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Alex C.

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Posts posted by Alex C.

  1. Looks like France is getting out of the bullpup game. They downselected to the FN SCAR and HK416.

    This will be France's first unimportable service rifle that they scrap. It will be interesting to see if they do the modern politically-correct thing and smelt them into small models of the Eiffel Tower to sell or chop them up into kits and let the importers have a go at them.

  2. Yes, I have read that piece and it is essentially what you turn up in most places. Which is "it kind of looks like a G36, but that's pretty much all we know. Oh, but it doesn't work like a G36."


    Even the Spanish sources I have read are quite terrible, and I have never been able to find any details about trialing the gun, accounts of Ordnance (how long before stuff like this usually becomes public info in the US/Europe?), or even feedback from users.

    Also, Mexico's patent site does turn up some info:



    Search for: PA/A/2006/007961


    Other pertinent documents:


  3. If by that you mean an AR-15, SIG-550 and SCAR stitched together to sorta look like a G-36, with an Aztec snakey on the side then sure.





    A few years back when I was more idealistic and full of unwarranted optimism towards the firearms industry I called the Mexican Directorate of Military Industry to try and get some information on the FX05 (saying I was a journalist trying to write a piece on Mexico's new domestic rifle). The clerk heard my gringo Spanish accent and transferred me to somebody who told me kindly to pound sand.

    Getting much information on that rifle proved to be very difficult, and I have never seen one before on my trips to Mexico (you still see clapped out G3s).

  4. Here is the only document I can find, and it is a simple "here's a new gun we found":



    I also found a report that Hitler's Garands sources quite a bit (in the excepts I can find), but it is not accessible online and I had to request it:



    Edit: An employee from the archives will contact me regarding my request after a short 3 week time period. Efficient!

  5. Regarding the Bang system:


    The problems inherent to trapping gas at the muzzle and redirecting it to cycle a gun are very well documented in the case of Bang's rifle and the gas trap Garand. However the Germans actually ran with it for a while with the G41 rifles. Does anyone have any documents or ordnance reports from the testing of the G41(W) or G41(M)s?

    I ask because this past weekend I went and shot the hell out of a G41(w) with 200+ rounds of surplus uber-corrosive ammo and there were no problems, issues, or hangups. It is also worth noting that the the particular G41 is not in great shape and the rear of the receiver has even been shot (as in it caught a bullet).

    Only thing that noticeably sucked was taking the nose cone off for cleaning (since I don't have the appropriate tool), but other than that I just ran some hot water down the bore, doused the piston/sleeve, and the outside of the barrel that is normally encapsulated by the trap. I hypothesized that when well maintained the system would be reliable (considering a soldier's ammunition loadout would have been 70 rounds), but am curious as to what Ordnance discovered in their testing.


    My biggest gripe is the front sight mounted on the piston sleeve (that obviously gets very, very hot), as the rifle's POI noticeably shifted as it heated up.

  6. Another pearl of wisdom from Nicholas C:



    This dude is the fucking pinnacle of mallninjatude.


    Patrick and I got trapped in a car with him one time and Patty's strategy was to pretend to sleep. I was in the front seat however where I got a lecture about how hunting is stupid and hunters deserve to be looked down upon by the true members of the gun community.


    And some story about how he dressed up in LAPD SWAT gear with an airsoft gun and held a crackhead at gunpoint. I am not making this up. He actually said this.

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