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The Aircraft Carrier Shitstorm Thread


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Admiral Kuznetsov's air fleet did a good number of combat sorties back in 2016, but that ship isn't getting any younger and recently had a significant fire. It would be useful for Russia to have a small carrier fleet to deploy to places like they'd like to involve themselves in places as they've done in Syria (and are kinda doing in Libya). 



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Talking about new design, a senate report came out last month on the successor of the CdG (PANG) following the design study that took place last year.

The launch of the program was supposed to be the 8th of July but it was pushed back owing to the recent change of government.

Thus the report is not the final version of the design but more of a summary of what has been confirmed so far.


Full report

Press summary


In short:


  • About 70 000t and 280-300 m lenght compared to the 42 000t and 261m of the CdG:


Increase of size mainly due to the NGF (manned part of the FCAS) which weight 35t compared to the 24t of the Rafale

The carrier will also deploy AEW (probably Hawkeyes) as well as UAV


  • CATOBAR configuration with two US bought EMALS hoping that the US will have worked out all the kinks by the time we start building it

The catapults will be longer (90m against 75m on the CdG) on an oblique bridge with the goal of allowing simultaneous landing and launching (which the CdG cannot do)

  • Nuclear propulsion

The existing K15 (150 MW thermal) wouldn't be enough due the increase of size, it is conjectured that a development of the existing K15 the K22 (220 MW) could be used for both the 3rd generation SSBN and the PANG.

As usual one reactor for the SSBN, a pair for the carrier

  • Cost of 6 billions € for the first unit with an expected economy of scale of 30 to 40% for the second unit if there is one this time

The CdG had an overall availability of 63%, having a second carrier allow to always have one at sea at the cost of an increase of around 1/3rd more aircraft necessary on top of the cost of the carrier

  • 10% less crew than the CdG (which is crewed by around 1800) with space for up to 2000 person
  • Sea trials of the PANG expected to start from 2036 to be ready for the retirement of the CdG in 2038
  • The existing dry docks for maintenance most likely won't be big enough for a ship that size and will have to be modified
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  • 2 months later...

Just read a good article about the development of the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.

Link: https://www.savetheroyalnavy.org/development-of-the-queen-elizabeth-class-aircraft-carrier-a-design-history/


Anyone has some pdf/websites that give more information about the sensory and radar systems of the QEC ships?

I mostly got new websites, nothing really in detail.

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  • 1 month later...

Somehow missed this:



General Atomics - EMS (which will supply the EMALS for the carrier) view of the next French CVN based on their exchanges and requests from the French side.

The image was published in Cols Bleus  of December (which is the official magazine of the Navy) to officially announce that EMALS were chosen over steam catapults

(not that it was much of a surprise).




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And the vision of Naval Group (in charge of the design study).






Edit: More pics from different angles in this thread:




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2 hours ago, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:

Looks like a good Carrier, since it looks like a Nimitz! What's the projected displacement?

  • 70 000-75 000 t
  • 285-295 m lenght
  • 2x K22 reactors (220 MW thermal) : 80 MW for propulsion (spread on 3-4 shafts) 110 MW total (?)
  • Max speed of 26-27 knt (same as CdG)
  • Air wing: 32 naval-NGF ; 2-3 E-2D Hawkeyes ; unspecified number of UCAV : Air wing is about the same size than the one of the CdG but the NGF is projected to be a much bigger aircraft than the Rafale to the point that it was what determined the size of the carrier.
  • 2 lifts (40 t)
  • Three EM catapults (90 m long)
  • Crew of about 2000 (same than on CdG)
  • SeaFire radar
  • PAAMS Aster for self defense (though I don't see where it is located on the picture) + what looks like 40 mm RAPIDFire CTA on the image


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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

New model of the PA-NG at Euronaval 2022 :





Not much changes but it appears that it will only have 2 catapults in the end, some earlier design could be seen with 3 (can still hope for a change of design though:rolleyes:).

It also lost the conical radar housing that suggested another radar on top of the SeaFire.


Earlier model for comparison :




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