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Syrian conflict.


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Ceremony honoring the heroes of Kuweiries Military Airport as well as their families in Aleppo today (08/03/2016) 








A bike race was organized on the occasion of the March 8 Revolution in Damascus today (08/03/2016) 








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I suspect that Syria will be Russia's Desert Storm. After some dubious performances, this will be the decisive victory that convinces both the Russians and the world abroad that their military is the real deal.

I disagree. This is a demonstration of force projection rather than general military proficiency. Not that i am not confident that we have a good military. But its the same as Ukraine demonstrating Russian expertise in Asymmetrical warfare. Different wars point out different things

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ISIS retreats towards Raqqa as government forces widen Aleppo supply line – Map update





  Over the past few days, ISIS’ defensive line in southeastern Aleppo has completely collapsed as government troops keep pushing towards Islamic State heartland in ar-Raqqah province. 

   Earlier today, the Syrian Arab Army’s 555th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division captured the villages of al-Hayat, al-‘Aala, and Al-Kabeerah from ISIS forces east of the strategic town of Khanasser. Just two weeks ago, ISIS cut the Aleppo supply line and temporarily captured Khanasser from the Syrian Arab Army. 
   However, militants loyal to the Islamic State were since repelled and suffered heavy casualties in the process largely due to the Russian Airforce and redeployment of elite Tiger Forces. Within days, government troops recaptured the Khanasser-Aleppo road; meanwhile, ISIS forces lost hundreds of their fighters.
   Subsequently, the Islamic State now suffers from inadequate manpower in the region. Meanwhile, the 4th Mechanized Division has received reinforcements from elsewhere in the Aleppo governorate. Thus, a mismatch in avaliable soldiers explains why government troops are able to advance in southeastern Aleppo against little to none ISIS resistance. 
   However, the Islamic State has now set up a new defensive line east of Jabboul Lake. By doing so, ISIS commanders intend to prevent the Syrian Arab Army from capturing Deir Hader, Tabqa Airbase and Jirah Airbase. If the aforementioned sites are lost to the Syrian Government, ISIS will be expelled from northern Syria and will be forced to set up a desperate last stance defence at ar-Raqqah city itself. 
   Ar-Raqqah is the self-proclaimed capital of the Islamic State and as such, its loss will prove an intolerable blow to the moral of ISIS fighters across the Middle East.
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Syrian Army liberates Tal Barhouth in southeast Aleppo



  On Thursday evening in the southeastern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army’s 555th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – backed by Liwaa Al-Quds (Jerusalem Brigade), the National Defense Forces (NDF), and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions) – liberated another hilltop village from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) inside the Khanasser Plains. 

   According to a military source in Aleppo, the Syrian Armed Forces imposed full control over Tal Barhouth after advancing to this hilltop village on Thursday evening; it is the 14th site that has been captured by the government forces since they launched this offensive earlier this week. 
   Over the last 48 hours, the Syrian Armed Forces have secured the southern bank of Al-Hamourat Lake in southeastern Aleppo, while also making a substantial advance towards the Maskanah Plain. 
The Al-Maskanah Plain is strategically important for several reasons: 
   1) it is located along the western bank of the Euphrates River (Lake Assad part) 
   2) Jirah Military Airport is located there 
   3) its proximity to the Tabaqa Dam and Military Airport. The area around Lake Assad is deeply entrenched with ISIS fighters and it has barely been threatened by any force in the last two years – so the Syrian Armed Forces will have their hands full.


  Over the past 48 hours, the Russian Air Force has been relentless in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate, striking several sites controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) near the strategic cities of Quraytayn and Palmyra (Tadmur). 

   According to some estimates, as many as 100 ISIS terrorists have been killed in the last 48 hours by these powerful airstrikes conducted by the Russian Air Force. While the Russians pounds ISIS’ positions from the air, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has taken the opportunity to seize more heights around the ancient Assyrian city of Quraytayn. 
   On Thursday evening, the Syrian Arab Army’s 120th Brigade of the 2nd Division reported that they imposed full control over Hill 903 near the recently captured hilltop village of Talat Al-Souda. 
   As a result of this advance on Thursday, the Syrian Armed Forces are now within 1,500 meters of Quraytayn’s west district, which is the closest they have been to the city since their complete withdrawal to Maheen in August of 2015. 
   The Syrian Arab Army’s recent success in the Quraytayn countryside is due in large part to the Russian Air Force’s strategic bombing campaign, which is forcing ISIS to scatter along the wide-open desert terrain in order to evade the airstrikes.


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#Russia's FM Lavrov calls for Kurds to be included in #SyriaTalks



I think Rojava is inevitable in post-war #Syria, however the extent of autonomy & the border of it will be much different from how it is now



#PYD is attempting to gain #Russia's (& in turn #Damascus) support for autonomy through diplomacy by using their common anti-#Turkey views

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