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Al-Mukowama aka Hezbollah information thread: only arab (not really arab) army (not really an army) that knows how to fight.


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   Well, looking at amount of info that i can get about Al-Mukowama, i decided to make a separate thread about them where we (or just me) will collect information about Al-Mukowama aka Hezbollah aka Islamic Resistance of Lebanon. Will try to update this thread as often as new information will be avaliable.


   First section will be about Hezbollah military wing/Al-Mukowama in general. Second - infantry. 3rd - armor, 4th - special services.


   Creating this thread now, will add major updates later.






   1. What is Hezbollah

    Hebollah is a Lebanon political party that represents southern Lebanon and shia communities interests and also is big part of social life in Lebanon (healthcare, construction, education, etc.). 

   "Hezbollah not only has armed and political wings – it also boasts an extensive social development program. Hezbollah currently operates at least four hospitals, twelve clinics, twelve schools and two agricultural centres that provide farmers with technical assistance and training. It also has an environmental department and an extensive social assistance program. Medical care is also cheaper than in most of the country's private hospitals and free for Hezbollah members." (yes, this is from wiki, but it represents social aspect of Hezbollah pretty well)

   Current views on organisation are very different, but all they can be generally divided in 2 point of views - first is that organisation aim is the abolition of the confessional political system imposed by the colonialists, replacing it with an Islamic states modeled on Iranian example second is that organisation gone though serious re-view of it's place and ideaology and accepted Lebanon internal politics rules and now work to improve shia communities place in Lebanon society. 


   A bit of history. 

   After South Lebanon occupation in 1982, different existing groups of shias (including radicals), that were not connected to "Amal" party (only shia party at the time in Lebanon) started to form a "Hezbollah" in Bekaa valley. Unification of different groups was happening in the same time with increasing connection with Iran, that was looking at possibilities of "exporting" Islamic Revolution to other countries in the region. Bekaa was de-facto controlled by Syria, which had direct impact (although not critical) on creation of Hezbollah. Syria allowed a connection of Hezbollah and Iran IRSG personal, that started to train first groups of Islamic resistance. Syrian officials and Hezbollah contact were limited, main questions were paths of weapons and supplies to formed organisation to combat Israelis in Lebanon and security issues.

   Following the conclusion of the Taif Agreement and end of Lebanon civil war in 1990, Syria became a guarantor of stability in Lebanon and had serious influence on internal policy of neighbor. Hezbollah/Lebanon Resistance was allowed to have weapons and continue their actions against Israel. Syrian officials did not interfere with economic re-building plan, that was put in place by Lebanon gov. After Israelis left Southern Lebanon in 2000, the "Hezbollah-Syria-Iran" axis did not stopped to work, actually it continued to work pretty well.



   "Cedar Revolution" in 2005 and withdrawal of Syrian forces changed political landscape of Lebanon, opening new possibilites for Hezbollah - for the first time organisation competed for a place in the government. On March 8, 2005, after only a few weeks after the assassination of Rafiq Hariri (Prime Minister Rafik Hariri of Lebanon in 1992-1998 and of 2000-2004. He was killed in Beirut in a terrorist act of 14 February 2005), when anti-Syrian sentiment in Lebanon were at the highest point, the General secretary of "Hezbollah" Nasrallah spoke in support of Syria. "Hezbollah" was to counter the paradigm, formed in Lebanon about orientation to the West and Saudi Arabia, and offered it's own project, but it was feasible "only with the preservation of regional partners".

   Over  course of 2000s "Hezbollah" was the main proponent of this vector of development. Support in Lebanon was achieved through large-scale social projects, including nondenominational, individual successes at the border with Israel and the active promotion of the Islamic Resistance. 


   "Arab Spring".

  "Hezbollah" with optimism greeted the events of the "Arab spring" in countries most affected by it, as it served Hezbollah's regional interests. The criteria according to which party estimated the riots, were formulated by March 25, 2011 by Nasralla: firstly, it is the position of the former regime in relation to arab-Israel conflict; secondly, the desire and the ability to implement major reforms. Despite the uniqueness of the situation in each country, "Hezbollah" is regarded massive unrest in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, as a struggle against tyranny. The party supported the efforts of the Bahraini Shiites, aimed at achieving equality in political life. 

