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Everything posted by Scolopax

  1. I saw something earlier saying that part of this is due in part to prolonged military activity in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Never really thought of the public opinion there on the matter, but I didn't think it would really be that negative.
  2. There's a lot of stuff in WT apparently that I have never seen or heard of being in game.
  3. Russian vessels are now said to have been doing it a few times too.
  4. People are still finding bosses and things hidden in Bloodborne's files. This was from about a month back:
  5. What I've seen and read so far has given me the idea that the director could have only watched the last 5-10 minutes of Episode VII and just gone from there. Probably could have been fine not watching any of the other movies either.
  6. http://www.businessinsider.com/f-22-su-35-intercept-syria-us-major-disadvantage-2017-12
  7. Thought the CITV on the Abrams looked funny, figured out its an AN/VLQ-6 countermeasure device. I don't think I've ever noticed them before.
  8. For comparison, Wiki shows that an F/A-18 Super Hornet has a current flyaway unit cost of $70.5M, and that in 2009 the F-22 was $150M. Their numbers for the F-15(E) were from 1998, so they don't mean much. This site though (no good citation) shows an F-15 in 2006 as $108M, but it also lists the F-22 as having a final cost at the end of its production run in 2012 as $425M. Here is a graph from that same site that gives a broader comparison of fighter costs in 2013. Link for exact numbers. I didn't look into operating costs at all.
  9. There's a few running, and I believe the one above is this one.
  10. To follow up on this, I'm seeing that her alterations were just adding the date, not the entire comment. So far as when know at least. Regardless, the headlines of this aren't putting the accusers and the left in a good position.
  11. Roy Moore accuser officially comes forward that she faked the yearbook notes
  12. Not to discourage the notion or discount Gaijin's tendency to keep pushing for more modern vehicles, but that'd be pushing 90's tech. I suppose though, that would then mean we'd be denying wehraboos any and all Leo 2 variants too.
  13. The recent attempt at impeachment sputtered out and fell flat in a 364-58 vote.
  14. So is the Koalitsiya still going to be using the Armata chassis, or have they settled for the T-90 at this point due to budget and procurement date issues?
  15. I was thinking it might have something to do with new engines and/or thrust vectoring.
  16. Maybe a silly question, but do other countries utilize the FN Minimi and their domestic variants as a SAW like US doctrine, or is it more often employed like a light GPMG?
  17. The IOC has banned Russia from competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics due to its doping scandal
  18. Not sure how to make the video display smaller... Get the starter kit for only $199.99!
  19. I know they were quite the stinkers, but I like how the Cutlass looks like a mini F-14 that's ahead of its time.
  20. I've noticed that on a lot of Western Allied radial engines, most all being of Wright and Pratt & Whitney making, there is a lack of a large nose cone or cover on the end of the propeller shaft. Meanwhile, everyone else has one Is there a reason for this design choice? Is it something to do with the propeller shaft?
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