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Sturgeon's House

The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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Speaking of the SIG MCX, it sounds like it has some issues.


Problems in full auto but not in semi auto sound like the bolt carrier bounce problem that bedeviled the early M16.  What happens is that the bolt carrier is moving too fast as it comes into battery.  It has enough KE left after it pushes the bolt into battery and locks it that it bounces off of the barrel extension.  In semi-auto fire this isn't a problem because the (relatively) long pauses between shots mean that the carrier has settled into battery after the bounce.  In full auto, however, the carrier has tripped the auto sear and if the timing is just wrong, the hammer will strike the carrier when it has just bounced back and is out of battery.  This results in a failure to fire.  This is not surprising; the MCX does away with the buffer tube and the buffer with the sliding anti-rebound masses in it.


If only there were some easily retrofittable solution to the problem of bolt carrier bounce...




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