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Everything posted by Scolopax

  1. MT-LBs look to make excellent platforms for Ferdi mock-up conversions. The only serious thing you would have to due is put the gun and superstructure up over the troop compartment, and then there's just a few touches to make here and there.
  2. I am somewhat surprised that the Ukrainians went with the T-64BV instead of something a bit more modern like an Oplot or the T-64BM. I guess the thing fulfills their needs. On second thought, Leopard 2a4s are probably comparable.
  3. Marder I tank destroyer. Used the hull of the French Lorraine tractor. Another, with an MG mounted atop the barrel.
  4. I don't feel like the bars on that cage are spaced nearly enough to be effective.
  5. Didn't even notice that, was thinking it was the poster thing propped up on the side we were talking about.
  6. Hard to tell. It could also be a Zulfiqar, if we assume the Iranians weren't cheap and just snagged a cool tank photo from the internet.
  7. Another angle Apparently a further evolution of this monstrosity. I suppose the above looks a bit better...
  8. That story about Israel bombing Syria with F-35s is floating about again, some other details in there. I think the consensus here was that the report is bunk.
  9. I could not find any graphic similar for Vikrant, but I suppose we can draw enough of a conclusion.
  10. Top image is a flamethrower. It appears similar to the LPO-50/Type 74, but different enough. Not sure on any name.
  11. The next entry in the CoD series being titled "Call of Duty: WW2" just sounds ...bad.
  12. Link with bunch of different captured vehicles in German use.
  13. Closest thread I could think of without starting another.
  14. I have that book somewhere. A lot of odd things in it, some decidedly worthy of the title and many others not so much. Some guy going through it all for those curious. Would recommend to probably just mute it. Did they ship the American one over there or something? I was aware that there was only the one (formerly) at Aberdeen and the other at Kubinka.
  15. I am somewhat surprised the thing has gotten so much attention in the media with recent events, but I suppose the 'Mother of all bombs' part, plus Trump being president, is rather enticing to write about.
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