant "wood spliced together". The XF-11, one of the wildest piston aircraft ever to fly, from the dawn of the jet age. Compared to its competitor, the XF-12 Rainbow, the XF-11 was smaller and less capable (the XF-12 could develop photos in flight, IIRC, a capability the XF-11 lacked), but it was damned fast.
  10. Oh my god Walter's quoting Ice Cube now.
  11. 1.25m Munshot, my first since I started playing again. Mods make everything better.
  12. The AK is kind of a big deal. If procurement of the AK-12 goes through, the AK may well become the first infantry weapon since the Brown Bess to be produced (more or less) continuously by its parent country for over a century. The MP-44 is usually cited as the first assault rifle, which isn't true - it's not even the first rifle to bear the name, but the AK was the first truly successful one. The MP-44 certainly has a spot in history, and despite its short production run has proven to be extremely venerable, popping up in small conflicts all over the world, but the AK was the first assault rifle to arm an entire country, and the first assault rifle for which an effective logistics train existed. Today, it's still very competitive. The AK-12, the newest Russian member of the AK family, has possibly just been adopted by the Russian Army as a standard issue rifle, and brings the AK much more in-line with Western rifle development for the first time. So there should probably be a thread about the AK here at SH, is all I'm saying. Let's start with an interview with Rob Ski, founder of the AK Operator's Union.
  13. FWIW, in Maryland during the Great 2013 Ammo Scare, .357 was nowhere to be found. That could just have been a local phenomenon, though; perhaps more 1892 clones because MD is sort of a ban state.
  14. My opinion on blue camo: If it makes you blend in, most likely it's the last thing you'd want to be wearing.
  15. The logic is sound; my objection is that in appropriately small pistols, .357 from a revolver is not really more powerful than 9mm +P.
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