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Everything posted by roguetechie

  1. Magazine release I think. It was mentioned that they have it near the trigger in some article or another... TBH I'm of the opinion that the F in F90 is for FAIL because they killed every good feature, didn't even try to develop real qualitative improvement of anything important, took the awesome foregrip, deleted QCB rather than fixed it, and made it a humpback monstrosity with that giant god damn malignant growth running along it's spine! Oh yeah, and then they took a great chassis and said what would Amanda Tapping as Stargate sg1 wank bait do to improve the gun's aesthetics actual usability and the ability to uncase it at the range without being mocked into becoming an airsoft milsim guy by day and furry wearing an SS uniform by night! Everything in Australia can kill you and if Thales gets ahold of you you're going to beg for death... Like this poor rifle in the pictures is
  2. Straight up nothing but wall to wall shit lord boomer trash... All I'm going to say about that comment section.
  3. I love this thread... Personally out of all the awesome packed into this thread my favorite by far is the transformer motion capture specialty build car. It is truly awesome in every way. This is partially because it makes me want to build a concept vehicle me and a friend have batted around for years in Skype that we call the quad pod. Partly because building quad pod is currently way beyond my grasp and partly because my wife somehow fell in love with the idea of it to the point that she saved up the money and had my brother help her find the right donor car in her price range while I was laid up in the hospital for nearly 6 months last year I'm currently slowly building what can only be described as the Toyota Prius Satan, the master chief, and Mel Gibson as the road warrior would drive... Getting out of the hospital only to see a kinda beat up older Prius parked in your driveway and a wife dying in anticipation to see your reaction is a pretty overwhelming experience. Especially when you look back at her and with tears in her eyes she quietly says to you "you're not allowed to die on me until you finish building me this god damn car OK?!" I am not even a little ashamed to admit that I cried like hell and agreed not to die on her until I finish the god damn car... So now I am slowly building a Prius from hell that will eventually have bead locked 32 inch mud whompers and a pintle mount. And I am not going to die until I finish this god damn car!
  4. Pretty much an accurate depiction of me after reading the jingoistic SciFi and beyond circle jerk of American jingoism the comments section consists of.
  5. I was about to post about the same article... Know what's worse than their articles? The comments
  6. Whoa!! I like that! That's really really cool. I don't have anything more useful to add, but I'll just add that.
  7. That helmet design is really nice and very slick. A seriously impressive piece of kit there! When I've sat down and really thought about this whole idea for giving vehicle crews all around vision like the Iron vision project is setting out to do I came to the conclusion that you almost want/need 2 different display systems integrated into the helmet simultaneously. For running in immersive VR while buttoned up or etc you'd kinda want something like an easy to remove or flip up display like the META 2 / Occulus Rift. Then for augmented reality where you're riding with your head out maybe Manning an MG or etc you'd want something more like the layered RGB Holographic Optical Element setup Microsoft is working to make work with their headset which basically overlays HUD style info into your line of sight without compromising your ability to see through the pair of goggles or etc the HOE's are embedded in. Luckily for Israel they have multiple different companies working with both display types etc and elbit already offers some pretty slick and easy to integrate augmented reality display setups. My reasoning behind possibly needing two different display types mountable on the same helmet comes down to it actually being likely to be easier to do it that way and likely would make for better results. Primarily because you wouldn't have to make your augmented reality lense system do funky polarization things or have REALLY difficult to achieve brightness levels in a thin and still "optically transparent" lens layer of your augmented reality display. Additionally with the flip down and completely non transparent immersive over visor/goggle and augmented reality display combination you could likely have your AR display essentially overlaying data in the main focal plane thickening up resolution and helping to create a "more 3d" immersive experience. You could also have the AR handle most of the display duties for areas you're eyes aren't directly focused on including peripheral vision and etc. I'm really curious to see how all of this develops and I am probably wrong or missing something in my thought process etc WRT this entire thing. But at least I'm thinking about how to best do any of this.
  8. That perfect side angle picture of Armata really reminds me of an M47/48 & or the LVTP-4 I believe it was with the tank turret. Mind you, I am not at all saying that this is a bad thing! Aesthetically it's really a gorgeous tank, and the fact that it's built in such a way that it has that classic tank look while being a pretty radical departure from classic tanks design wise is very cool and interesting in my book. It makes me think that the styling choices were very deliberate and designed this way to create a link between the classic tank of the classic era and this very new and different tank of the current era.
  9. I had to pull out one of my parts kits and a few magazines to try and decide which one it is and I'm still not sure. The perspective and way the kid is holding the gun make it really difficult to tell.
  10. And if it can really meet this number I'm a pretty happy camper. I still have a few other concerns, but realistically I'm not well equipped to even evaluate the truthfulness or falsehood of most statements about the aircraft because I lack the requisite schooling and the TS/SCI clearances I'd really need to get at the plain English black and white information that someone actually needs to evaluate such a fantastically complicated project! Funny how uncle Sam doesn't just release the relevant information because forum guys with inquiring minds want to know. Aka: some people take this stuff way too seriously!
  11. Yeah, I was thinking more about ALP than PELE itself and I know that the mechanism by which they function is pretty different. I was just wondering if PISH technology is somewhere in the conceptual family tree which eventually spawned PELE/ALP. However, if this isn't the case it isn't the case, and I don't know how one would go about proving this one way or another without interviewing design teams to see what their inspirations were. I'm trying to get a handle on this armored warfare thing but some days I feel like the more I learn the less I know.
  12. These pictures make me wonder how exactly you'd do CSAR in the Arctic. I just can't really wrap my mind around how that wouldn't just become pilot Popsicle pickup duty. Even with that though recovering your almost 100% guaranteed to be dead punched out air crews in the arctic strikes me as a great way to lose PJ's and CSAR aircraft. