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Syrian conflict.


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Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with King of Jordan Abdullah II

21.10.2015, 19:04

Russian President Vladimir Putin held telephone talks with King Abdullah II. Main subject of talks was situation in Syria.

Vladimir Putin discussed with Abdel Fattah al-Sisi the situation in Syria

21.10.2015, 19:05

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a conversation with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, leaders of countries discussed conflict in Syria and international terrorism problems in region.

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Here is how President of Syria Bashar Al-Assad [possibly] flew to Moscow 2 days ago:


1. Late at night, October 19, plane takes off from the Chkalovsky airport - IL-62M RA-86539 under the code of abroad trips RFF-7093



   It should be noted that the RA-86539 - is not just a "bus" to evacuate refugees as 86496, according to russianplanes.net - it is IL-62MK - "Salon". It has a characteristic "hump".
   Photo by Vladislav Dmitrenko
2. Next -> area Azerbaidjan - Iran - Iraq - Latakia. It's late at night when plane arrived.
3. At 10h 58min (Moscow time) 20.10.2015 plane appears above the Caspian Sea. It departed from Latakia to Moscow with the "guest"
4. At 12:21 MSK time, IL-62 appears on the radar near Astrakhan
5. At about 14:20 MSK time, landing at Chkalovsky. Next - delivery of the Kremlin, perhaps?
6. The way back was done on another, but similar plane. Code RFF7093
7. This afternoon [21.10.2015] it returned to the Chkalovsky as the RFF 7094
IL-62M RA-86559
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Some statistics about Russian airstrikes.


Blue- sorties, orange - objects bombed



Bombed targets:

Blue - Command posts 

Orange - fire position (mortars, artillery, rockets, MLRS, etc.)

Gray - training camps

Purple - warehouse, storage, factory, reapir shops





Amount of airstrikes:


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   There are fights at settlement - Qasr Ibn Vartan, Cleib At-Tor and Al Mintar. SyAF bombed rebel positions in the area Jhbesat.
   In the area of the settlement Khan Shaykhun located in Sahel El Gab was discovered a large field camp of militants. Su-25s of VKS of Russia conducted airstrike, the object with all the infrastructure has been destroyed.
   During the reconnaissance, UAV detected command and observation post of militants located in the area of Siriatel tower from which the fire control on the battlefield was provided, as well as mortar fire calculations. Su-24 Russian bombers destroyed OP.
   In the area of Jisr al-Shughur Su-24s of Russian Air Force destroyed disguised ammunition depot of one of the insurgents group.
   By means of radio intercepts on October 19, information was received about the planned gathering of the commanders of armed groups operating in the area of the village Sarmin. On the last night in this place there were 9 all-terrain vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns. Su-34 bombers has conducted a surgical strike, which destroyed the property and all who were inside. 
   Clashes between militants of the Syrian faction of al-Qaeda - "Jund al-Aqsa" and "Harakat Al-Ahrar Sham" continues in the city of al-Tamaneh in the southern part of the province. The reason was the political controversy associated with the questions about working with or not to work with ISIS. Opinions on the issue were different, which led to bloodshed. During the confrontation, the positions of both gangs, were hit by Russian aviation, which, incidentally, did not prevent them to continue their conflict with each other.
   In the city of Aleppo a shop producing radio-controlled bombs was destroyed, as well as the warehouse of explosives. After the detonation, the object and 2 trucks that had delivered dozens of tons of explosives have been destroyed.
   In the city of Aleppo, fighting continued in the neighborhoods: Ar-Ramus, Al-Ashraf, Beni Zeid, Karm al-Jabal, Ar-Rashidin 4 and Al-Shaar. Heavy fighting with varying success go to the Al-Zahra.
   In the south of the province, 4th Mechanized Division SAA troops, Hezbollah, National Defence Force (NDF), battalions of Al-Baath, and Harakat al-Nujaba (Iraq) conducted a successful attack al-Sufayrah. After that came close to the city Balas, which is now where fierce fighting continues. Also in this area village al-Qarassi and al-Huwayz were freed, beaten out of them militants retreated to the city of Al Hamra. A key aim of the Syrian armed forces in the area, is a strategic Aleppo-Damascus highway, which allows control of main supply route insurgents.
   According to some reports in the south of the province of Aleppo, currently working Salakhuddin Shishani - Emir of the Caucasus Emirate in Syria. 
   Deblocking group continues to move towards Kuweyris. "Cheetah Forces" of SAA, detachments of National Defence Force (NDF) and the Al-Baath Brigade occupied the city of Sheikh Ahmad, located 4 km from the besieged airbase. «Tiger Forces», unit is commanded by the legendary Colonel Suheil Hassan.
   SyAF bombed militant positions in the areas of al-Cariati, Ter-Maalla, Telbisa, Al-Jhenubiya Msherfa, Rahum Umm Twain, in the town of Tadmor in the vicinity of the oil field Al-Shaer.
3rd and 11th armored divisions and units of NDF, continued the assault in Ter-Maalla, taking much of the city.
   Moderate opposition from the Free Syrian Army in the area of the settlement Rastan and Al-Hula pictures with the severed heads of several dead SAA soldiers
   Russian Air Force bombed the militants in an abandoned warehouse a military airfield at Marj al-Sultan. SyAF attacked militant positions in the area of Qalamun and west of the airfield Marj Al-Sultan.
   105th Brigade of the Republican Guard and the NDF troops occupied the territory of the construction site and the building of a Military security in the city Haraszta.
   Jabhat al Nusra, Ahrar al Sham and Ajnad Al Sham Islamic Union announced thier unification of forces to confront the SAA.
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#Syria #Aleppo Shiite militias try to advance southwards on Balas/Kafr Abid with CAS of #Russia'n helicopters


BEIRUT, October 22. / Correspondent. Dmitry Zelenin TASS /. Syrian troops liberated the five towns in the south-western suburbs of Aleppo - the economic capital of the country (355 north of Damascus).   


   As the representative of the armed forces of Syrian Arab Republic reported, after a powerful artillery barrage on terrorists, Syrian army drove the enemy from the city of Kfar Abida and villages Blas, Jhouzat-El-Jhahhash,, Sheikh Keykan and Deir Saliba. "The militants are retreating in panic, their defensive lines are cut. The troops gain control of the area surrounding the Strategic Highway Damascus-Aleppo," - said the officer.

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