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Everything posted by roguetechie

  1. Well at least we're both looking at the same places on the gun to try and id it! Good point on the slant back receiver shape. I mean really there's a very slim chance it's anything else but a modified galil because of just how many of these there are compared to the other guns.
  2. Shit applesauce' pic is making me think it very well could be a valmet or Norinco hunter based gun....
  3. Yes in 308... The Finn's made 308 guns too though and I was never one of the people who could tell one from the other visually, especially with the gun being painted
  4. One thing I noticed from talking to my own Grandpa who was an aircraft mechanic on a carrier in the Pacific, when I'd ask him about what kinda planes he worked on etc he'd always say oh that was a long time ago I don't remember the designations now... The man kept a few foot lockers with I swear to god every manual he could get his hands on very carefully stored in his closet and his navy service paperwork locked in a drawer in his desk. For some reason he'd tell you little things here and there but not go into detail. And just by having known him and done untold hundreds of projects with him I can safely say he very likely still could have worked on those airplanes without much needing to even consult all those manuals he meticulously saved. The one thing he would share though is that they believed in what they were doing and did everything they could to do their jobs to the absolute best of their abilities. I can't really imagine that people with this kind of attitude would not use such a potentially valuable device, but I can fully see them for whatever reason not talking about it years or decades later to historians etc.
  5. That's positively chilling don... Thanks for the heads up. Looks like my goal of making desktop ammo fabs a reality was a good thing to start looking into after all.
  6. Never.... Trump will have died of choking to death on a big Mac while on his gold plated bidet at 112 and those fuckers will still be bitching about it
  7. Wait you mean literally everything we've been getting called retarded conspiracy theorists for believing in the whole time that has actually been looked into honestly has turned out to be true? Go mothafuckin figure... And oh holy shit I hope at least some of it was lies and statistically completely unlikely misunderstandings. More than that though, the way I see it is that at this point the real problem going forward is that something absolutely needs to get done about this now... The people who got behind this and supported the people doing the digging to get this information are just really not the people you want to dickslap in the forehead with an utter lack of action on this. To put it mildly, they are just really NOT the people you want to suddenly decide the social contract really is null and void. And that my friends is why all this shit pisses me off so much! These fucks like pelosi Obama McCain and Clinton are so fucking ignorant overconfident and arrogant that they really think they can amateur hour shit like this and get caught occasionally and not rip the fucking country to pieces in the process! Actually truthfully they give no fucks if they rip the country apart as a result of their bullshit because as far as they're concerned if they can't sit in the big chairs they want this bitch burned to the ground! Like I said, the real problem now is that something actually has to happen to deal with this fucking mess and I'm not terribly convinced that anyone is ready for the true ramifications of all this.
  8. Ah I was mistaken, for some reason I was under the impression you had journeyed to the states for some reason and were attempting to locate something along the lines of your canuckistani taco Bell fries here in the US. Thus I was attempting to point you in the direction of establishments which exist in the states where you might be able to procure an at least passable substitute.
  9. Keep in mind that this is the Same left who has conveniently forgotten that they were the bad guys who got ROFL stomped last time too... So... Yeah... They likely really are trying to start one, and It's very likely to be just as much of a shit show as the last one! I get it though, for the last two years I've been watching things unfold going, they can't possibly be trying the old civil war trick again! They HAVE TO remember how this turned out last time! And then it dawned on me, oh shit... No they really are this stupid and genuinely think England/the not so EU etc will back their play THIS TIME for sure!!! Edit to add: you know since it sure in the hell looks like they really may have asked ole blighty to help them keep an eye on Trump this time and the south was OH SO SURE England would back them last time too, and they kinda were, right up until they weren't LOL
  10. If there is a del taco in the area you are, they will have this thing you seek. Alternately the local 24 hour Mexican burrito place that goes by a thousand names depending on the part of the country you're in but all have the same menu boards etc will also have them... Some of this burrito places known aliases: muchas gracias, filibertos, Alberto's, betos, and I'm sure god knows how many others. (The menu board at the drive thru is always white with red lettering and usually has a retarded cactus in the top left)
