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Everything posted by Scolopax

  1. I'll say that I find much more enjoyment with planes than I do with tanks, especially after recently trying to start with the low tier British vehicles.
  2. Going to chime in and ID this further as a T-80UE-1 based on the cupola and presence of air filter.
  3. I for one prefer not to see clouds of used needles floating outside my spacecraft's windows.
  4. Does it matter that it's a cover? A cover for a song written by a white guy?
  5. I'm intrigued by this new BTR. They've moved the engine up front and I'm guessing have a rear hatch now. I also suspect the turret doesn't penetrate into the crew compartment. Do we know what the plans/intentions for this thing are? Proof of concept demonstrator? I don't foresee it being adopted by the Russian army with all the procurement calamity going on now.
  6. So the novelty is the ability to replenish both ammo and fuel? Because the M992 and the South Korean K10 seem to carry out the duty of direct ammo resupply.
  7. So, this is clearly a Lee or Sherman based design, as indicated by the engine, drive shaft, and roadwheels. I had originally thought it to be some earlier design for the Ram 3.7in spg, and later, possibly something related to the T53e1. This second post of the top-down view throws that off for me, as it shows the turret having limited travese. It still says the gun could be point up high though.
  8. Yes, the pic being of the wooden mock up after the Germans captured it. Just enough details here for me to make a confident guess, but I'll see if anyone else wants to have a go first.
  9. There are photographs and drawings in the Panzer Tracts volume on it and the Maus. Link with pdf download below: WoT has the skirts' armor value at 60mm, but I can't say if that's an official number.
  10. The carriage and gun shield make it out to be an S-60, but the gun barrel looks a bit odd in this photo.
  11. There's also this though: The new market place thing and the IS-7 event seem rather cash-grabby too. They're a bit late to the loot box fad though.
  12. They're T-80Us. You can tell because the post the MG is mounted on is present on them. T-80UDs have the MGs mounted on the cupola.
  13. I get that a good amount of the SD and Wargame playerbase wanted to see the eastern front, but a Cold War Steel Division set in the early 1970s would have been much more to my liking. I'm still interested to see what Eugen has in store regardless.
  14. If you work for Yahoo and write on political or social news, all you have to do is type a paragraph or two and then link several tweets related to what you said.
  15. Wrong on Jihaded, correct on hull and turret (albeit not German naming here), and somewhat there on BBQ set. Turret is mounted. Here is another pic that I like better. Edited response to first quote
  16. I'll just keep posting things if no one else wants to
  17. This one looks like a regular 1A5 with the 105mm gun to me. The rest of the photos look the part though.
  18. That's basically it. This example is just it before it got the further add-on armor and official designation. You can tell it is not a 1A5 model because the coincidence rangefinders are still there, but interestingly, the thermal sight is present as well. I assume that it was needed for the new gun and that the old sights were just not removed.
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