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   Written by Peto Lucem exclusively for SouthFront

   In the past few days the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) achieved significant territorial gains in the former insurgent heartland, located in the “Mountain of the Kurds” (Jabal al-Akrād) region near the Turkish border in Latakia Governorate. For the past three years, the Syrian insurgency greatly benefited from supply routes running from the Turkish border and also from the hilly and wooded terrain. This region has a vital importance for the both war parties because of its proximity to the city of Latakia and other urban centres near the Mediterranean coast. The Syrian-Turkish border area was an area denial zone for the Syrian Government forces for a long time. This has been changed.
   As expected, the fall of the most important insurgent stronghold of Salma had a severe negative impact on the insurgency’s defense capabilities. On January 20, the SAA liberated the village of Ateera and the surrounding areas, which insurgents attempted to recapture a day before, without success. The government forces pushed insurgents from the al-Kabeir village and moved the pressure away from the loyalist forces deployed at the village of Bayt Ablaq. The most important advance took place in the southern operational area near the strategic M4 highway, which leads to the cities of Jisr al Shughour and Idlib.
   In this area, the SAA was able to take control of the villages of Ayn al Hawr, Ghunaymiyah, and Khab al Jawz. Especially the capture of Khab al Jawz was of huge strategic importance, similar to the capture of Salma a few days earlier. By capturing Khab al Jawz and the nearby strategic crossroads, the SAA started an advance to the northern insurgent bastion of Rabi’ah. The defenders of this vital point already have had a hard time trying to hold off the government forces deployed in the northern area. Now, they also had to cover the two main roads running south to Khab al Jawz. However, the insurgents look overwhelmed by the army’s swift advance near the M4 highway. They weren’t able to divert forces to this area. Thus they can’t set a new line of defence within a reasonable timeframe to prevent the government forces’ advance towards Rabi’ah. Only one day after the SAA captured the Khab al Jawz crossroads, the army was captured the village of Baradun and the nearby dam of Baradun. In the North, the army pushed insurgent forces from the Jaqruran area, which set up additional pressure on the defenders of Rabi’ah. On January 22, the exhausted insurgent forces showed increasing signs of disorganization and fatigue. They proved unable to halt the Syrian forces which received an accurate air support of the Russian and Syrian Air forces.
   During this decisive day, the SAA launched a full scale attack. All along the insurgent held bulge between the villages of Baradun and ad-Durrah. The army made significant gains and captured a string of villages including the important village of al-Rayhaniyyah, south of Rabi’ah. On January 23, the insurgent defences collapsed completely. The government forces also gained control over new areas and villages such as al-Malik, Tanahiyah and Al Huwlah.
   So far, the insurgency was unable to counter the recent government’s successes in an adequate manner. It seems like they relied on some strong points near the frontline areas when the pro-government forces launched their wide scale offensive last October. As soon as these strong points – like Salma – fell, they had no possibility to halt the loyalists’ advances.
   An obvious fact is they did not apply the strategy of defence in dept, proved to be fatal. This situation will likely lead to an accelerating decline of the militants’ resources and manpower. If Rabi’ah falls, it will most likely lead to a full-scale retreat towards Jisrt al Shughour. There the insurgents will likely attempt to make a final stand at the most narrow point between the Ayn al Hawr area and the Turkish border. Should this attempt fail, the way to Jisr al Shughour will stand wide open for the government forces. The insurgents’s strategic posituin will likely aggravate further due to the fact that the SAA freed up to thousands of troops recently by shortening the frontline in Latakia Governorate. In October, the frontline had a total length of approximately 35 miles. By the time the push on Jisr al Shughour will likely begin, the SAA will have to cover approximately 10 miles (in case the SAA holds their current positions in al Ghab plain). Although the army will likely deploy a small part of their total offensive force at the Turkish border, it will possess of a powerful offensive to capture Jisr al Shughour and even Idlib.
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Complete battle update from Deir Ezzor



   For over a week now, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has been attempting to capture the remaining sites in northwestern Deir Ezzor, despite the fierce resistance from the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) infantry units and the powerful airstrikes by the Russian Air Force.

   Initially, ISIS was able to capture several important sites from the Syrian Arab Army in northwestern Deir Ezzor, including the Ayyash storage facility and most of the Al-Baghayliyah District that is located along the western banks of the Euphrates River.
   These ISIS gains in northwestern Deir Ezzor were coupled with the capture of Jabal Al-Thurdeh (Thurdeh Mountains) near the 137th Artillery Brigade’s headquarters.
   However, once these sites were captured early last week, the weather began to clear up around this desert province; this paved the way for the Russian and Syrian Air Forces to pound ISIS’ advancing militants around the provincial capital.
   As a result of these strategic airstrikes, ISIS was officially forestalled and on the defensive at Jabal Al-Thurdeh.
   The Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division was able to capture several sites in Jabal Al-Thurdeh, including the imperative hilltop of Tal Kroum.
   On Sunday morning, ISIS attempted to renew their offensive in the Al-Baghayliyah District in order to capture Al-Jazeera University and the Al-Firat Hotel; however, the Russian airstrikes proved too much for the terrorist group, as they retreated to the Radio Broadcast Tower.
   According to a military source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 20 enemy combatants at Al-Jazeera University, while also launching a counter-attack to clear the northern flank.
   Currently, clashes are still ongoing between the Syrian Armed Forces and ISIS in the northern sector of the Baghayliyah District.