   The victory of the party "An-Nahda" in Tunisia, in terms of Hezbollah was an opportunity for Tunisia to find their own political identity and refuse Westernization. In the same way, Hezbollah welcomed the success of "Muslim Brotherhood" in Egypt, but later abandoned it because of the Syrian issue.  With regard to the events in Libya, "Hezbollah" has supported the overthrow of Gaddafi, but condemned Western intervention. It is worth mentioning that "Hezbollah" has long accused Gaddafi in the disappearance and alleged murder in 1978 of Musa al-Sadr, an important figure of the "Shiite revival" in Lebanon.


   Arab Spring and Syria

   "Hezbollah" approach to the assessment of events in the neighboring Syrian is radically different from the one described above, but based on the same criteria. Syria - an essential element of the "resistance front" (al-Jabhat Mumanaa) Iran-Syria-"Hezbollah", despite the fact that on the Syrian-Israeli border for a long time remained calm. 

   The armed fight against Israel until the complete liberation of Lebanese territory (including the Shebaa farms) and aid to the Palestinians in the struggle against the invaders were proclaimed as key objective of "Hezbollah". Therefore, anti-Israeli views are put at the center of patriotic party rhetoric. In this regard, "Hezbollah" is positioning itself not as a Shia party in the multi-confessional Lebanon, but as a nationwide movement. In fact, Hezbollah in Lebanon has formed a complete culture of resistance, supported by competent propaganda efforts: periodic celebrations in memory of the "fallen martyrs", publishing work, aimed at a better understanding of history, folk art contests, social program, etc. It resonates not only in the Shia community, but also attracts other communities of the country.

   The intervention in the armed conflict in Syria, on the one hand, distract "Hezbollah" from its main purpose - the protection of southern Lebanon, and the other side serves this purpose, as a possible regime change in Syria would weaken the party. Syria provides the main transit route for arms from Iran, "Hezbollah".



   However, this is not the main reason for the decision of "Hezbollah" to take part in the Syrian war. With the deepening of the conflict and the emergence of a growing number of foreign jihadists in Syria, it became apparent that the country was transformed into an arena for regional confrontation. Groups of Islamic radicals, and foregin-controlled FSA/"Moderate" opposition, have threatened the established order of things. Moreover, for "Hezbollah" is vital to prevent their penetration into Lebanese territory. Nasrallah, in one of his speeches, said: "Some insist that Lebanon's problem is that "Hezbollah" went to Syria. I would argue that the problem of Lebanon is that [we] were late.

<...> If takfiri-terrorists prevail in Syria, we will all be destroyed".

   It should be emphasized that "Takfiri" that Nasrallah and other Hezbollah-connected medias mentions, wrongly interpreted by many observers and journalists as the Sunni Islamism. "Hezbollah" maintains relationships with a number of Sunni Islamist groups. Summarizing the Syrian radical groups by "takfiri" term (no "murtads", comrades!), "Hezbollah" thus draws attention to the threat posed by these groups to religious minorities (including Shiites). Support for Syria by "Hezbollah" can not be considered only in the interfaith dimension. Mukowama actions and Hezbollah involvement in any way is not a support of the Alawite community, as many brain-dead journalists and sell-out medias tries to show it.  

   The factor of the need to protect Shiite shrines are used to mobilize the Lebanese community (and by some degree Iraqi shias as well), but, in general the party avoids movement to inter-confessional conflict, especially in Lebanon. The main motive of "Hezbollah" is not religious, but political. It is vitally important priority remains the preservation of the "axis of resistance" and the current balance of forces in the region. Therefore, the party comes to the Syrian events otherwise than to the "Arab Spring" as a whole: not as a confrontation between the people and the yet another tyrant regime, but as the United States  Israel and their allies attempts to change the regime in Syria. Following the logic of "Hezbollah", problems could be solved with the help of internal reforms Syria problem, while the intervention of Western countries, pressing their interests, must be prevented. In this context, "Hezbollah" has repeatedly stressed the readiness of Assad to reform and dialogue with the opposition.

   For a long period of "Hezbollah" refused to acknowledge their involvement in the conflict while expressing support for the Assad and Syrian government  with words only (or nearly words only). 

   In 2011, Nasrallah defined the party's position in relation to the events in Syria as:

  • priority is stability and security;
  • call for the Syrian people to choose the path of dialogue, rather than confrontation with the government, and to allow him to carry out the necessary reforms;
  • non-interference in the Lebanese internal affairs of Syria;
  • denial of sanctions promoted by the West and imposed on Lebanon.
   Leaders of "Hezbollah" has repeatedly stressed their belief that the conflict will became long war, and hoped to avoid direct participation.
 INTERVENTION IN CONFLICT will be covered in 5th posts in this thread.



