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The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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I once got absolutely grilled in a youtube video where I mentioned my carry piece only has an 8 round magazine capacity. The majority of comments were that if you don't carry a full size handgun with at least a 15 round capacity, it is pointless to carry.

8 rounds? Planning on storming Iwo Jima with all that firepower, Tex? DDbPE10.gif


Because every defensive gun use results in you shooting at least 45 rounds at a horde of mooks sent after you by the local druglord.


Sometimes things just get out of hand. One moment you're a successful liberal architect. The next you're in Detroit New York's garment district fighting off street punks and mobsters.


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Had a few "run ins" with the over the top open carry types.


Sad thing is, I'm not against it as a concept, I'm just against open carry if your nice piece is in a shitty holster.  And loads of those tacticool holsters are trash.


One guy came to one of our MV shows with a goofy super low ride (like- "the fucking pistol was at his knee"- low) To top it off it was a first gen G-17 with some 30 something round mag, so he was slapping the mag against everything as he walked.


My comment was "Oh for fuck's sake man, get a real holster" upon which he launched into a "So you're against open carry at a MV show!? IN Arizona!?"

I said "No, I'm against STUPID carry, when your extended mag is bashing against my friend's M114. You need to put an orange hazard flag on that goddamn thing".


FTR, I wore a 1930's SD Myres blocked for the 1911 for ~20 odd years. Tried a Sickinger, but it did not cover the trigger enough to salve my mind.

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I once got absolutely grilled in a youtube video where I mentioned my carry piece only has an 8 round magazine capacity. The majority of comments were that if you don't carry a full size handgun with at least a 15 round capacity, it is pointless to carry.

I liked that video because it was the first time I'd seen an Carry video not made by a total fucking lunatic.

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Yeah? well where will YOU be when some producers with the rights to Hard Boiled 2 randomly approach you on the street and your only shot for a role is an on the spot audition?


Yeah, you'll feel pretty shitty then, won't you?

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I once got absolutely grilled in a youtube video where I mentioned my carry piece only has an 8 round magazine capacity. The majority of comments were that if you don't carry a full size handgun with at least a 15 round capacity, it is pointless to carry.


My wife is literally former PLA/PAP and her first actual carry gun in the US I got her was a Delta Elite with 10 round aftermarket magazines.


(In 10mm, she doesn't really favor .45 acp for whatever reason.)

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Also, since we're doing movie bits now.



S&W All steels, when you're trapped in a Tarantino movie's universe where people require a body content of at least 10% lead by volume to actually die, you know what to reach for.


(Though I'm pretty sure they mostly used 659s in Reservoir Dogs.)

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I mentioned this before, mine was an 1920s Ortgies pocket pistol in .32 ACP (7.65) that remarkably looks like this online image.





I never had a chance to go full-tilt Meplat on some buffoon with this anachronistic but shockingly simple handgun. There are hardly any parts in this gun.


I carried it in a god-awful Uncle Mike's inside the waistband deal with that cheap fabric snap strap which had a shocking tendency to cause the grip safety to be pushed if cinched too tight.

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I mentioned this before, mine was an 1920s Ortgies pocket pistol in .32 ACP (7.65) that remarkably looks like this online image.





I never had a chance to go full-tilt Meplat on some buffoon with this anachronistic but shockingly simple handgun. There are hardly any parts in this gun.


I carried it in a god-awful Uncle Mike's inside the waistband deal with that cheap fabric snap strap which had a shocking tendency to cause the grip safety to be pushed if cinched too tight.


Pfft, you couldn't go full tilt Meplat with that anyway, It's far too modern of a design.

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I once got absolutely grilled in a youtube video where I mentioned my carry piece only has an 8 round magazine capacity. The majority of comments were that if you don't carry a full size handgun with at least a 15 round capacity, it is pointless to carry.

This is all extra-hilarious for me because rainbow nation folk are required by law to concealed carry only. Hence I can't help but wonder how these guys will manage to stuff these monstrosities down their pants.

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This is all extra-hilarious for me because rainbow nation folk are required by law to concealed carry only. Hence I can't help but wonder how these guys will manage to stuff these monstrosities down their pants.


I guess speaking on the picture posted earlier, one thing that puts the icing on the cake aside from absurd ammo load.


If he's planning on trying to dual wield those pistols, which I'm at least guessing is his plan since if he just wanted a back up gun, why not get something smaller you can hide elsewhere? (also, let's ignore the part where trying to re enact the movie Hard Boiled works very poorly in reality), why the fuck would he waste that fine cheery on top extra bit of money to put optical sights on both of them? what kind of fucked up superhuman vision abilities does this guy have?

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My conclusion from my conversation with Emeric is that the most promising caliber range for his requirements is from .22-.257" caliber. Indeed, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the 5.8x42mm DBP-10 offers a COTS solution for what he's trying to do, at close to the minimum weight.

Assuming requirements such as those, I think .236" and .250" calibers are well worth a look, despite being pretty unconventional.



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I'll make the obvious joke, but you know those holsters have to be re-adjusted to fit a much larger circumference of body+stretched-out XXXL T-shirt.

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I'll make the obvious joke, but you know those holsters have to be re-adjusted to fit a much larger circumference of body+stretched-out XXXL T-shirt.


You forgot an X or 2 in there.


On that note with him, I shouldn't insult the movie Hard Boiled by comparing it that abomination of a "carry" rig, even John Woo knows you're better off just firing at the sternum-neck level barely even bothering to aim when going super tactical detective mode or aiming for the general direction of your opponent's dick. (And he apparently also knows that people who shoot rifles from the hip usually miss, alot.)



And random tidbit, I was fucking around with powley's and, after getting all the necessary data, determined you can get 3,150-3,200 fps out of the DBP-10 on a 20.5" barrel (QBZ-95-1 Length) if you loaded the cartridge to the insane pressures rounds like Mk 262 and M855A1 are loaded to. (Revised, made an error.)


Was expecting more but it uses a pretty long bullet that takes up alot of space inside the case.

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