  11. Remember, the Russians and the Cubans are homies though... They've surrounded Florida.
  12. But it's all just Republican disinformation and Russian bots!!! It's genuinely frightening how many anti trump people this event seems to have had no effect on. Not even a second of introspection to be had, just right on beating the Same ridiculous drum. I mean I can understand a hard core lifer Democrat being totally unwilling to buy the memo thing up to this point, but when the FBI (who they damn well know is on their team) basically gets told it's getting released tomorrow at 5 and one guy goes over to read this memo on Sunday and McCabe "resigns" Monday well before 5... How do you not go "oh shit there's likely something to that memo shit after all!" I'll completely set aside the morality question of how even as a life long Democrat you could be ok with the level of corruption a senior FBI official being "resigned" hours ahead of the release vote indicates is ongoing... Or how, even if this corruption favors your party, you could be any sort of ok with letting it continue and not at all wanting answers to some very pressing questions in the wake of something like this! That shit is genuinely fucking scary to me because, regardless of the behavior of our leadership on both sides, the American public has been historically very supportive of at least paying lip service to the rule of law and against the sort of backroom banana republic bullshit fucky fucky games and institutionalized ruling party persecution of it's political opponents. This whole situation is getting more and more disturbing and indicative of pretty dark shit headed our way by the day.
  13. Well thank God no one thinks Ukraine is in Mexico, because that would just be silly! However I'm a little worried that several people seem to think it's somewhere in flyover country... I know they call it flyover country but JESUS!! On a side note, just how far do people think artillery pieces can fire? This whole Russia phobia thing makes way more sense now... If you think Ukraine is somewhere just outside of Denver and you hear the news talking about the Russians firing artillery across the border at the Ukrainians... Holy shit!! Guys! Next time it could be Des Moines!
  14. http://soldiersystems.net/2018/01/25/shot-show-18-sotech-affiliates-auto-x-ops-xop-stock/ Seeing this, and a few other things from SHOT, makes me feel so much better about some of the stuff I'm experimenting with and working on! In a few key ways it's very similar to a few different things I'm messing around with, though I'm admittedly taking the concept quite a bit further and in different directions. (Thanks slide fire and 300 blk ak under folder dewalt case guy) I wonder how many other people out there use parallel evolution as a sanity gauge to help them see if they've went too far and are now shark jumping? Anyway, this makes me feel better about things. I will continue my quest to bring sweet sweet gamer gun inspired goodness to the masses.
  15. I have read tank manuals, it says specifically NOT to run over your own crunchies... Was that a black on black incident there, or was that instead someone economizing on mg ammo?
  16. ^5 I went sand dune snowboarding yesterday... This involves a four wheeler with sand paddle tires and a mildly psychotic pilot, a snowboard you are never going to use on snow again, a Waterski tow rope, a helmet, and generally old motocross gear (because we're crazy not stupid see above about paralysis) It is insanely fun but also incredibly dangerous and you get bonus points if you can thwack a rabbit on the hop with your board or the four wheelers skid plate.
  17. TIL from Reddit that apparently blitzkrieg was more of a term like EXTREME was in the 90's, aka a way for poorly informed reporters to describe everything the nazi military did.... I'm not sure whether I actually learned something true there or not, but it gave me a "brilliant insight" (meaning most likely I'm horrifically wrong about everything I'm about to say, and am probably a bad person in fact for even THINKING IT) BUT I'm going to say it anyway because that's just kinda how I roll. My thought was that makes radium the original NANO / titanium / carbon... Aka when radium became the new hotness they put that shit in EVERYTHING / tacked some reference to it onto anything they couldn't put it physically in... (Just like Columbia had jackets with titanium thread, cover girl has makeup with nanobeads etc) Then I got to thinking... (This, is usually where the trouble starts for me) My thought was that the Spanish flu started a good bit into this whole radium etc craze where it was in everything. (not to mention that ww1 thing and the resulting starvation and waves of refugees etc) Could radium etc being in god damn everything for quite a number of years before the Spanish flu outbreak have had a hand in making it so incredibly deadly and et cetera? I'd actually genuinely like to know, please don't kill me too bad LOL
  18. Indeed... So of course the air force and Marines want it! It doesn't work worth a shit, just as all true joint procurement goat ropes are supposed to be!
