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Syrian Army recaptures the Al-Rawad Association Neighborhood in Deir Ezzor



   Moments ago in the Deir Ezzor Governorate’s northwestern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard imposed full control over the Al-Rawad Association Neighborhood after an intense battle with the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) overnight.

   Accoridng to a military source in Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Brigade – backed by the Shaytat Tribesmen, the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division – seized this imperative neighborhood in northwestern Deir Ezzor after the ISIS terrorists infiltrated this area last night.
   The military further added that the village Al-Baghayliyah has been secured, despite rumblings by ISIS and rebel social media activists about taking full control over this site on the Euphrates River.
   Currently, the Syrian Armed Forces are working to restore security to the Ayyash weapons depot that has been under ISIS’ control since Saturday.



Breaking: Islamist rebels launch counter-offensive in northern Latakia



   Earlier this morning, the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) launched a large-scale counter-offensive in the Turkmen Mountians (Jabal Al-Turkmen) of northern Latakia after losing several sites to the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard on Sunday.

   According to rebel social media pages, the Islamists have recaptured the town of ‘Ateiri and they are advancing towards the strategic Zahiya Mountains (Jabal Al-Zahiya) that overlook the Turkish-Latakia border.
   Should the Islamist rebels recapture Jabal Al-Zahiya from the Syrian Armed Forces, they will have effectively cutoff the latter from the northern axis of Al-Rabi’yah; this aforementioned town is considered the Free Syrian Army stronghold in Jabal Al-Turkmen.
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Syrian Army fights off both ISIS and rebels simultaneously – Homs/Hama map



   For months, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 11th Tank Division and National Defence Forces (NDF) have seen themselves heavily embattled with Islamist rebels from Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham. However, it took until the beginning of 2016 before government troops could gradually push Islamist rebels back along the Orontes River which is situated south of the Hama-Salamiyah road. Thus, demoralized rebel fighters returned to the Homs pocket (green map area) at ar-Rastan and Talbisah which has been surrounded by government troops (red map area) for years.

   Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army’s 120th Brigade of the 2nd Armored Division – in coordination with the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) and NDF of Homs – has also witnessed fierce clashes with ISIS fighters (black map area) at the Sadad-Maheen-Quraytayn axis during the past few months. Maheen has changed hands more than five times recently; however, since the 29th of December, it has been firmly under government control. In the meantime, ISIS has launched counter-offensives at Deir Ez-Zor and Palmyra. Effectively, the Syrian Army risks having its front line too thinly stretched as it must combat both Islamist rebels and ISIS fighters concurrently.
   While ISIS officially severed ties with Syrian rebels in early 2014, the two parties have conveniently avoided each other on the battlefield. In fact, rebel factions and the Islamic State merely share front lines along a narrow corridor in northern Aleppo and southwestern Daraa with only sporadic clashes to follow. Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army has found itself heavily embattled with ISIS at Deir Ez-Zor, Palmyra & Qaryatyan, Aleppo, eastern Hama, northeastern Sweida and the Damascus suburbs of Yarmouk and Hajar al-Aswad.
   In 2011 and 2012, Syrian rebels captured a large chunk of the Homs governorate including 2/3rds of the provincial capital. However, in 2013 and 2014 the Syrian government – heavily backed by Hezbollah – recaptured a string of towns inside Homs governorate; most notably Al-Qusayr, Talkalakh, Krak des Chevaliers and the city of Homs itself. However, 2015 spelled the loss of Palmyra and Qaryatyan to ISIS while government troops attempted to starve the Homs rebel pocket into submission.
   If the Syrian Arab Army is to be victorious in central Syria they must capture the remaining Islamist rebel strongholds inside Homs governorate: that being Talbiseh, ar-Rastan and Kafr Laha. Furthermore, they must resist or expel hostile ISIS fighters at Palmyra and Qaryatyan. From the perspective of rebels inside Homs, it seems little other than a miracle or a diplomatic solution can save them from the onslaught of the Syrian Arab Army. Currently, their nearest rebel allies are more than 40 kilometers north at Lataminah (Hama).






Syrian Army recaptures Baghiliyah in Deir Ez-Zor – Map update



      Saturday afternoon, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fully recaptured the village of Baghiliyah (Al-Bughayliyah) near Deir Ez-Zor after a successful counteroffensive was launched as to revert the gains of ISIS militants.

   Nevertheless, 2 days ago, ISIS fighters stormed the village of Baghiliyah and managed to kill an estimated 280 civilians during a surprise offensive which temporarily had Jihadist forces capture most of Baghiliyah; however, these gains have since been undone with the Syrian Arab Army also recapturing Jami’yah Al-Rawad Neighborhood and the Radio Broadcast Tower entirely.
   In total, an estimated 100.000 civilians live in government-held Deir Ez-Zor while most are completely dependent on supplies being delivered by Syrian government helicopters and planes. Regrettably, food prices have doubled while the unemployment rate in Deir Ez-Zor has gone through the roof due to the conflict.
   While the SAA has recaptured Baghiliyah, ISIS gains at Ayyash are still to challenged as the Ayyash weapons depot and Ayyash fuel station remain disputed for now. However, reservists of the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th and 137th Brigades of the 17th Division have been summoned as to respond to the latest manuevers of ISIS fighters.



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Activist say US Warplanes bombed their own "moderate rebel" positions in Ihras n. #Aleppo to aid #IS 




Graphic aftermath images of U.S air strikes on rebel held Atmeh in north #Aleppo #Syria v "neutral" @SyriaCivilDef 








What they are trying to get this time?

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#RuAF & #SyAAF carried out at least 15 air raids on #IS in #Tadmor



#SAA imposes fire control over Al-Sukkariyah south of Rabiah in Jabal Turkmen #Latakia



#SAA blow up a tunnel under an #FSA/#JN position in Sheikh Miskeen #Daraa 





Clashes reported between #SAA & #FSA on Al-Na'imah - Daraa Al-Balad axis

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#SAA destroy a building housing militants in SalahDin neighbourhood via a tunnel bomb in #Aleppo



#JN reportedly carry out a raid in Ma'saran in #Idlib countryside which led to clashes between local forces and the group



4 Jabhat Al-Sham militants killed in clashes with #SAA:

Abo Is|haq Al-Homsani
Murad Ahmad Al-Berri
Mukhlas Al-Sakhr
Hassan Al-Bash
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#SAA shell #IS positions on Mt Hayyal & Mt Al-Tarr as clashes are reported in Al-Telool Al-Sood (black hills) near #Tadmor #Homs



#SAA recaptured Al-Ruwad Housing & highest hill in Al-Baghliyah as clashes continue with #IS in the town #DeirEzzor 


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#Syria #Latakia #Lattakia New Photo from #Turkmen Second Coastal Dvision. Targeting Mount Zaahiya W/ Artillery. 




#Syria #Latakia #Lattakia New photo from #FSA Jaysh al Nasr "Victory Army"



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#Syria #Latakia #Lattakia Militants Launched there attack today trying to take advantage of Bad Weather. Rain + Fog 



#Syria #Latakia #Lattakia Yesterday Islam Mountain Battalion "Islam Dagi Taburu" Shows a Cave they are hiding in. 


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