   2. "Military Wing" of Hezbollah [WIP]



   There is no military unit in Hezbollah political party structure per say, the armed organisation that is usually refered as Hezbollah is a separate structure called Lebanese/Islamic Resistance or Al-Mouqowama/Al-Mukowama/Al-Muqawama, created because of southern Lebanon occupation by Israel. Al-Mukowama continue to grow and improve and currently it is one of most combat effective forces (relative to their size) in ME.

   Al-Mukowama is basically smaller and poorer version of IDF and In fact in 2000s most of Al-Mukowama equipment was Israeli-made. Recruitment is conscript-based, with big number of active reservists (periodically going to training facilities). Officers are usually somebody with plenty of combat experience, some of which gone trough training in Iran (including specialists like ATGM gunners and etc.).

   From 2006 Al-Muqawama was working on their Armor branch of forces, which they revealed during later stage of Syrian war. Resistance also have pretty seroius insititute of military advisors, number of which were working in Iraq with shia paramilitaries, were spotted multiple times in different parts of Syria and rumors say that they are involved in Yemen conflict, although i have no photo or video evidence to confirm such claims.

   Overall numbers are unknown, but counting reservists it may reach 40k. Primarly Al-Muqawama forces are light infantry, which is well equipped by ME arab countries standarts. Each member usually have 2 sets of equipment with wood/forest/green and desert camos (usually locally produced), protection (bodyarmor and helmets), ammocarriers (plenty of old Israel gear copies) and so on. Squads have internal organisation similar to army units - grenadiers/infantrymens/sharpshooter with DMR/MG gunner, medic and so on. Tankers, Marksmans, RPG gunners - all have basic infantry training as well, they can be seen carrying some version of AK as secondary weapon. Resistance also have dedicated AT units, reconnaissance, AA, artillery. As i already said - this is pocket version of actual army without Navy and air forces.

   Currently Al-Muqawama have bases not only in Lebanon, but in Syria as well (Qusayr/Al-Quseir for example).



   3. Why it is allowed to exist in parallel to LAF [WIP]

   The simple question why inside of one country effectively 2 armies are allowed to exist can be answered in this 2 ways - Lebanon is not 1 country, it is more of a collection of communities that share borders, so it can have more than 1 armed groups that exist officially (How about Lebanese communists armed wing? Yes, they do exist)... or those 2 armies are doing what other army can't and second answer is something that i feel is closer to reality. 

   Because of sophisticated interal policy of Lebanon state, LAF to start to act needs approval from several interested groups (which plenty of times have conficting views), which lead to LAF being slow to respond or even incapable to do something that situation may require. And this is where Resistance comes into play - it can be used to do the job that official army should have been doing, but can't because it may start serious tensions in Lebanon. Primary example - Syria, through Syria-Lebanon border plenty of terrorists groups are trying to get into country and LAF is doing almost nothing to prevent it, which led to Al-Muqawama cleaning border and fight in areas in Syria, close to Lebanon (Arsal, Beeka, 1st and 2nd Qalamoun, battle for Zabadani being best examples).

   It appears that Lebanon intelligence service - the G2 - is closelly connected to Al-Muqowama. Abbas Ibragim, the head of G2, was once reported by Al-Manar as coordinator of Army and Al-Muqowama actions in recent years. On 12 December of 2015 his nephew (Mohammed Hussein Ibrahim) was KIA in Syria in SW part of Aleppo province, which also shows some connections between him and Al-Mukowama. Another interesting example of possible connection between LAF and Resistance is Saudi Arabia canceling military aid for LAF about a year ago, which Saudi officials explained as punishment of LAF for support of Al-Mukowama.







Lebanese President Michel Aoun with Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad surrounded by Al-Muqowama fighters at a Hezbollah site in South Lebanon.



   4. Iran - Al-Muqawama connection [WIP]

   As i already noted, some Resistance personal gone trough training in Iran, for example - several Kornet ATGM teams before 2006 Lebanon war. It appears that in recent years Resistance advisors work with some of shia units that also have Iranian support, primarly in Iraq. There is not much information on this, but small pieces are getting to public. There was an event several years back when Iranian general was KIA during Israely strikes on Al-Mukowama base at Lebanon-Israel border. Another point - recently shown Al-Muqawama AT teams vehicles are armed with double Kornet launchers, which were spotted in Iran, AFAIK.

