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Anti-air thread: Everything that goes up must come down, and we'll help you go down


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31 minutes ago, LoooSeR said:


Yeah, this is far from being optimal vehicle to deal with small UAVs and drones. Its like those people don't follow Ukrainian conflict closely. This thing is going to be spotted and shelled before it will be able to get into effective range of some of drones that are used in current war (like Matrice 30T). 


Wonder where they buy the tires for these things as these are not something you can buy in the West its either Russian or Ukrainian made for bazillion of swamp vehicles like Russian Sherp designs that are made  around these low pressure low ply tires , and the vehicle with no suspension and tire design with super low pressure is far from ideal for a stable firing platform

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16 hours ago, mr.T said:

Wonder where they buy the tires for these things as these are not something you can buy in the West its either Russian or Ukrainian made for bazillion of swamp vehicles like Russian Sherp designs that are made  around these low pressure low ply tires , and the vehicle with no suspension and tire design with super low pressure is far from ideal for a stable firing platform

Afaik the mission master is based on the Canadian Zeal Motor Inc FatTruck

While this vehicle is inspired by the Sherp, i doubt that they use the same tires considering they have different diameters and different inflation systems. But i could not find where the FatTruck tires are actually made, just one source describing them as "bespoke".

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Would be surprised it they are not Chinese as the Sherp and clones exploded in popularity Chinese started making these tires , as for inflation system , there are bunc of different systems used not only exhaust gas inglation like in the original Sherp. But that is the function of the wheel not the tire.

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Upgraded anti-aircraft gun ZU-23/30M1 on the armored chassis K-4386 "Typhoon-VDV" at the MVTF "Army-2023".

The complex is designed to cover convoys and stationary objects, detect and defeat air targets (including small UAVs), ground targets at any time of the day.






At ZAK-23E stend there were mock ups of 23 mm programmable rounds.






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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like new TEL for 3rd Khordad AA system with 6 missiles containers. Unknown type of AA missile inside, possibly something new or already used medium range Taer-2\Sayyad-2C






3rd Khordad AA system TELAR with 3 Taer-2



Same TELAR with 8 short range AA missile pack



Tabas TELARs with Taer-2s






Dezful AA system (basically Tor on a truck chassis)









Sayyad-3 from Talash\15th Khordad AA system



Sayyad-4B AA missile of the Bavar-373 system


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On 9/20/2023 at 8:16 PM, LoooSeR said:

"Product 358" (AA loitering missile) shown to Shoygu during his visit to Iran. Used by Yemenis to shot down bunch of Saudi drones. Launcher is also visible on 2nd pic.



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Under the names Saqr-1 and Saqr-2, variants of the already well-known Iranian loitering anti-aircraft missiles are demonstrated, the original Iranian name of which is still unknown and they are better known by the name “358 anti-aircraft missile” given to them by the Americans.


Houthis shown some of their stocks of Iranian loitering AA missiles known under "358" name during recent parade.








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   The Russian Ministry of Defense has approved the technical requirements for new generation air defense systems, sources in the military department told Izvestia. Now, in addition to the missiles themselves, they will be equipped with lasers to suppress drone optics and electronic warfare systems. It is expected that new anti-aircraft missile systems will replace the proven “Tor” and “Strela-10”. Experts note that the presence of laser systems will make it possible not to waste expensive missiles on destroying cheap drones.


   According to the publication’s interlocutors, it is expected that the first prototypes of the new air defense systems will appear in the late 2020s – early 2030s. They should replace the Tor, Strela-10 and a number of other air defense systems that are currently in service with the Russian Armed Forces.


   With the development of drones and their massive appearance on the battlefield, air defense troops faced a certain problem: in order to shoot down a cheap drone costing a couple of hundred dollars, an anti-aircraft missile is spent, the price of which is several orders of magnitude higher. What makes its use, if not meaningless, then ineffective. That is why promising anti-aircraft systems will have laser systems to destroy such targets, former deputy commander-in-chief of the Air Force Aitech Bizhev told Izvestia.


— We have been talking about updating the requirements for air defense systems for a long time. This is part of the strategy for the development of air defense troops and the air force,” he explained. — Electronic warfare systems will throw enemy aircraft off course and mislead them so that they do not achieve their goals.

— One product will combine electronic warfare, missiles and an optical signal suppressor, that is, a laser emitter. This is certainly a positive thing,” military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. — But a lot depends on who exactly will be involved in the development. “Tor” and “Strela-10” are created by different manufacturers. Who will be responsible for the implementation of the approved technical specifications will be of great importance.

Ideas for SHORAD systems in 2030s from our MoD.

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On the afternoon of April 19, the General Directorate of Rocketry of the DPRK in the Korean West Sea tested the power of the ultra-large warhead of the Hwasar-1-la-3 strategic cruise missile and test launched the new Pelti-1-2 anti-aircraft missile.


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  • 3 weeks later...

On April 30, 2024, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the upcoming decommissioning of the Patriot air defense system (Yaalom in the Israeli Air Force). The process is gradual - reduction of batteries until the complete removal of air defense systems from service. This will happen quite quickly, on the IDF website it says “soon” (“be-Karov”), and on Wikipedia - already in July 2024 (though it is not clear where this date was taken from). What is being replaced is not officially announced, according to Wikipedia - “David’s Sling” (in service since 2017).


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