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Modern Tank Destroyers / Gun Carriers


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This thread is for discussion of modern (including Cold War) tank destroyer and gun carrier concepts. Most of these feature a good sized gun on a relatively light chassis with good mobility (as a result, they are sometimes known as light tanks). Some are built on converted IFV chassis. Examples include;







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On the above I posted: I should mention that the PLA has mounted 100mm/105mm and 120/125mm guns on many, many different platforms, but the ZBD-09 with the T83 gun seen above just happens to be the latest (or, at least the latest to see significant numbers) made so far.

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I would think part of the attractiveness of gun armed TDs is that they could be used for fire support as a secondary role.

I saw BRDM armed with Konkurs ATGM used as support vehicle by Ukrainian army. Also, Israel and World Jewish secret lizard government use this to kill innocent Palestinians:




M48A5 chassis + fake gun and a lot of missiles - 12 "Tamuz" guided missiles by Rafael (also known as Spike-NLOS). Each missile is 70 kg heavy 25 km max range Jewish Zionism delivery device. Shooting is done by turning turret rear to enemy, basically tank is shooting backwards (first photo).




Turret of the first tank is looking backwards, but it actually looking forward, because jewish kosher Baz-maskirovka-Dalet.




Look how straight gun barrel is of that thing! You can probably hit a Maus from 100 meters with it if it actually could fire!







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This thread is for discussion of modern (including Cold War) tank destroyer and gun carrier concepts. Most of these feature a good sized gun on a relatively light chassis with good mobility (as a result, they are sometimes known as light tanks). Some are built on converted IFV chassis. Examples include;







What is the 2nd one? Very smart looking light tank/TD.

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I'm not certain that that spike launcher fires backwards all the time - it has the same curved dish that all other spike platforms have, but it's facing forwards - if the missiles go straight backwards then that antennae wouldn't be able to communicate with them. Maybe the missiles ark round to the front?

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I'm not certain that that spike launcher fires backwards all the time - it has the same curved dish that all other spike platforms have, but it's facing forwards - if the missiles go straight backwards then that antennae wouldn't be able to communicate with them. Maybe the missiles ark round to the front?

IDK. Maybe antenna can move to proper position just before launch? Because launching a missile from turret reat and than make it do strange turns is little bit strange for me.

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  • 4 months later...



French RPX90 with MAPC turret, armed with 90 mm gun. 




Aselsan ATGM launcher module with 4 missiles. Here is 4 Hellfires, but module can accept other ATGMs like AFAIK Javelin, Kornet-E, plus MGs









Thread spammed! Mission complete! 

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Many of those wheeled TDs with cannons are not very good at dealing with actual tanks. ATGM carriers are not bad, sometimes they are really powerful weapon, but 90 or 105 mm guns just don't cut against modern tanks. I see them as fire support vehicles.

Wheeled 'tanks' are good for 'sealclubbing' - fighting with badly equipped army or even irregulars in not big countries. In those scenarios wheeled tanks have their place, being quick enough to respond to attacks/ambushes and doing their job at lower cost (money/resources, 'cause wheels), while being easier to produce and service.

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I see purpose built tank destroyers as a bit of a relic. ATGM can be carried by a number of platforms, so fielding a purpose built ATGM carrier seems more trouble than it is worth. 

Mobile gun platforms are prefect for supporting infantry and/or dealing with other light vehicles. 

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