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   SANA: The army establishes control over more strategic areas in Lattakia northern countryside


   Army units, in cooperation with the popular defense groups, established control over the hills overlooking al-Sarraf village in the northern countryside of Lattakia, a military source announced on Saturday.

   The Points 489, 465 and 547 that overlook al-Durreh axis and al-Sarraf crossing also came under the army’s control.
   The source told SANA that the army units later combed the areas and dismantled explosive devices planted by the terrorist organizations.
   Many of the terrorists were killed during the army operations, which the source said were “intensive”, while others ran away.
   Later on the day,  an army unit and the popular defense groups established control over the villages of
al-Mreij, al-Kart al-Fouqani and al-Kart al-Tahtani and a number of strategic hills in the same countryside.
   An army unit in cooperation with popular defense groups establishes full control over al-Koum al-Tahtani and al-Koum al-Fouqani villages in addition to other strategic points in the northern countryside of Lattakia.
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Syrian Army capitalizes on the collapsing rebel defenses in northern Latakia



   The battle for northern Latakia has turned into a marathon retreat for the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA), as they continue to concede large parts of the province to the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard and their allies.

   On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade), the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), and Muqawama Souri (Syrian Resistance) – imposed full control over 5 villages and 1 broadcast tower in northern Latakia after a violent battle with Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army’s “1st Coastal Brigade”.
   According to a military source in the Latakia Governorate, the Syrian Armed Forces captured the villages of Fawqani, Jabal Al-Tarou, Al-‘Arid Al-Hamra, Kurt Al-Tahtani, and Katf Al-Khani; this was followed by the capture of Burj Beit Ablaq (broadcast tower) near the imperative town of Kinsibbia in Jabal Al-Akrad (Kurdish Mountains).
   With these recent gains made in the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade and their allies are now in position to strike the town of Kinsibba, which sits on the third highest point in the Kurdish Mountains.


   Today map:



   Map from otvaga Syrian thread:


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In Deir EzZor, ISIS conducted serious offencive from almost all possible directions on surrounded SAA troops. Results:


280 civilians massacred by ISIS in Deir Ez-Zor amid offensive



   Horrific reports emerged that militants loyal to the Islamic State (ISIS) have executed hundreds of civilians in Deir Ez-Zor amidst a huge offensive to capture Al-Bughayliyah and Ayyash. Although the overall death toll is unknown for now, some 280 civilians, many whom were women and children, are believed to have been executed at point blank range allegedly due to their allegiance with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Among those reported dead, only 5 were captured SAA soldiers. 

   Earlier today, some 28 government troops were also killed in clashes with ISIS at the Deir Ez-Zor districts of Ayyash, Haweeqa, and Al-Bughayliyah. Todays ISIS offensive was well-planned as tens of ISIS suicide bombers rushed across the Euphrates river by boat as to overwhelm local Syrian Army defenders. Meanwhile, other fighters attacked Ayyash from the northern flank.
   Upon entering the suburbs, ISIS militants summarily executed all people they could get their hands on before fleeing the area entirely. Sadly, children as young as 8 months old were executed during these horrible events. Many SAA soldiers have relatives in this area and Al-Bughayliyah has long been a Syrian Army stronghold; these facts hint to the reasons behind the attack.
   The city of Deir Ez-Zor has been entirely besieged by the Islamic State since late 2014. Nevertheless, government troops of the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard still maintain control of about 50% of the city. If ISIS was to capture the city of Deir Ez-Zor, this would free up much needed troops for the Aleppo front which has largely collapsed near al-Bab and Manbij.



ISIS offensive has been officially repelled in Deir Ezzor


Top ISIS commander in Deir Ezzor killed by the Syrian Army


Yellow shows places of ISIS attempted assualt:





   Aid airdropped to Deir EzZor, probably with help or by VKS group in Syria (video is uploaded to Russian MoD Youtube channel).





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Reports of #SDF elements advancing east of Malikyah towards Azaz highway #Aleppo



Latest situation map in #Latakia 17/01/2016 based on info #SAA  gain in #Rabia area









   They are going to Rabiya/Rabi'ah, last stronghold of moderates in northen Latakia. If it is gone, FSA and Nusra will have no place to hold with any chance to not be defeated in ,matter of several days.

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#SyAAF have carried out 100+ air raids today on: Biyanoon, Haradatin, Al-Tamora, Hayan, Rityan and Tel Rifaat in north #Aleppo countryside


No idea how it is in reality, but:


They're not just flags, we want a united secular #Syria with green eyes.




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