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Sturgeon's House


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Stimpy75 last won the day on November 14

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  1. The 3rd and 4th T129 ATAK helicopters were delivered September this year, bringing the total number of aircrafts delivered to 4 out of 6. According to Turkish sources TUSAS, NAF and MOD are currently negotiating a contract for an additional 6 helicopters. Alongside the helicopters, a significant array of munitions and equipment were delivered. Notably, this delivery marked the first foreign deployment of Turkey’s indigenous 20mm cannon, with successful firing tests conducted. Key highlights of the delivery include: •3rd and 4th T129 ATAK attack helicopters •1,456 x 70mm (2.75-inch) unguided rockets •30 x Roketsan L-UMTAS laser-guided anti-tank missiles •50 x Roketsan CİRİT laser-guided anti-tank missiles.
  2. He explains it quite good thx to a know Turkish defence guy
  3. while going from the gay europussies site of İstanbul to the based Anatalion site of it on a ferry had the luck to see and take some pics of TCG İstanbul
  4. Dağhan Fire support vehicle and IFV https://anzatsan.com/en/h-620/ and the site of the Producer
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