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Ahrar al-Sham training camp in Homs countryside  

Location of the camp: 






interesting that it was next to school complex. So when school building get bombed it doesn't always mean it was actually a school

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ISIS launches 5th assault on Brigade 137 HQ in Deir Ezzor



   Moments ago in the Deir Ezzor Governorate’s southwestern countryside, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched its 5th assault on the 137th Artillery Brigade’s headquarters near Jabal Al-Thurdeh after the previous attempts to seize this large base were repelled by the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division.

   The attack began around 10 A.M. (Damascus Time) when the ISIS terrorist stormed both the western and northern flanks of the 137th Brigade’s HQ; this attempted advance by the terrorist group was immediately met by fierce resistance from the Syrian Arab Army soldiers protecting this strategic base near the Deir Ezzor Military Airport.
   Yesterday, ISIS declared control over the Missile Battalion Base at the southern perimeter of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; however, this morning, several reports from the soldiers at the airbase revealed that the terrorist group was unable to maintain their ground as a result of the powerful Russian and Syrian airstrikes around the villages of Jafra and Al-Muri’iyah.
   Currently, ISIS is attempting to recapture the village of Al-Baghayliyah; however, they have been unable to advance past the northern checkpoint inside the district.
   Clashes are still ongoing between the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade and ISIS near the Radio Broadcast Tower in the Al-Baghayliyah District.
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Jaish al-Fateh encircled at 3 flanks in Idlib province – Map update



   Last spring, the Islamist rebel coalition, Jaish al-Fateh (Army of Conquest), captured the city of Idlib from government forces as well as the vast majority of the province. However, a small Shia enclave at the towns of Foua and Kafrhaya refused to capitulate. Nevertheless, insurgents also captured Jisr al-Shigbour near Lattakia and Morek in northern Hama during the year of 2015.

   Despite these sudden advances, the Syrian Arab Army has since re-mobilized and gradually pushed towards Idlib from three different flanks: namely northern Hama, Lattakia and southern Aleppo. For instance, government troops are currently stationed a mere 30 kilometers from Idlib at both the western and eastern outskirts of the governorate.
   Lately, the Syrian Arab Army – strongly supported by various Shia paramilitaries and Russian airstrikes – has made rapid gains in southern Aleppo thereby capturing Hader, Al-Eis and even reached as far as the M5-Highway that runs from Aleppo to Hama.
   While Islamist rebels of Jund al-Aqsa and Jaish al-Fateh have consolidated their victory at Morek, further east, government troops have advanced to the village of Ashtan. Thereby, the frontline in northern Hama has remained somewhat static over the past month.
   However, government troops in Lattakia have liberated more than a dozen villages over the past week alone and rather remarkably captured the Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) stronghold of Salma which had otherwise been rebel-held since July, 2012. Since the loss of Salma, the rebel frontline in Lattakia has almost entirely crumbled with government troops as close as 10 kilometers from the Turkish border.
   If Jaish al-Fateh commanders are to revert government gains in Lattakia and southern Aleppo, they must recruit new fighters and send reinforcements to their slowly collapsing frontlines. However, due to diminishing manpower and persistent Russian airstrikes, Islamist commanders are now forced to prioritize between these 3 potentially dangerous frontlines.



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Breaking: Islamist counter-offensive in northern Latakia ends in mass retreat



   Earlier today in the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) launched a large-scale counter-offensive at the Turkmen Mountains (Jabal Al-Turkmen) in order to recapture the territory they lost to the Syrian Armed Forces over the last three weeks.

   The Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army began their assault at the village of ‘Ateiri near the Turkish border, where they were confronted by a large force from the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP).
   Moments after launching this assault on  ‘Ateiri, the Islamist rebel media declared the aforementioned village under their full control after a short battle with the pro-government forces; this assault would allegedly allow them to begin their massive counter-attack on Jabal Al-Zahiya, which is located to the west of ‘Ateiri and just south of the Turkish border with the Latakia Governorate.
   As it turned out, the Islamist rebels were unprepared for the Syrian Armed Forces’ stiff defenses in Jabal Al-Zawiyah; this poor calculation cost Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army’s “1st Coastal Brigade” several fighters after their failed infiltration attempt.
   According to a military source in northern Latakia, the Islamist rebels suffered over 30 casualties during their failed assault on Jabal Al-Zawiya, marking the conclusion of one of Latakia’s bloodiest battles this month.
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Majority of the ~30 suicide bombers were used during #IS takeover of Al-Baghiliyah #DeirEzzor



#SAA re-enter Al-Dowah area west of #Tadmor and clash with #IS militants



Clashes erupt between #SAA & #IS as the former pushes back into Ayyash storage area in western #DeirEzzor



#SAA advance 1.5km from Al-Ruwad Housing and capture Zamam Al-Mubadara in Al-Baghiliyah, clashes ongoing

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ISIS recaptures 3 villages in northern Aleppo



   The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) is currently involved in a fierce battle with the Islamist rebels of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and Jabhat Al-Shamiyah (Levantine Front) inside the Aleppo Governorate’s northern countryside that borders Turkey.

   On Wednesday, ISIS launched a counter-attack against the Islamist rebels, capturing 3 villages near the Turkish border that were lost to Jabhat Al-Shamiyah and the Free Syrian Army last week.
   According to ISIS’ official media relations on Telegram, the terrorist group seized the villages of Ghazal, Yani Bayan and Qarah Kabri after a violent battle with the Turkish and Gulf-backed Islamist rebels in northern Aleppo



Syrian Army takes control of 4 villages in northern Latakia



   On Wednesday in the Latakia Governorate’s northern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard – in close coordination with Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade), the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) – imposed full control over 4 villages in Jabal Al-Turkmen (Turkmen Mountains) after a violent battle with the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

   According to a local military source, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade and their allies seized the villages of Beit Zayfa, Beit Khadour, Al-Sabihiyah, and Qasr Al-Jourah after repelling the Islamist rebels in the Turkmen Mountains last night.
   Currently, several firefights have been reported between the Syrian Armed Forces and the Islamist rebels in the Turkmen Mountains this morning, with the heaviest clashes taking place at the contested village of Al-Hawz, which exchanged hands during yesterday’s battle.
   The Russian Air Force is also carrying out a number of airstrikes near the Turkish border, hitting several Islamist targets along the road to the Free Syrian Army’s stronghold of Al-Rabi’yah.



   Al-Masdar launched Russian version of their site, if anybody is interested:


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