   Most blatant example of Iran-Hezbollah connections is this recently appeared photo of now dead Al-Muqawama officer Syed Aqeel Fahas with IRGC General Qasem Soleimani.




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1. Reserved for infantry












Al-Muqowama marksman in areas near Palmyra




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2. Armor of Al-Mukowama (Fawj Al Mudara'at), reserved.



























#Hezbollah fighter with iranian #ATGM Toophan



More pictures from #Hezbollah Armoured division Military parade in Qusayr the first town liberated entering #Syria









What could be most likely location of Hezbollah armour base near Qusayr, #Syria / Need newer imagery for confirmation..




#Hezbollah started a division called Fawj Al Mudara'at (Armored division) after 2006, after 10 years they showcased in #Syria


Sheikh Ali Slim in the military parade for #Hezb near #Qusayr


Western Qalamoun, SANA report, probably Al-Mukowama SPG, 57mm S-60





- Al-Muqawama artillery pics added (including from parade)

- quadbike with ATGM from parade added

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Current conflicts where Al-Mukowama is involved (Syria). [WIP]






   The first information about the presence of "Hezbollah" in Syria appeared in the media in the second half of 2011. These data were published in the opposition to Assad resources and were based on the different reports nad, for example, an interview with an anonymous source or questionable videos from YouTube. The party has consistently denied such allegations.
   However, there is an assumption that "Hezbollah" / Al-Muqowama launched military operation at the turn of summer and autumn of 2012.
In October 2012, funeral of Al-Muqowama commander Ali Hussein Nassif took place, who according to official version died doing his "duty of jihad." Such a formulation is typically used in cases where there is a need to inform public that a fighter did not die in an open armed confrontation with Israeli soldiers but, for example, if during the exercise there was an accident. At this time Nasralla said that some Lebanese Shiites living in Syria, were injured in the clashes, defending himself from the opposition attacks. 
   On March 2013 the chief editor of the newspaper, loyal to Resistance ("Al-Akhbar") published an article, according to which the role of "Hezbollah" in Syria is to support Lebanese in border villages; Protection of Saida Zeinab mosque in Damascus; contacts with representatives of the Druze, Christian, Shia and Ismaili minorities which felt that they were at risk; protection of joint military facilities and support Syrian refugees. In his speech, March 29, 2014, Nasrallah admitted that 18 months ago (in autumn 2012), dozens of members of the "Hezbollah" participated in the defense of the mosque of Saida Zeinab, which confirms the information "Al-Akhbar".
   And again, on March 2013 Deputy Secretary of "Hezbollah" Naim Kassem in an interview confirmed that the party supports the residents of the area near the city of Hermel, by training and providing weapons to enable them to defend their villages and towns. He said that "Hezbollah", "does not consider it interference in Syria's affairs, but on the contrary, there is no blame Lebanon
action to protect its citizens. "
   In April, Sheikh Nabil Kauk said that "Hezbollah" actions is its moral duty of party. Obviously, then, Al-Mukowama is really conducted limited operations in Syria, but at the end of April 2013 circumstances have forced the party leadership to open more large-scale participation. The worsening situation explains the diplomatic activities of the Secretary General of "Hezbollah," Nasrallah: In April, he made a visit to Iran, later he met with Deputy Foreign Minister M.Bogdanovym.
   A few days later in a TV-broadcasted speech, he said that "Hezbollah" "will not leave the Lebanese" and will not allow "Syria fall into the hands of America, Israel or groups takfirists".
In Quseir, 2013.
   The most showy example of the participation of Lebanese Resistance on the side of the Syrian army began in the battle for the city of El Quseir in the summer of 2013, close to the border with the Bekaa Valley and the road to Damascus - Homs. The city was used as a transit point for the smuggling of weapons and transfer of militants. Detachments of Al-Mukowama conducted a full-scale ground operation in its sweep, and in early June the city was handed over to Syrian gov.
Al-Mukowama officers planning operation in Qalamoun region, footage by Hezbollah-affileted MilitaryMediaSy
Al-Mukowama members in Qalamoun region.
   Important to "Hezbollah" was the gaining control in the area of Qalamoun (a mountainous region on the border between Syria and Lebanon, is located on the border of Damascus province and the Bekaa Valley) where many opposition groups moved after the fall of El Quseir. The operation in the area (1st out of 2) began in November 2013, with the Syrian Arab Army gradually, moving from north to the south, entered the town of Kara and Nabq. February - March 2014 - the battle for Yabroud. Yabroud City has become a major training center for operations against "Hezbollah" and Al-Muqowama. The party has repeatedly stated that the attacks were planned in Yabroud and performers got in to Lebanon through Sunni city of Arsal in the northern part of the Bekaa Valley. 
Al-Mukowama members in Qalamoun mountains, screengrab from video by Hezbollah-affileted MilitaryMediaSy
Probably Al-Mukowama T-55 of the Fawj Al Mudara'at in 1st Qalamoun operation
   Next target of Al-Mukowama operation in the Lebanon-Syrian border areas was Zabadani city.
Lebanese Resistance advance in Zabadani city







