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Yeah, there is a version of the T-72 that has an all-steel turret (but, bizarrely enough, a composite glacis), but I don't think that's it.


Of the dozens of armor package variations of the T-72 I couldn't tell you which one that is, but I don't think it's the all-cast one.


It occurs to me that when people compare the armor of the T-72 and abrams, they're asking one of the most maddeningly complicated questions in tank armor.  Which version of the abrams?  Thing has been up-armored like, four times now.  Which version of the T-72?  There are a gazillion variations.

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What exactly is that stuff?  The Soviets had two or three composite armor fill materials during that period if memory serves.

I would not call that filler as "composite"  :D



















I don't think that T-80 -pattern rollers would be used on T-14. Note YaKB-like gatling HMG and 57 mm autocannon.

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So there was a rear turreted Object 907 with all the crew in the turret like the Obejct 416 and Object 430 Version II.







Of course wargaming didn't add that as that line's tier 10.


Any pics of that thing so i can point at it and laugh at it?

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I'd be interested to hear the forum's commentary on the loading mechanism.


It's hard to make any definitive statements about what IS-7 was fitted with based on Kubinka's example; it's clearly been picked over.  According to The_Warhawk, some asshole actually snuck in Kubinka and stole a bunch of the stuff from it, in addition to whatever test components were shuffled around during the development of the tank.


EE's translation of the instruction placard on the loading device states that the mechanism can be turned on and off, so presumably it was powered.  I guess The_Chieftain was using it manual backup mode.  The placard also clearly mentions a button for the rammer, so there either was a rammer at some point or they were planning to add one.


As I mentioned in Compendium, a quick look at DAV suggests that the Kubinka IS-7 is not the final model IS-7.

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It's hard to make any definitive statements about what IS-7 was fitted with based on Kubinka's example; it's clearly been picked over.  According to The_Warhawk, some asshole actually snuck in Kubinka and stole a bunch of the stuff from it, in addition to whatever test components were shuffled around during the development of the tank.


EE's translation of the instruction placard on the loading device states that the mechanism can be turned on and off, so presumably it was powered.  I guess The_Chieftain was using it manual backup mode.  The placard also clearly mentions a button for the rammer, so there either was a rammer at some point or they were planning to add one.


As I mentioned in Compendium, a quick look at DAV suggests that the Kubinka IS-7 is not the final model IS-7.

     Moreover, taking into consideration that 6 prototypes were build at least, and we don't know what exactly was tested on them in terms of equipment, we can't say for sure what features it could have in serial production. IIRC one of main reason to cancel IS-7 were foreign made elements for electronics. 

     Although i somewhat agree with Chief about his opinion that IS-7 was not very good vehicle for serial production for USSR.

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