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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Bad day for sprogs, clearly: http://people.com/human-interest/toddler-killed-leopard-ugandan-national-park/
  2. That's so cool! I pretty much have to build it now.....Cheers guys! PS - Reckon I might buy another one now, they cost the same as the other T-72B kits but come with extra ERA modules (you have to stack 'em yourself).....You can never have too many ERA modules!
  3. So if Trump really wants to do something different in the AfPak region.....I reckon (discreetly, or you'll discredit him) throwing some weight behind this guy would be a bloody good idea (and please FFS protect him this time, do not lose him like we lost Massoud): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-43827660 Thoughts?
  4. Could anyone comment on the validity of the stacked K-1 ERA on this model (I recently acquired one): http://www.modelcollect.com/content/images/thumbs/0003243_soviet-t-72b1-with-era-main-battle-tank-1988.jpeg
  5. So, practicing my 'Pancake-Turreted, Tracked-Box' ID: T-72Bs followed by T-64BVs? Not much for the OSCE to get excited about there.....Where are all the T-90s?
  6. More information on the various Marmon-Herringtons at WarWheels: Mk.I Mk.II Mk.III Mk.IV Mk.VI
  7. Can't imagine there would be much joy in playing them.
  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/teenager-woman-stabs-rapist-droitwich-worcestershire-police-search-fights-off-self-defence-a8340381.html Strangely the police haven't charged the girl for stabbing the ghastly shit that tried to rape her.....Are they slacking do you think? No nor me. This happened on my local patch, so I'll be watching events very, very closely.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/news/apos-miracle-apos-boy-brain-031922308.html?guccounter=1 Apparently his first words on awakening were "You total pair of c***s!".
  10. Something is going down in Oxford: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/956326/oxford-police-paradise-street-gunshots-thames-valley-police Apparently he shot someone in town: http://www.thejournal.ie/person-shot-oxford-3998915-May2018/ Then got into a stand-off.....Having fired on the police already, I'd say the offender's chances of survival now range somewhere between extremely slim and f**k all. PS - Apparently they've been thinning themselves out quite nicely over the bank-holiday: http://www.itv.com/news/2018-05-07/let-my-son-be-the-last-mother-of-17-year-old-rhyhiem-ainsworth-barton-shot-dead-in-london-calls-for-end-to-violence/ Must be the hot weather.
  11. What's the deal with Bulat? It seems too small to be a significant threat.....Could it be a means of defeating APS/ERA by sheer volume of fire?
  12. Are there any pictures of the T-55AD that are provably from Afghanistan? Gur-Khan seems adamant that the T-55AD never went there, based on his comments in a couple of forums that I've visited.
  13. I believe that picture is actually from a depot in Baku, Azerbaijan, here's another one: I'm actively searching for confirmation that the T-55AD actually served in the Afghan conflict and (due to the constant mislabelling of images) I'm having serious doubts that it ever did. PS - Apologies for dragging this back from the distant past, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of the Drozd in Afghanistan story once and for all.....I figure if anyone can discern the truth/untruth of this, it'll be you lot.
  14. Was the Drozd APS actually used in Afghanistan, either on the T-55 or the T-62.....Could anyone point me toward any supporting images or documentation please?
  15. You guys are doing my campaign to get Downing St. cruise-missiled no good whatsoever.
  16. So how many people do you think he will need to kill before the corruption investigation goes away?
  17. I don't get you guys at all.....Our government has obviously and provably attempted to undermine your elections, attempted to entrap your president and has used chemical weapons on its own citizenry.....Yet you focus on that tabloid shite!
  18. Skripal, Steele, the story spirals on: https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/04/where-they-tell-you-not-to-look/
  19. The twin-mount on the Italian tankette is normally for a pair of LMGs, with the flame thrower it looked like this, fully kitted out: http://tank-photographs.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/italian-carro-valoce-l3-33-lanciaflame-flamethrower-ww2.html
  20. Right up until someone designs an APS with reliable top coverage.....I'd guess we might be seeing that kind of soon TBH.
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