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Everything posted by Scolopax

  1. Brian Ross, who made the statement on ABC, has been suspended for 4 weeks for the false reporting. Not that it changes anything.
  2. I'm aware of the sentiment that the 1911 is another over-glorified American wank gun, but what are the downsides of it (and .45 ACP I suppose) in comparison to more modern handguns like the Beretta 92? Is the age thing with the design or the condition of the individual guns?
  3. My roommate played Destiny 2 on the PS4 religiously before getting burnt out after a month or so, for better or for worse. I never had the highest opinion of it. I kind of wanted to get into it, but the game seemed a bit too grindy and repetitive overall. The story seemed short and I feel like there were only like three guns that people would use in multiplayer. I haven't played it for a while now, but I enjoyed Steel Division a decent amount. I personally like the gameplay more than Wargame and the balance, while asymmetrical, is pretty good. The bots are a great deal improved as well. There's been a lot of free content added as of late with new maps and game modes, and I think there are still plans for more. The only bad thing going for it is that the playerbase is quite small and getting in to a particular game can be hard sometimes.
  4. Charlie Rose is the next name on the sexual assault chopping block, with CBS, PBS, and Bloomberg dropping him already.
  5. So should we expect a "Boycott Battlefront II" group with everyone playing it now?
  6. I can say that I played the original Battlefront II a decent amount and enjoyed it, but I feel too many people look back on it with prescription-level rose-tinted glasses.
  7. So, I've got something of an informal survey I'm working on at the moment that concerns people's perception of funding for conservation and wildlife management. Most of this funding comes from licenses, fees, tags, and stamps for hunters, as well as excise taxes and fees on public land use. My question on the matter is this: Should the means of funding for wildlife management be expanded, reduced, or kept the same (continue to rely primarily on hunters)? If it should be expanded, by what means or new methods would you suggest? Do you find this topic to be of any importance or interest to yourself? If anyone is interested in sharing their thoughts (or even lack of) on the matter, I would appreciate it. I'm not really needing an elaborate response, but I'll take it if you give it. Here's a picture of a ruddy duck for added flair
  8. I figured it must have had something to do with the use of oysters as aphrodisiac. Not that it makes anything less weird... Relevant:
  9. This photo seems to be of the same scene, and the source caption states that they're Sherman V's. Some good general armor photos in with that link.
  10. I can think of a several aircraft (F7F, Westland Whirlwind, and more) too, but I suppose I'll ask first if there's much or any distinction between a twin-engine fighter and a heavy fighter. I feel armament plays a role here.
  11. I guess this is a mount for just a single 300mm rocket? Doesn't seem as fun.
  12. I'm curious about the Hurricane here. I realize the battle of Britain probably inflates its fame a bit more than its worth, but what was so wrong with the plane? The only thing I'm aware of is that it was somewhat outdated by the time it was seeing action and that its armament of .30 cals was lackluster. I imagine the construction has something to do with it since it was pointed out. Also, the Spitfire's landing gear seems pretty narrow like the 109, if not a little shorter in length. It did not have any such issues with landing safety, correct?
  13. Not that there were any expectations, but the M4 model in COD:WW2 is poop. Also, the front armor of a Panzer IV is apparently impenetrable at close range.
  14. On the opposite side of things, I definitely know and saw a few people on Facebook like this:
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