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Everything posted by Bronezhilet

  1. Winner gets 100 dollarydoos from me. If I win, second place will get 100 dollarydoos. Also, when the contest is up, maybe make a topic in Mechanised as well? I don't think everyone checks this part of the forum.
  2. Naah the fins only help at speeds the shape stabilisation isn't optimised for. This shell is most definitely made to be shape stabilised.
  3. Yeah, but I'm down for another competition. I've been thinking about designing a tank anyway, might as well partake in a competition with it.
  4. Basically correct, but not entirely correct. The things the shockwave does near the shoulder are kinda fucky.
  5. No idea, shape stabilisation is essentially the worst type of stabilisation. And looking at the other two they could have used fin stabilisation without running into Cg/Cl problems.
  6. @LoooSeR@Collimatrix I guess the 'rebels' really want to die?
  7. In my town it is actually illegal to film or photograph people on public territory. ...but that's because people were commercialising those photos/films without permission (and some disturbed the public order).
  8. I'd almost consider paying someone to unlock the T-64 (and variants) for me, because fuck the grind in WT.
  9. Last time I checked a comma in the English language is used to connect two separate sentences. But then again I am Dutch and know nothing. Other than that English is trash and should be overthrown.
  10. We need an Iranian on SH for triple the fun.
  11. Where did I mention Jews?
  12. You're an Israeli with an opinion. Of course that's haram.
  13. So basically instead of selective killing you straight up advocate mass murder? Because you and I both know that if the border is breached, people are going to rush in en masse. At which point you say the Israelis are allowed to gun them down. And I'm pretty sure a couple of rifles won't be enough. You'd need to machine gun them down. I wonder how the English would react if Scotland and Northern Ireland would employ the same tactics against England over the whole EU issue. I'm willing to bet they won't go "Oh I'm so sorry, we'll stay in the EU, or you can leave the UK to join the EU.".
  14. The main question is though... Will it be an AP-API-HE-T belt or a AP-AP-HE-T belt?
  15. 5. 6 is actually the worst because you trap the overpressure below your vehicle and because you focus the pressure on a single seam.
  16. Mind sending me a private message with whom you asked?
  17. Nothing, the paper is more about methodology and not so much about the results of that specific design. The authors completely "namedropped" that design though. Some talk about simulations vs real life tests, and suddenly, *boom*, this is our scale model.
  18. Gabai, M. et al. 2017. “MEDIUM-WEIGHT COMBAT VEHICLES MINE PROTECTION DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY” 30th International Symposium on Ballistics, Long Beach, California, September 11-15, 2017. Lancaster, PA, USA: DEStech Publications, Inc., Electronic product—9 pp. @Mighty_Zuk Recognise that?
  19. Well get ready to type that mail because knowing our MoD, KCWM will never get your question.
  20. Problem is that your jet integrity goes to complete shit when the liner collapse speed exceeds the speed of sound in the liner material.
  21. @Collimatrix do you know anything about an improvement program for the MK48 torpedo, which started possibly 3-4 years ago and lasts until at least 2022?
  22. Whom did you contact there by the way?
  23. Does that display even have a sign? I don't remember there being one, although it's been 2 years since I was there so my memory is probably faulty.
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