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Rebels launch counter-attack in northern Latakia



  Earlier today in the Latakia Governorate’s northern countryside, the extremist rebels from Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, Jaysh Al-Turkmen, and the Free Syrian Army’s “1st Coastal Brigade” launched a counter-assault at Jabal Qal’at in order to recapture the territory they lost to the Syrian Armed Forces 10 days ago. 

   So far, there have been no reported gains by the extremist rebel groups; however, a source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 48th Special Forces Regiment stated that the firefights are fierce and still ongoing. 
   Jabal Qal’at is located in Kinsibba’s western countryside; it is also the site of the Kinsibba Castle that was captured by the Syrian Armed Forces 10 days ago. Jabhat Al-Nusra and their allies will need to recover a lot of territory in northern Latakia over the next few days because the Syrian Armed Forces are on the brink of sealing the Idlib and Turkish borders with this coastal province. 
   Despite repeated attempts to capture the strategic town of Kabani on the Idlib-Latakia border, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard has still been unable seize it from Jabhat Al-Nusra.



Syrian Army advances in the Palmyra Hills as ISIS retreats east



  The Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” – backed by the Desert Hawks Brigade and Liwaa Imam Ali (Iraqi paramilitary) – launched a powerful assault on the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) defensive positions at the strategic hills surrounding the ancient desert city of Palmyra (Tadmur) this morning. 

   According to preliminary reports from the Syrian Armed Forces in east Homs, the Tiger Forces and their allies have advanced towards Point 700 after a violent battle with the ISIS terrorists in the vicinity of Jabal Hayyal. The source added that the Syrian Armed Forces have already liberated several small hilltops en route to Point 700; however, they still do not control this important site that is located 500 meters away from the Qatari Royal Villa. 
   Once Point 700 is captured by the Syrian Armed Forces, they will finally have a presence along the main road that leads to the Qatari Royal Villa and the Palmyra Orchards that are situated at the southern perimeter of this ancient desert city. 
   Clashes have also been reported in the northern countryside of Palmyra, where the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division and the National Defense Forces (NDF) are attempting to recapture the imperative Brigade 550 Base that overlooks the Al-‘Amariyah District and Jabal Al-‘Asafeer.
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So... as much as I hate to admit it, I don't really understand what's going on now.


Why are the Russians leaving?  There's a lot of speculation over on this side of the pond, but it seems ad-hoc and not convincing.  Some people are saying that Putin wants to show Assad who's boss and that he won't fight his wars for him, others are thinking that the Russians have just straight run out of money and weapons.  Others still are suggesting it's some terribly convoluted game by Putin so that he'll come raging back, stronger than ever and destroy all of his enemies forever.  So... props to Putin, I guess, for being scary and unpredictable enough that even when he turns around and leaves everyone is chattering about what the hell he'll do next.


But this can't be over.  The extremist rebel groups that aren't covered by the ceasefire, the Turkish military buildup on the northern border, the enormous jihadi training and equipment center that Libya has become, all the threats to the Syrian government are still there!


So what the hell?

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