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Syrian conflict.


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After a mysterious two day pause, LoooSeR returns to the Syria thread with a three-page blitz of updates!





Yes, this is a very good article.  Anyone curious about the strategic situation in Syria should read it, it clarifies why the major fighting is confined to certain areas right now.

   Just too much work, have big bits of free time between like 12+ hours work days  :D


   Yes, it is, it takes into account main logistics lines and how actions of VKS are affected by them.

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Tiger Forces launch wide-scale offensive to seize the Aleppo Thermal Plant



   Earlier today, the Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” – in close coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) – launched a wide-scale offensive along the strategic Aleppo-Raqqa Highway (M-4 Highway) to seize the Aleppo Thermal Power Plant that is currently under the control of the so called “Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham” (ISIS). 

   The Tiger Forces launched the assault from two different axes: one attack from the village of ‘Ayn Al-Jamjamiyah and other attack from the recently captured village of Wadi’yah in the Al-Bab Plateau. 
   According to a military source that is embedded at the Kuweires Military Airport, the Tiger Forces and their allies are attempting t establish control over the nearby production facility and the Siasco Chemical Plant that is located along the Aleppo-Raqqa Highway in the Deir Hafer Plains. 
   Originally, the Aleppo Thermal Power Plant was the primary target after the liberation of the Kuweires Military Airport; however, the need to build a buffer-zone around the aforementioned airbase required the Tiger Forces to expand their operations to the Al-Bab Plateau. If the Syrian Armed Forces capture the Aleppo Thermal Power Plant, they could ultimately fix the electricity issues plaguing the provincial capital. 
   In addition to fixing the electricity issues, the Syrian Armed Forces will be in position to encircle the remaining ISIS terrorists in the Al-Safeera Plains of east Aleppo.
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  The so-called “Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham” (ISIS) has launched a large-scale offensive inside Damascus’ western countryside after months of inactivity in the Qalamoun Mountains. 

   On Wednesday morning, ISIS struck several sites that were under the control of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) inside the imperative border-village of Jaroud Jarajeer in western Damascus, seizing several military posts in the process, while their former allies fled south in order to evade the swarming terrorists. 
   Over the last 48 hours, ISIS has expanded their presence across large parts of the Qalamoun Mountains, capturing the Jaroud Jarajeer border-crossing into Lebanon, as Jabhat Al-Nusra and their allies struggle hold the remaining ground under their control. Meanwhile, along the eastern slopes of the Qalamoun Mountains, ISIS has continued their powerful assault on the Brigade 128 base, striking the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions at the western gates in order weaken their defenses around this military installation in a desolate part of western Damascus. 
   Should ISIS seize Jaroud Jarajeer and the Brigade 128 base, they will be in position to launch a Qalamoun offensive from two different different flanks; this would greatly effect the Syrian Arab Army, who is currently concentrated on northern Syria.

   ISIS scumbugs are trying to fck up Nusra scumbugs. 


In motion +18 : dozens of ISIS corpses in Wadiah village in East Aleppo after Syrian Army captured it

   Video is in the link.

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Syrian Army capitalizes on the financial woes crippling the rebels in Daraa



  In a matter of one month, the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) lost the 4th largest city in the Dara’a Governorate to the same forces they captured it from 18 months prior. 

   However, the loss of Sheikh Miskeen to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) revealed far more than just “bad luck” on the part of the Islamist rebels; it showcased the disunity among the Southern Front Brigades and their reliance on the Jihadist groups like Jabhat Al-Nusra in order to combat the pro-government forces. 
   Another factor that stuck out during the month-long battle for Sheikh Miskeen was the absence of their heavy armory; specifically, the lack of tanks used against the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Armored and 7th Mechanized divisions. Inevitably, the rebel loss of Sheikh Miskeen came down to the lack of necessary military hardware to combat the Syrian Armed Forces. The reality is that the Islamist rebels are lacking the monetary means to fight the Syrian Armed Forces in southern Syria; this was once again illuminated in the loss at Sheikh Miskeen. 
   Rebel fighters in Sheikh Miskeen posted videos on their social media accounts in order to plead with local groups to send their armored vehicles and tanks – no one answered the call. Gas is hard to come by these days in Syria and without the monetary means to purchase it in neighboring Jordan, the rebels are forced to fight a war on their feet. Capitalizing on the financial woes of the enemy forces, the Syrian Arab Army has launched a successful large-scale assault in northern Dara’a as a result of the rebel plight. 
   If the rebels are unable to find a remedy to their economic instability soon; it will take the Syrian Armed Forces far less than a month to seize the large cities of Nawa, Jassim, and Da’el.

