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Everything posted by Scolopax

  1. This seems reasonable enough to assume. China not being a part of the treaty and developing a number of relatable missile systems of their own was probably cause enough for the US to consider messing with GLCMs again
  2. I guess those are air intake tubes in the back corners of the turret and connecting to raised areas above the second to last roadwheels.
  3. What ever it is, it appears to be mounted on the top or top face of the mantlet.
  4. Looks shopped to me. Resolution of the turret does not match the rest of the picture.
  5. To quote Jentz and Doyle in Panzer Tracts No. 20-1: It should be worth noting that this model above is probably not 100% to scale. The road wheels on it do look noticeably thin, but that seems to me to be a result of the model designers. They should be more similar, if not the same, as those found on the King Tiger. World of Tanks' E-50 model has the suspension units modelled (and can be viewed here), so that should give an idea of what it would have looked like.
  6. Umm wow I need you to watch your tone sir. Those are some serious gamers and I bet they have mad skills and drown in poon unlike you. I like how the speed runner is just midly amused that he beat the record.
  7. See if the Chinese would like another amusement park or if they want to bother fitting a cruiser to their navy roster.
  8. So what then is next if not generic Ubisoft open-world or horrid Facebook game?
  9. Before you do Wildands, you have to do an in-depth review on Ghost Recon: Commander!
  10. Valentine Mk IIICSs and Vs in various instances of New Zealand service. More images of NZ armor on this nice little blog by Lance Whitford.
  11. Here are some more picture of its turret. The first three photos spoilered in my previous post were also by Vitaly V. Kuzmin, someone just cropped out the watermarks. They can be found as larger files on his gallery page here towards the bottom of the page .
  12. I would have figured it was a destroyer or cruiser that was involved with this, not an amphibious assault ship. Drone must have gotten decidedly close. Also of interest is that supposedly the drown was downed using a jammer as opposed to a missile.
  13. I've posted about this thing before here (can't find where/when), but this is what I interpret to be a T-80UM. I have not been able to find any info beyond sentence-long notes on wikis and random tank ID webpages that talk about it being a 1992/93 upgrade of the T-80U. Said upgrades include mounting the Agava(-1M or 2?) thermal sight, the ability to fire the 9M119M Invar GLATGM, and the addition of a new radio. You can also see that the self-entrenching blade has been moved further up on the lower front plate and what looks to me to be a wind sensor mast has been mounted on the turret roof. As a note, the Luna IR lamp is deleted as a result of the thermal sight. I'm wondering if it's just a modernization that never really took off due to the USSR falling apart. Really don't have any solid idea. More pictures from another, relatively more recent event. The first image seems to be used frequently enough around the web, but not with regards to anything specifically about the T-80UM.
  14. It's definitely for publicity/entertainment purposes. They've used T-80Us in the past for the event ceremony openings. Everyone has been using T-72s to compete (first B, then B3,) except China, but their Type 96 seems close enough. Keeps things a bit more standardized to allow focus on the crews' performance. I'd say this contrasts a bit to the Strong Europe Tank Challenge were you have a whole variety of different tanks competing. India did try running T-90s on year, but they all broke down of course and were thus disqualified.
  15. It looks like a T-80UE-1, so it kind of is a collection of spare parts to begin with.
  16. Jagdpanzer IV/70(A). Not a lot of wartime pictures of this where it's not blown to smithereens or captured.
  17. T162 175mm SPG at Fort Sill. Photos by Flickr user David Stubbington.
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