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  1. family walking behind died, for someone who lived thru 5 russian involved conflict i am not surprised that they would open fire towards enemy while civilian evacuation is ongoing. russian puppets are crying that ukrainians dont allow people to leave, yes they allow and want to but cant. loooser can you let me know why the hell people from leningrad are coming in georgia? so many of them, its like little russia over here, and all of them are wearing ukrainian flags.
  2. Update from caucasus, last remaining kadirov puppets were taken from the streets, morale among them was super duper low. Only civil police are left. I never seen such a scared kadirov slaves. Police became humble in the past few days.
  3. That's how you get people in the war, 99% sure this is bullshit. Trying to get Belarusian army and people morale up. Typical KGB rulebook, say some bushit many times and it becomes fact.
  4. update from local Chechens, people in camo forms are leaving checkpoints, regular police units are put on instead, this happened like 5 hours ago. (Chechens were used as scare weapon first, said they were deployed to Ukraine, but this came out as lie majority of them stayed in chechia and made checkpoints, now they are leaving but locals dont know where they go
  5. Thats just show, kadirov guards are all over chechnya right now, there might be some in ukraine but most stay in chechnya. I think because of fear that rebelion will break up.
  6. Thats fault of russians, you open russian news website and what you see?! Putin is great, nato and western nations are gays, we have nukes, our army landed on the moon. Even when they showd war scenes from donbass it felt so staged. You have to find better propaganda minister. Only one supporting russians nowbis my granny who is old russian and watches pervi kanal only, even russians i know dont support this invasion at all.
  7. Exact same scenario happened in 2008, I wonder if they use same busses. Troops build up, civilians evacuation, now they gonna start shooting at Ukrainians and convoys start crossing border. Then Ukrainian people gonna demand action, Ukrainian government will fall for preemptive strike trap and war starts.
  8. I would not be surprised if it is china or india
  9. What this has to do with pl-01.
  10. Do you know where the fuel is located and who sits behind driver?
  11. Couple years ago iveco and zf showed independent front axle for trucks and bragged about how light it was, it seems centurion 2 and this vehicle use that suspension. It looks very light.
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