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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Scolopax

  1. Also, this (M113 OSV) is supposed to be what is officially used now:
  2. Well, it seems that COD has not only beat Ghostbusters in the the dislike department by a fair margin, but it also broke 1 million dislikes (82% of votes cast at time of this post). Sheesh.
  3. I'm not sure if I've noticed before, if anyone else has acknowledged it, or if it's even that new/significant, but it seems that the smoke grenade launchers rotate.
  4. I find the CIA story related to the thing amusing as well. Base vehicle is an M8 Cargo carrier, for those interested.
  5. It's likely covering the vehicle/unit numbering. I don't know if it's for training purposes or if they just don't want certain people to see and know it.
  6. Should be a Panzer IV, going off the tracks, idler wheel, and the back plate with its exhaust-holder-thing.
  7. I am innocent of any and all crimes.
  8. Red Capped Manakins possess the fastest limb muscles of any vertebrate.
  9. In case anyone was worried: "John Kasich eating things on the campaign trail"
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