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Everything posted by Scolopax

  1. Tax reform bill is taking care of sports stadiums and tax-exempted construction.
  2. TIL Tasmanian Devils populations have been greatly impacted in the last couple decades by a contagious form of cancer.
  3. Search resulted in a ZBGM-110, a submarine-launched cruise missile that lost in competition to the Tomahawk. I guess the A-7 is carrying it for aerial testing purposes.
  4. Relevant to current happenings. Not the whole video, just a snippet.
  5. So, that mountain complex apparently did experience some type of collapse in mid October and killed 200-some people.
  6. Kurt Tank muh Luftwaffle messiah tho. Just going off wiki, but 31 hours of test flights before production seems a little sparse. Also, I feel like the early and mid FW 190s had three different guns (two pairs of two differing 20mm cannons types and a pair of machine guns), but this is just me recalling stuff from War Thunder. I suppose gun pods don't count towards things here.
  7. I feel a Fagot would be a bit more in line with the TOW being added, but okay.
  8. The Chinese are also thinking that the test site NK has been using as of late will fail if it is used again, which wouldn't exactly end well for anyone in the region.
  9. Old factory turned half-assed chemical dump went up in Parkersburg, WV and burned for several days. More pics, links, and info on Imgur
  10. I assume the mosquito-borne aspect of the disease probably doesn't help with that at all.
  11. I recall Hillary saying in an interview recently that she did not plan on running again.
  12. Some unreleased files on the Kennedy assassination may be declassified by Trump.
  13. That's exactly the type of lies the gubbermint would spread about the intrepid water filter salesman.
  14. USS Michigan arriving recently in Busan, South Korea, with some questions being raised about the two SEAL pods present.
  15. The security guard that confronted the Las Vegas shooter is apparently missing.
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