  19. I actually spent a lot of years making and breaking things, I'm all in favor of making and breaking things. It's great! There's a lot of satisfaction to be had there. I'll be back in school again shortly too, I figure if I go back now I should be able to squeak out my bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering before I'm 41. (I'm 36 now and have pretty much most of my generals knocked out but a LONG way to go in math before I make a run at the actual degree program which kinda sucks but oh well. Going to audit a course or two back from my last math course spring or summer term to see exactly how f***ed I am) Hopefully this will help me in my pursuits... At the very least I'll have more money to buy stuff to build and break after I get my degree, and in theory far fewer of my test runs will result in unplanned spontaneous disassembly.
  20. The bullpup AK all other bullpup AK's wish they could be! Nice... I know what you mean by not wanting to destroy milsurp guns. I mean I do stuff with ak kits, cz 26 kits, and some of the other really common stuff out there (and I admittedly did some pretty bad things to .308 ishapore Enfield's at one point). But otherwise, stuff like my Swiss straight pulls, my mas49, and even the couple Mosin's I still have I am very reluctant to do anything permanent to. Replacing furniture and or modifying spare sets of old furniture I do with impunity, and I'll "destroy the collector value of something" with a refinish rather than let guns become nonfunctional. I try to stay on the righteous path in other words. And yes, you can rest assured that when the day comes where I overcome my crippling anxiety paranoia and angst about posting pics of my gun projects online SH will be where I do it. Not only do I like and respect you guys, but you also put up with me! Plus there are places here i can put stuff I don't want shared outside of here that are actually respected by the participants of this site. The stuff I'll be doing if I do a vepr gamer gun is actually in support of other ongoing efforts and long term projects I'm working on. It's sort of a holistic approach to making accessories and gun setups etc to try and extend the distances an average infantryman can realistically successfully engage and knock down the enemy in combat. This is why I'm looking at gamer guns and etc so heavily, as well as a bunch of other things too mind you, on the assumption that if you can get their equipment to be as conscious thought and adjustment requirements free as possible they will have more time and cognitive capacity to run the fundamentals of good shooting. Combining the above with another layer designed to passively actively or otherwise augment the speed and optimize their abilities to get good stable positions and holds in terrible terrain etc is also part of it. It's a massive task I've kinda set up for myself that's basically "make us gudder at killing the other guy with our guns while on foot!"* as the bounds of the project. I will almost certainly fail a whole bunch if not completely, but I am having a ton of fun learning and experimenting! *This includes making gurl infantry somehow not a terrible suck storm of a national tragedy in the making. Also, since the bounds of this project are so wide open and all encompassing it has thoroughly captured the attention creativity desire to participate and imaginations of my girlfriend and several other of her friends! This alone makes it worth it honestly. It's just plain awesome whenever you can get the women around you to actively and willingly participate in your nerdery!
  21. That's probably my issue right there, I got my start in this hobby during the assault weapons ban.... You know the one absolutely NOBODY anywhere actually paid any attention to?
  22. Yes we are indeed talking about the one with the weirdly angled grip featured in the TFB video. I've recently become interested in gamer guns and etc from the perspective of can any of this be adapted to a form suitable and advantageous for combat use? I'm just kinda one of those people who can't fully enjoy something unless I'm taking it apart and trying to make it better. I don't know why this is, I've kinda just accepted that it's my fate in this world to forever be "dicking with stuff". I have not yet done any of my mad scientist fuckery on a super vepr, and I'm thinking your post is some sort of sign from the God's that now is the time to rectify this before these things get too expensive. Plus the stock setup on those somehow have the same feel to the lines in a way as the bm59 alpini which is just a sexy damn battle rifle. Assuming you like battle rifles or something... NTTTAWWT
  23. I know, amazing isn't it? What's even more amazing is that our education system is so fucking broken that people don't hear the phrase "imposed a 30% tariff" and immediately know that this is the US government actually attempting to protect the American manufacturing sector! A stupid population is definitely in the best interest of the beltway shit weasel class, that's for sure! Thank God we covered this in US history in junior high and high school back in the day.
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