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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Yourself likewise, when you refrain from acting like a jingoistic meathead.
  2. If you want history lessons again I'm going to have to start charging.
  3. Easy tiger.....You've got mighty pissy when I've said a whole lot less than that in response to you in the past. Sadly, as was the case with Korea, you are clearly quite blissfully unaware of the history of the founding of the state of Israel.....I've provided a link elsewhere, perhaps you might avail yourself of it before ranting here?
  4. So what happens when military allies enter a trade war? Let's watch & see! PS @Alzoc Are you aware what happens to countries that 'drop the dollar'? If not maybe you should check out Muammar Gaddafi's handy guide to getting the living shit bombed out of your country and a bayonet shoved up your ****!
  5. Fixed it for you. Unless of course you now consider unprovoked cross border attacks to be legal?
  6. Dude, your nation's troops have just whacked 60+ unarmed protestors, kneecapped another couple of thousand.....All this while the protestors are on the tiny sliver of land that your government permit them, and for having the audacity to approach a border that your nation has imposed on their land! But apparently you still feel the need to preach at us on behalf of this monstrosity? Insecure much? Maybe stick to the Merkavas?
  7. Does this count as brighter news? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/world-us-canada-44146816
  8. LOL! Somebody didn't really think that one through. Meanwhile, in other news, it's official.....Soviet era nerve agents are crap: https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/18/sergei-skripal-discharged-from-salisbury-hospital Or something.
  9. Maybe they could make it interactive, like the 'Fan-Boosts' in ePrix? Athletes could be awarded an array of experimental amphetamines based on a popular vote.....I'd watch that for sure!
  10. You realise this time we'll just blow the chunnel, then sit back & watch! Euros fighting wars are funny.
  11. For a fleeting moment I thought Trump was operating to a rather cunning plan, playing elements of the establishment off against each other.....But now I'm starting to think he just rolls dice.
  12. Trump blowing out the Iran deal, while John Bolton openly discusses dealing with North Korea using the 'Libyan Model' can't really have helped can it?
  13. Their Braille armour and helicopter kits are great too, but just not in the same league as Modelcollect.
  14. Suspect this will be a small & underfunded thread.
  15. Dude did you even read the article? Those are not my 'lazy' descriptions, they were all based on direct quotes from Jewish Israeli commentators, including the perpetrators.
  16. IIRC The current 'citadel' is itself a reconstruction.....It is certainly not authentic in many areas.
  17. Sorry, what analogy would you prefer? Murderous fascist psychopath? Homicidal child rapist? There are just so many to choose from! Why not take a look and choose your own: https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/05/11/the-dark-side-of-israeli-independence/
  18. Yeah, sorry about that.....But it looks like you got better. Israel has been squabbling with its neighbours for my whole life.....I'm fifty this year. Gets kind of boring to tell the truth.
  19. See, that's the bit Israel doesn't get.....You don't get anything in return for ceasing to violate international law. Sorry, that's just how it is, or rather it's how it should be. It's like a burglar expecting the courts to force you to pay him for leaving your property. Also Israel doesn't get a say in who has influence in other nations, that's not how that works either.....Now I know Israel hasn't had much time to learn the diplomatic niceties that come with nationhood, but this is pretty elementary stuff.
  20. Yup, the conflict Israel has been pushing for is finally imminent.....Hopefully you will all wipe each other out.
  21. That's the one.....Surely something that small's just going to make an interesting splattery pattern on a modern AFV's armour? Was wondering if it might be intended to overwhelm active defences before something like the Ataka or Kornet actually kicks the target's teeth in?
  22. I guess they were just on a little vacation, sight-seeing maybe?
  23. My opinion of Counterpunch just hit an all time low.....Feeble anti-UN hit piece, wrapped up in a festering crock of shit: https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/05/04/syrias-new-law-number-ten-devastates-sunni-refugees/ To the victor the spoils dumbass! You can bet your life that if it was Halliburton or The Carlyle Group benefitting from the war, rather than Bashar al Assad we wouldn't hear so much as a single bleat from this whining corporate shill.....Refugees or no bloody refugees. And all that bullshit is merely a setup for the dig at the UN in the final paragraph: Franklin Lamb you truly are a wanker! PS - Having looked at a few more articles on the site, I'm wondering if this shite wasn't actually a response to Robert Fisk's piece, which must be utterly terrifying for the sort of vermin that Lamb clearly represents: https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/05/04/once-the-syrian-war-is-over-qatar-could-become-an-empire-again/
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