Closer to the end of video


periodically in the video members of Muqowama



SAA/NDF mixed with Hezbs


again, mix, but mostly hezbs



mix, mostly SAA/NDF






mix, mostly Hezbs, second part of the video is already here 


Zabadani, pics, WIP


Nabua District



Nabua District, helmet cam 




Nabua District, helmet cam 2



with helmet camera, same place



Nabua District




2016 results for Al-Muqawama (stolen from Hort, otvaga forum)

1) The past year was characterized by the complete absence of the independent operations by Al-Muqowama. After the 2nd Qalamoun operation fightings in West Qalamoun were sporadic and were expressed in the attacks, ambushes and shootings of small groups of insurgents (ISIS and Nusra mainly) and their allies. The main role is played by the Lebanese militia in Bekaa. The enemy performing a passive role, and therefore for the whole year Islamic Resistance did not had any combat casualties on this front (there was 1 dead in road accidents during rotation of the contingent of Aleppo).


2) In Zabadani, during ceasefire militants attempted to break out of the encirclement several times and periodically organized attacks (including sniper ambushes). On this front, the Lebanese Resstance were involved in the assault Hurayrah, Wadi Barada, in July.


3) In the Eastern Guta, during the May operation of curring the southern section of the enclave, was attended by Syrian Shiite groups with minimal presence of the Lebanese Al-Mukowama members.


4) To take part in the offensive in the north of Aleppo part of the forces were gived to SAA, mainly those units that were involved in the attack in the south of Aleppo at the end of 2015 (infantry battalion with asmall amount of reactive artillery). After Nubbol-Zahra operation and start of "ceasefires" Lebanese Islamic Resistance began moving forces out of the province.


5) Because of the attacks of ISIS militants in the area of Atria - Hanasser - Aleppo highway, Mukowama forces that were pulled out of Aleppo had to participate in the counteroffensive.


6) remaining in the south of Aleppo Lebanese contingent (about a infantry company) in March took part in the counterattack at Al-Eis.


7) The East Homs small detachments of the Resistance took part in the battles for the heights/hills of the approaches to Qaratyan (south of Palmyra) and Lebanese instructors and officers commanded Syrian forces during the assault of the town in April.


8) In the same April, stationed in Al-Hader a company repelled the offensive fighters in the south of Aleppo, and after Al-Eis was lost, a squad from that company was used as reinforcement for for the Syrian militia, that were involved in the Iranian commanded failed attack on the Al-Eis. After that Lebanese troops had been withdrawn, and the next month Mukowama did not participate in the failed Iranians attempt to re-capture Al-Eis village in the south of Aleppo.


9) In early June, at the request of the allies was once again Mukowama sended a small contingent (up to infantry company with 60-mm mortar shells and ATGMs) to the south of Aleppo. In connection with the front breakthrough in the area Zeytan - Halash, a company without proper reconnaissance and reinforcements the evening of June 14 was thrown into a counterattack to re-take Halas. During the three days of heavy fighting with the superior numbered forces of the enemy, it was almost completely knocked out (27 dead and 50 wounded). Half of the victims came from a tragic episode of the convoy ambush due to command error. After that, the remnants of the detachment were moved in Lebanon and were not transferred to Iranian command since.


10) During the assault of militants in the south-west of Aleppo (in August) to break through SAA lines to Eastern part of Aleppo, a Lebanese contingent (up to infantry company) was used in fights in those areas. It was involved in the defense of Artillery Academy and complex of military schools, and then led the battle for the hills to the south. In addition to infantry in these battles several T-55s were transfered to the Lebanese crews (probably from Fawj Al Mudara'at). In October, the Islamic Resistance have been fighting for 1070 housing complex and the hills to the south (the so-called Air Defense Battalion Base and Tellet al-Suriyatel hill).