Rebel losses in northern Latakia begin domino effect to Idlib



   The recent capture of Salma and Al-Rabi’yah by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has been devastating for the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) in northern Latakia; however, these losses are far more stressful for the Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) militias in the Idlib Governorate who now have to deal with the pro-government forces possessing the high ground from nearby Jabal Al-Akrad (Kurdish Mountains).

   Following the rebel loss of Salma in early January; it became only a matter of time before the Syrian Armed Forces turned their attention to the long-standing Free Syrian Army stronghold of Al-Rabi’yah in Jabal Al-Turkmen (Turkmen Mountains).
   Unwilling to yield any territory to the Syrian Armed Forces, the Islamist rebels launched two counter-offensives this week to recapture villages around the strategic town of Al-Rabi’yah and the Turkish border-crossing near Jabal Al-Zahiyah (Zahiyah Mountains); these counter-assaults were all repelled by the Syrian Armed Forces and they resulted in a high casualty count for the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra.
   In reality, the Islamist rebel forces did not have the firepower and manpower needed to defeat the Syrian Arab Army and their allies during these subsequent offensives in Jabal Al-Turkmen.
   Then, like a game of dominoes, over 20 villages fell to the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard and their allies in only 72 hours around Al-Rabi’yah.
   Surrounded from three flanks, the Islamist rebels in Al-Rabi’yah were no match for the Syrian Armed Forces and the Russian Air Force, as they quickly retreated after a short battle on Sunday morning.
   Without Al-Rabi’yah and Salma, the Islamist rebels are left with only two heavily fortified villages in Jabal Al-Akrad: Kinsibba and Kabani.
   It is only a matter of time before Jabal Al-Turkmen is completely captured by the Syrian Armed Forces; and by the looks of it, the Islamist rebels are about to isolated at both mountain ranges.
   The military situation for the Islamist rebels in Idlib is becoming even more critical, as they are surrounded at three different different borders: Hama, Aleppo, and Latakia.
   Should the Syrian Arab Army and their allies decide to push for Jisr Al-Shughour, Hezbollah and Harakat Al-Nujaba could surprise Jaysh Al-Fateh with an assault near the rebel stronghold of Saraqib.
   The massive gains made by Jaysh Al-Fateh in the summer could ultimately be reversed this winter if they do not find a way to marginalize the Russian airstrikes and the Syrian Army’s advances.
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Huge advance by Syrian Army in strategic city of Sheikh Miskeen



   On Sunday morning in the Dara’a Governorate’s northern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 15th Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in close coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the 7th Mechanized Division – imposed full control over several sites inside the strategic city of Sheikh Miskeen after a violent battle with the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

   The Syrian Arab Army’s 15th Brigade and their allies began their assault on Sunday by storming the Free Syrian Army’s positions at the southern district, capturing the Al-Zahrani School after the aforementioned Islamist group retreated further south towards the Al-Bassam Mosque in the Al-Diri Neighborhood of southwest Sheikh Miskeen.
   Following the capture of the Al-Zahrani School, the Syrian Arab Army’s 15th Brigade and their allies seized the Al- Bassam Al-Diri Mosque and much of the Al-Diri Neighborhood, leaving the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra in control of only 10-15 percent of Sheikh Miskeen.
   Further adding to the plight of the Islamist rebels in Sheikh Miskeen, Harakat Al-Muthanna and Jaysh Al-Yarmouk are continuing to fight along the main road to the city; this has obstructed supplies from reaching their allies fighting the Syrian Arab Army.
   If the Islamist rebels do not change the situation inside Sheikhk Miskeen soon, they will ultimately be forced to retreat from this strategic city.


Tiger Forces turn west from Al-Bab towards Aleppo City



   The Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” (Qawat Al-Nimr) and “Desert Hawks Brigade” (Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra) are at the doorsteps of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) strongholds of Al-Bab and Deir Hafer; however, the aforementioned terrorist group can breathe easy for now because the pro-government forces have their eyes set on the provincial capital of the Aleppo Governorate.

   Last week, the Tiger Forces – backed by the Desert Hawks and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – imposed full control over the villages of Qatar and Tal Hattebat in Al-Bab’s western countryside, signifying a change in their east Aleppo contingency.
   Why the drastic change? It is not necessarily a drastic change; if anything, it is a strategic move on their part to protect the Sheikh Najjar Industrial District that makes up a large part of Aleppo City.
   In fact, if the Syrian Armed Forces lost the Sheikh Najjar Industrial District to the ISIS terrorists, the latter will have full access to the city’s eastern flank and a gateway to the residential neighborhoods of this economic hub in northern Syria.
   More importantly, should the Tiger Forces and their allies connect their positions from the Al-Bab Plateau to the Sheikh Najjar Industrial District, they will have effectively encircled the remaining ISIS terrorists entrenched in the Deir Hafer Plains.
   These recent gains in eastern Aleppo came just one week after a large convoy of fresh recruits arrived to the Kuweires Military Airport front in order to relieve the soldiers protecting the Syrian Arab Army’s territory.
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#Syria #Latakia #Lattakia #SyrianArmy #SAA #SyrianArabArmy 






#Syria #Latakia #Lattakia #SyrianArmy #SAA #SyrianArabArmy Photo's from #Salma #سلمى 




#Syria #SyrianArabArmy Colonel Suheil al Hassan #SAA #Tigers_Men #Tiger_Forces #Tiger_Men #رجال_الطرماح #رجال_النمر 


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