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    Lord_James reacted to Jeeps_Guns_Tanks in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    Yes, because the Trump admin, who has a record-breaking economy going, with record-breaking low unemployment, and a higher GDP than Obama ever achieved, and who has our NATO allies finally taking defense seriously and starting to pay their fair share, and who has gotten the remains of lost soldiers from North Korea, and who got a tax cut through that helped me and everyone I know, and appointed a great judge,  is much more concerning than one party going insane, and throwing away its long-held values to try and resist Trump, while ignoring all the good he has done. 
  3. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Donward in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    Harvard gets about a half billion dollars in federal funding despite being a private university.
    This story was also linked by HuffPo.
  4. Funny
  5. Funny
    Lord_James reacted to Donward in Collimatrix's Terrible Music Thread   
    @Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect quits his day job to become a roadie for a Scandinavian antler band.
  6. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect in Terror Attacks and Active Shooter Events Thread   
    Damn NRA, they keep training children to commit mass shootings!!
    ... Wait, why is this redneck NRA cousin-fucking sister-kissing backwoods shitstain wearing a turban...
    This is why bad things continue to happen
    I saw this Tweet from the AP.
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    Holy shit!  Not good.
    So I do a quick Google search to get some info.
    From HuffPo: Man In New Mexico Compound Trained Kids To Commit School Shootings: Court Documents
    From CBS News: Man at filthy New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings, prosecutors say
    From NBC News: Man arrested at New Mexico compound was allegedly training kids to commit school shootings
    Comments from Twitter:
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    Yep, they are blaming the NRA.  There are a lot more like this.
    Finally, we get over to Fox News, which I know is “Faux News” that only tells lies and is just a propaganda arm for Trump.  This is their headline:
    Man arrested at ‘extremist Muslim’ New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings: documents
    So it’s not funded by the NRA.  It’s a Madrassa.
    The father of a missing 3-year-old who was arrested at a New Mexico compound linked to “extremist Muslims” last week was training children to commit school shootings, court documents filed on Wednesday revealed.
    Prosecutors allege Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was conducting weapons training on the compound, where 11 children were found hungry and living in squalor. They asked Wahhaj be held without bail.
    Wahhaj is no stranger to terrorism.
    Wahhaj’s family background was already controversial prior to his arrest. Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam, also named Siraj Wahhaj, who was named by prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the New York Post reported.
    The elder Wahhaj, who heads Masjid At-Taqwa mosque, was a character witness in the trial for Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the notorious “blind sheikh” who was convicted in 1995 of plotting terror attacks in the U.S.
    That’s not all.  Enter our favorite intersectional feminist.
    So Linda Sarsour is proudly tied to a man running an Islamic terror training camp in New Mexico, but the Left all dump on the NRA.
    This is why we can’t get along with the other side.
  7. Funny
  8. Funny
    Lord_James reacted to Renegade334 in United States Military Vehicle General: Guns, G*vins, and Gas Turbines   
    Late stage meiosis, mayhap? (can't be mitosis - I refuse to believe the guy has the right number of chromosomes)
  9. Tank You
  10. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Sturgeon in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    OK, fair enough, I think I interpreted what you said as being more aggressive than it was intended to be. I think I probably also expected something more aggressive, just because I was on my toes already a bit.

    I don't have a problem with more women in politics. A 50/50 split wouldn't bother me at all. Hell, a 70/30 (F/M) split wouldn't really bother me. At the same time, I find the idea that politics would improve if more women were in it to be totally hilarious. I grew up around women predominantly, and man. Women are just as nuts as men.
  11. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Scolopax in Syrian conflict.   
    The carriage and gun shield make it out to be an S-60, but the gun barrel looks a bit odd in this photo.
  12. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Militarysta in Contemporary Western Tank Rumble!   
    BTW - Im not sure DM-13. In green book (Bauman 2006 Moscow) is 220mm/60@ but IMHO it could be overestimated. From the other side - some other polish Autors found  in british archves that "unkown" german 120mm KE was able to penetrate 450mm steel from 1km in late 70's... so maybe..
  13. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Militarysta in Contemporary Western Tank Rumble!   
    My resume that what we known (or not) on one picture:

