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The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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Slightly different topic. Watching the cable news channels atm. Interesting seeing all of the French police with Ruger Mini-14s. I know the subject has been brought up here before. It's also odd how they carry them with the buttstock up/against their right shoulder.

(I'd link but my regular Internet has just crapped out due to I suspect raising floodwaters).

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Slightly different topic. Watching the cable news channels atm. Interesting seeing all of the French police with Ruger Mini-14s. I know the subject has been brought up here before. It's also odd how they carry them with the buttstock up/against their right shoulder.

(I'd link but my regular Internet has just crapped out due to I suspect raising floodwaters).

We were talking about that on TS the other day.  I think the Mini-14 was picked due to looking less threatening, and more like a civilian firearm while still having a giggle switch.

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That's a very cool story. I have such incredibly mixed feelings about German WWII veterans. On the one hand, I sympathize deeply with someone fighting for their country even if they don't agree with the leadership, on the other hand they signed up for an organization that in my opinion was basically a bag of rotten apples. Might have a few good ones here and there, but judging by things like Soldaten the organization of the Wehrmacht on the whole encouraged abuse and crime on a level alien to Americans. It's frustrating, too, to watch interviews of old German veterans from the war as they seem to cling to old myths like the clean Wehrmacht and the Soviets being worse. It might be hard to face having participated in an evil endeavor, I understand, but I would be more forgiving of honesty and regret than denial and defiance.

That's just my perspective, though, and what do I know?

You should read "Forgotten Soldier" by Guy Sajer, "At Leningrad's Gates" by William Lubbeck and of course Tigers in the Mud by Otto Carius. Reading those changed a few of my impressions of the Wehrmacht.

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We were talking about that on TS the other day.  I think the Mini-14 was picked due to looking less threatening, and more like a civilian firearm while still having a giggle switch.


I was the one discussing it, and yeah, It was.


They manufacture them under license though with a few modifications oddly, so they're technically not Ruger branded AC-556s and have quite a few different markings.



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I was the one discussing it, and yeah, It was.


They manufacture them under license though with a few modifications oddly, so they're technically not Ruger branded AC-556s and have quite a few different markings.



I'm torn. I rather like French arms, but I've owned three Mini 14's and they were all pretty bad.

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So I went to a gun auction today with my little bro. It was the creditors sale of Kesselring's Gun Shop, which at one time was one of the finest gun shops on the West Coast and a local institution. That was until the Old Man who started up the place after World War 2 died and the three brothers who took over started selling guns out the back door/misplacing hundreds of firearms sales to the point that the Feds stepped in and shut the place down, but not before one of the brothers blew his brains out. I think I mentioned that before.


At any rate, there was a ton of shit that went on sale.




In terms of firearms accessories, optics and whatnot, much of the items were going at bargain basement prices of half off or more, $4,000 scopes selling for $1,500, laser sights going for half off, etc.


But guns always attract attention. And here's where the idiocy began with an Army Colt 1911 going for $3,500 in gently beaten-to-hell condition, crap tons of Winchester Model 70s going for between $1,500 and $6,500 and - the topping on the cake - a Taurus PT840 going for $600. Plus tax. Plus a 10 percent buyer's premium. Plus a $40 FFL transfer fee. Fuckers were paying at and above retail for most of the items. Although if you had an extra $5,000 to $15,000 lying around, you could have gotten some good deals on Kreighoff shotguns...


Auction Noobs. Wasting everyone's time for decades.


Fortunately I went to my favorite gun shop after the auction and picked up a couple of goodies. Show and tell in a couple days. 

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It has that "I carry a big black phallic object with big black balls hanging from it" sort of je ne sais quoi that all suburban white guys can relate to.








*Donward #HashtagStandsWithParisByUsingAFrenchPhraseInASentanceAboutGenitalia*


Edit: Sadly there were no Tactical Testicals on sale at the Kesselring's bankruptcy auction. I rechecked the auction catalog...

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  Second, both personal batteries’ and day/night weapons sights’ weights on the 5.56mm FAMAS Felin assault rifle (or on the light machine gun FN Minimi) are clearly identified disadvantages (among 29 pounds of equipment by soldier, on average). French soldiers offset this shortcoming by a more intelligent use and some day-to-day TTP modifications.


  Therefore, the infrared weapon sight was used during static guard or observation phase by support elements (after being carried in a backpack during infiltration phase). Hits up to 500 meters and precise observation by night (up to 900 meters by day) have proved achievable with this new sight: accurate hits had been previously restricted to an average of 400 meters. An EOTECH sight, lighter than the other one, could be used with the FAMAS or the Minimi if necessary.  



Also, sight can be used ike this:



Speaking about big French optics.


Looks like sight to aim and shoot targets at other planets.

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