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Syrian conflict.


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Nice people of #Idlib protesting the introduction of aid to the besieged villages of Al-Fu'ah and Kifarya, #Syria








The Russian military distributed humanitarian aid to needy families in Khan Arnaba, Quneitra today (28/11/2016)






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'Moderate rebel' hell-canons aimed at Western Aleppo homes in every street of newly liberated Bustan Al Basha, East Aleppo today(28/11/2016)










100's of civilians from Eastern Aleppo continue arriving to West Aleppo tonight as the Syrian Army advances against Al Qaeda in Syria+allies








Syrian Republican Guard Gen. Issam Zahreddine with children in Deir Ez Zor (27/11/2016)






The Russian military distributed humanitarian aid to displaced families in Al Muallaqa, Damascus Countryside today (24/11/2016)







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The collapse of the Aleppo pocket continues:




If current trends continue, the entire city of Aleppo will be in government hands before 2017.  This will free up a lot of government troops, which will give them the ability to fight where they want and on their terms.


Unless some major development happens (Gulf Arab states manage to get a lot more men and weapons in, Turkey does something silly), the future looks grim for the rebels.

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Syrian Army now controls 60% of the eastern pocket in Aleppo after liberating Tareeq al-Bab

Operations continue in Karam al-Tarab & al-Jazmati with the Syrian Army in control of more than half the district

Following advances in north&east Aleppo city, the Syrian Army only needs al-Sha'ar & Karam al-Jabal in order to secure all routes to airport



Opp sources reporting of members of "Free Aleppo Council" fleeing to areas under the control of the Syrian Army

Names of those who have allegedly fled to SAA:
Abdel Razaq al-Hussein
Mahmoud Hayo
Mohamad Hayo
Mazen al-Sheikh (Aleppo Rebel Union)
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FN-6 Manpad: from FSA to ISIS and Al-Qaeda





The theory behind the proliferation of those Chinese manufactured weapons is that Qatar purchased them from the Sudan military stockpiles and transferred them with the cooperation of Turkey into Syria, and specifically into Deir Ezzor, Aleppo, Idlib, and Lattakia in addition to Homs's northern countryside and Qalamoun.


it appears that none of the batches found their way into southern Syria, that is likely due to Qatar and Turkey's unwillingness to threaten Israel's security and Jordan's fear of the incalculable consequences of such a move.
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Buses currently being readied to evacuate militants+families from al-Tell

Next candidates for "Suitcase - Green Bus - Idlib".



Pics: Militants & their families from Khan al-Sheeh arriving in Opp-controlled Qal'at Madiq








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