  14. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Ramlaen in The Space Exploration Achievements Thread   
    A planet over 12 times bigger than Jupiter has been found drifting alone through space around 20 light years away from Earth.
  15. Tank You
  16. Metal
    Lord_James reacted to Belesarius in The Space Exploration Achievements Thread   
    Copypasta from FB, but relevent.
    I'll say this. Today was a day I was very glad to be able to share with my child. To be with her and experience the test launch of a vehicle that paves our way as a species to go beyond our planet and to see her excitement and to be able to answer her questions as to why this was important.... Freaking magical. We stopped on the sidewalk to watch the launch on my phone.  -15 C windchill, and all.  She looked at me as I cheered and told me to keep it down because we were on a public street, but she was still super enthused.  I don't think I've had a moment as a parent that was more important.  And to see the Podling take that, and grasp for MORE knowledge, asking questions that I didn't immediately have the answer to?  FUCK YES.
  17. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Ramlaen in Arianespace CEO Yells at Cloud   
    The sooner SpaceX and company kills off the dinosaurs in their welfare rut the better.
  18. Funny
    Lord_James reacted to Xlucine in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    WTF is going on with the eyebrows on the lady behind him
  19. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to LoooSeR in GLORIOUS T-14 ARMATA PICTURES.   
    Basically what this whole thing means is that Emperor Palputin will conquer Galaxy with Space Marines and T-72s. T-72B3s to be precise.
    I posted this on other Capitalist internet site 3 months ago
    And apperently this is very likely to be now true after Borisov's stupid speech. UBKh is T-72B3 mod 2016/"M".
       So let's look at this situation - we have no new produced tanks delivered to RA since 2010-2011 (T-90A production was stopped for T-72B[udget Cuts]3) and there will be no newly produced tanks in any meaningful numbers for 5-10+ more years. Which leave our non-courtiers soldiers with existing fleet of Soviet tanks, which are at least 30+ old. Add here a fact that Soviets human-hating godless commies did worked on new generation of MBTs in late 1980s to seriusly/radically change tank designs, you can see that those tanks were becoming outdated in even 1980s. Similar situation is with IFVs and APCs, with BMP-3 being produced in too small numbers and majority of our fleet is BMP-2s and BTR-80As.
       On top of that political and military situation, and recent history shows that our forces are going to be involved in number of local conflicts (Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine, Syria, etc) where our nuclear-powered "Putin Fury" cruise missiles and nuclear powered ekranoplans with nuclear powered teapots will make 0 difference. Majority of our potential enemies/opponents have Soviet weaponry, from RPGs down to S-300s, Smerch/Uragan MRLS and so on. Not only potential, but enemies that we already fought have them and actively use them.
       In Soviet times, during A-stan war BMPs for example already received armor upgrades (BMP-2D), even against not that well equipped dushmans and mujaheeds. Object 477 had serious side armor package and separated crew compartment, Object 299 had crew protection capsule and so on. Basically, armor and survivability of older vehicles in changing type of conflicts that Soviet army found itself, were already found to be "lacking".
       Our MoD decision to this problem of aging and outdated park of tanks, IFVs and APCs of army that is going (and already does) fight with relatively not badly armed forces is this:
    take T-72B, glue French thermal imager and FCS from 2000s, repair all parts that responsible for moving tank from point A to point B and call it "B3", done take BMP-2, add new radio, done take BMP-1, put BTR-80A turret with 30 mm "i can't hit anything" autocannon, done Take BTR-80 and put a turret with 30 mm "i can't hit anything" autocannon, done Create a TV channel (let's call it "Zvezda") and use all central TV channels, internet sites and so on to tell general public that our tanks are most tankiest ever made, APCs are unpenetretable and T-72 can beat Abrams and Leopards 2 left and right with just fumes from diesel engines and driver swearing something in Russian from his open hatch.    Somebody think that this will be enough, but there are a lot of problems here that were not solved. We are stuck with 30+, 40+ and in case of Basurmanin program - a fucking 50+ old vehicles. Simply speaking our soldiers are going to next conflict on top of IFVs that were taken out from Army during Soviet times because they were deemed outdated! 
       Why this situation is so stupid? 
       During 2000s we already had plenty to work with. BTR-90 for APCs could be at least something (chassis could support more weight, better armor, more place for turret and weapons, etc), tanks could be upgraded under Burlak program, or Black Eagle could have been developed futher. A lot of resources were put into BTR-90s, Burlak programm with real vehicles made for them. And nothing came from them because funding was stopped on premise of creation of better vehicles in the future. BMP-3 armor upgrades, APS, Relikt, T-72B2 Rogatka, Object 187, etc, a lot of stuff that was mass production ready or nearly ready was not put on conveyor at least in small numbers for active units participating in wars. A lot of wasted time and money. At least with those vehicles we could had something for Army created and produced in this century that at least partially solves problems that Soviet human-hating commies wanted to solve.
       How many years ago was Object 195 tested? Why they couldn't put those in limited service/test phase? Again, claims of better tank in the future, while army is still sitting on T-72Bs with K-5 and shells under crew bare asses.
       Years and years of development for some perfect weapon system that lead to nothing in the end while this whole time T-72Bs did not even got Relikt ERA as a cheap-ass upgrade. And only in 2016 an upgrade from 2000s was put into limited use on uparmored T-72B3s. But problems are not stopped here.
       After collapse of Soviet union we got a pretty good opportunity to solve another problem from late Soviet times - a whole 3 "Main" battle tanks in service that had almost no shared parts but very similar perfomance. Kharkovite traitors now were outsiders, T-80 developers and producers went into bankrupt trash bin and only UVZ left. We could finaly get a standart MBT, without zoological garden of different designs, parts, training, etc. But apperently this is not a case. We now have zoological garden of T-72s, with T-80UE/UA/BVM on top of that and T-90/A/M getting into mix. Same with IFVs - BMP-3 now have to share their role with BMP-2/M and BMP-1 Basurmanin. Well, at least BTR-80A is not in danger in any way as BTR-90 is a dead project. Add here all those MRAPS (Ural-VV, Typhoon-U, Typhoon-K, and so on) for special type of "fuck you, standardization".
       So good luck to our soldiers with T-72, in 2020, 2030 and maybe 2040 and thanks to Soviet un-orthodox evil empire for providing our MoD with at least something to fight and die in, because with this level of excellent planning and holistic vision of Armed forces our MoD would had to use Toyotas to close gaps and cover a hole in their pants and underpants. But i fear that someday T-72s will no longer be avaliable for B3 "modernization" and Soviet stocks would be 100% used... maybe T-34 needs some sort of modernization? Like T-34B3? It probably will be better than all Western tanks and can beat M1A3 Abrams and Leopards 3s left and right with just fumes from diesel engines and driver swearing something in Russian from his open hatch.  
  20. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Mohamed A in LIQUID WATER ON MARS YES SIR   
    Wouldn't it be very salty due to the condition on Mars? And empty from nutrients. 

  21. Funny
  22. Tank You
    Lord_James reacted to Collimatrix in The Space Exploration Achievements Thread   
    Los Alamos supercomputer simulation of an asteroid hitting the ocean:

    H/T up-ship
  23. Funny
  24. Funny
    Lord_James reacted to LoooSeR in Syrian conflict.   
    Damascus drift
  25. Metal
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