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Overrated Allied Weaponry in World War II


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I'm going to have to defend the P-51 here.  Is the performance all that?  No; the P-47M/N and a number of other Allied fighters could out-fly it.


However, it could run down anything the Axis had in the skies save very rare opponents like ME-262s, KI-84s and TA-152s.


Also, it was much cheaper than any Allied design that was greatly superior.  Also, it had insanely long legs for a fighter of its cost.


A handful of fighters, Axis and Allied were better individually, but as a long-range implement of strategic air superiority, it was good enough and, more importantly, numerous enough to kill the last remaining Axis air power.

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Yes. Yes. And the M1 Carbine fit the role in which it was designed for, being a light, handy weapon to arm second-line troops, officers and support elements with so they didn't have to lug around a heavy M1 Garand while being more useful than a M1911 pistol. Once it got select fire capability, the weapon was better than a Thompson or an M3 submachine gun (IMHO)

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the Su-76 was always the 2nd most important to war effort, but equating the T-70 to a Panzer 3 is alittle hopeful. Im not saying the T-70 is by no means a bad tank, and i hate to tote the boo's tagline, but the Panzer 3 has much better situational awareness and strategic use than a light tank


Yeah the Panzer III is better in those regards, but that comes at the price of being 15 tons heavier.


Armor-wise they're actually very similar in thickness level and the gun is about as good as the Panzer III with the short 50mm. That's again a surprising amount of capability for something designed under one year using a lot of civilian parts. The SU-76 then pretty much rectifies most of the problems to begin with.

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I don't doubt the ability of the SU 152 to knock out an enemy heavy tank, I just doubt that they really had the chance to do it very often.   

   That Assault gun/TD is not much "overrated". I never heard about hordes of ISU-152s hunting for German cats, or anything of similar level of overblowing real situation. Actually, according to what i see and hear in English-speaking part of internet, SU-152 and ISU are slightly underrated weapon systems, as they rarely appear in discussions or when they appear, they are a "side note" at best.

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I don't doubt the ability of the SU 152 to knock out an enemy heavy tank, I just doubt that they really had the chance to do it very often.   


being that they are assualt guns made for infrantry support, i doubt they did


Think of them like the sherman 105 in the Pacific, sure they spent alot of time making their name by blasting Jap positions, but they can also knock any Japanese tank into next week (which is also what normal shermans can do,  but it looks less amazing) 

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   That Assault gun/TD is not much "overrated". I never heard about hordes of ISU-152s hunting for German cats, or anything of similar level of overblowing real situation. Actually, according to what i see and hear in English-speaking part of internet, SU-152 and ISU are slightly underrated weapon systems, as they rarely appear in discussions or when they appear, they are a "side note" at best.

I just remember as a kid every book on tanks that I read called the IS-152 a "Beast Killer" and gave the impression that the Red Army used them to blow up Tiger tanks all the time.  I'm sure it was a very useful direct fire support vehicle.  

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For those more conversant with Russian-language sources than I am, how much of a psychological impression did the big cats make on the Soviets?  I have heard that after Kursk many of the newspapers announced that "The Tigers are Burning!" and a few other stories that would seem to indicate that the tiger definitely got the Soviets' attention despite not being a particularly effective weapon overall.

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