Mukowama soldiers during assault of Air Defence Battalion base near 1070/SW Aleppo province. At least 5 Al-Mukowama members in the video, others are NDF unit members.


11) During the 2nd attack militants in the west of Aleppo, the Al-Mukowama covered hills to the south of 1070, later it was transferred under the Minyan and areas around1070-3000. On last stages of operation it took part in the counteroffensive, and then until the end of the year covered area of 1070 - Al-Hikma school. Al-Mukowama did not take part of Eastern Aleppo operation.



Some of Al-Mukowama members on hills near Air Defence battalion


Regional effects of "Hezbollah" (Al-Muqowama) involvement into war in Syria [WIP]


   In April 2013, "Hezbollah" for the first time was included in the list of terrorist organizations by one of the Arab countries (Bahrain) which made the decision based on "intelligence about upcoming operations" on its territory. And in June, Gulf Cooperation Council, imposed sanctions on the residents of the Gulf that had any contact with "Hezbollah".
   These steps were aimed at countering any assistance to the government in Syria, and from geopolitical perspective - to prevent the spread of Iranian influence, (Saudi Arabia and Iran are in ME version of Cold war, if somebody don't know). 
2 Al-Muqowama members in Zabadani, Syria.


   Participation in the Syrian conflict has also led to a deterioration of "Hezbollah" relations with Hamas, which has been close cooperation in the field of infrastructure, the supply of arms and intelligence.  And in the course of the Israeli operation "Indestructible rock" in Gaza Strip, "Hezbollah" as well as Iran, declared solidarity with the Palestinians and support of Hamas. Bashar Assad, on the contrary, could not forgive the Hamas support for the Syrian "opposition".


   The presence of Al-Muqawama in Syria leads to a change in the situation on the border with Israel. For Islamic Resistance the war in Syria is an opportunity, firstly, improving methods of conducting military operations, and secondly, to develop new tactics of warfare, such as in the city. Lebanese Resistance never practiced serious urban fighting, but was preparing for them according to footage of Al-Muqawama operations in cities and different towns in Syria.



Al-Muqawama sharpshooter during assault operation in South-Western part of Aleppo province, near Al-Hader, 2015.


   Now the party has de-facto the freedom of movement and access the Syrian arms in the case of a new conflict, which became obvious after Hezbollah shown their Armored forces. In case of conflict with Israel the frontline extends from just Southern Lebanon to Southern Syria. Israel conducted number of strikes to prevent growing capabilities of Hezbollah, in some Israel newspaper the growing presence of Al-Mukowama in Syria reached hysterical levels when one of them claimed that Hezbollah received Yakhont AShM from Russia or Buk AA systems. 



Fawj Al Mudara'at (Al-Mukowama armored forces) - photo was taken in Quseir, Syria.


   During the Israeli operation "Indestructible rock" in Gaza, "Hezbollah" the Lebanese government, did everything that was in their

can to prevent attacks of certain pro-Palestinian groups and individuals in the Northen Israel and prevent the recurrence of the situation in 2006. Apparently, the movement is aware of the impossibility of fighting on two fronts in a low level of security in Lebanon and the lack of social cohesion.
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  • 3 weeks later...

#Hezbollah Martyr Syed Aqeel Fahas with #IRGC General Qasem Soleimani



well, that is more info for Hezbollah-Iran connection part of thread.



#Hezbollah Martyr Syed Aqeel Fahas from the Southern town of Jibsheet, #Nabatieh #Lebanon


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  • 3 weeks later...

Some combat footage that i found. I may not put it in 5th post, as it will become too big.


Hezbollah Operations in Qalamoun, this time Hezbollah is fighting for Qubaa and Al-Naffar hills located north-east of Nahle village in Lebanon.



Hezbollah ambushes Jabhat al-Nusra positions near Arsal and Nahle in Lebanon with the help of a drone, destroying their target with pinpoint accurary.



Hezbollah fighting Jabhat al-Nusra for Tel Thalaja near Ras al Maarra, Syria



Hezbollah fighting Jabhat al-Nusra in the Hills of Falita area in Qalamoun.



Hezbollah takes control of the Chehade crossing near near Jerajeer, Syria.


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