   Add here recent al-Zinki statement that they are short on cash and will [probably] decrease their active actions in several parts of frontlines.

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Russians continue to pound Kinsibba as Syrian ground forces prepare to strike



  The Russian Air Force is working overtime inside the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, as they carry out several airstrikes over the strategic village of Kinsibba in the Kurdish Mountains (Jabal Al-Akrad) tonight.

   While the Russian Air Force pounds the Islamist rebel defenses inside Kinsibba, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard has begun to surround the aforementioned village – alongside Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade), the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), the National Defense Forces (NDF), and Muqawama Souri (Syrian Resistance) – in preparation for their massive assault on this Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) stronghold in northeastern Latakia. 
   Unlike the recent capture of Al-Rabi’yah in Jabal Al-Turkmen (Turkmen Mountains), the battle for Kinsibba will likely last longer than a few hours, as this town is the gateway to the strategic city of Jisr Al-Shughour in the Idlib Governorate and the Turkish imperative border-crossing into the Latakia Governorate. Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army’s “1st Coastal Brigade” have had plenty of time to prepare their defenses for this imminent assault by the Syrian Armed Forces in Kinsibba; however, the Islamist rebels cannot afford to suffer a significant number of casualties at this battle because they still need to protect Jisr Al-Shughour with a large force. 
   It still remains unclear whether or not the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade and their allies will attack Kinsibba in the morning; regardless, all signs point to this town as the next major battle in northeastern Latakia.
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Latakia now: Syrian Army progressing towards strategic village of Kinsibba


   Looks like it started.


  Moments ago inside the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard – alongside the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade), and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – begun their ground assault at the outskirts of Kinsibba, striking the Islamist rebel defenses at the southern perimeter of this rebel stronghold in the Kurdish Mountains (Jabal Al-Akrad). 

   According to a military source in the Latakia Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade and their allies have pushed their way to the southern axis of Kinsibba this morning, where they have begun pounding the town with a barrage of mortar shells and rockets. 
   While the Syrian Armed Forces strike the Islamist defenses with several mortars and rockets, the Russian Air Force is ensuring that no reinforcements arrive to Kinsibba in order to help push back the advancing pro-government units – they have already launched 16 airstrikes over this town in northeastern Latakia. 
   The Islamist rebel units protecting the town of Kinsibba are Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, and the Free Syrian Army (FSA). If the Islamists were to lose Kinsibba in the coming days, the imperative city of Jisr Al-Shughour will be within striking distance for the Syrian Arab Army and their allies.
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#Syria #Quneitra #Qunaitra 4 (Four) Air Raids targeted #Masharah #SyAAF #RuAF



#Syria #Quneitra #Qunaitra Reports of #SyAAF / #RuAF Warplanes targeting Militant locations as Militants try to advance & start new battle



Mujahideen leaders & scholars in Sham have launched efforts to unite the Mujahideen groups of Jaysh al Fath in #Syria


Sheikh Al Jolani (Leader of Nusra) offered to step down from position to allow a united group to form. #Syria


All groups of Jaysh al Fath have agreed with the exception of Ahrar al Sham who have currently suspended their response.

IDK about if this is true.

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   The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have just captured the town of Afesh in East Aleppo province.


   This capture of the town is the first step in the SAA’s effort to liberate the thermal plant.


   This is the latest in a string of victories since the siege of Kuweires air base was lifted months ago. Since then, a rapid liberation process has begun under the guidance of Major General Suheil al-Hassan. 


   The assault for the thermal plant is set to take place from Sheikh Najjar Industrial Zone. The SAA and Iraqi militias have begun gathering there to prepare for the assault.



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Syrian Army captures Mezzin in northeastern Latakia



  The Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard and their allies are rolling through Latakia’s northeastern countryside today, as they continue their wide-scale advance towards the strategic village of Kinsibba in the Kurdish Mountains (Jabal Al-Akrad). 

   Minutes ago, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade – in close coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) – imposed full control over the village of Mezzin in Jabal Al-Akrad after a violent battle with the Free Syrian Army’s “1st Coastal Brigade” and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group). 
   According to a military source in the Latakia Governorate, the village of Mezzin is situated to the west of Kinsibba and just north of Al-Ghunaymiyah in Jabal Al-Akrad. In addition to the capture of Mezzin, the Syrian Armed Forces are currently storming the strategic villages of Ruweisat Al-Nimr and Touma; these sites are the gateway to the rebel stronghold of Kinsibba, which is located north of those villages. 
   News of the Syrian Armed Forces entering Touma has been denied by a source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade; however, they did add that clashes have intensified at the southern axis of this village.
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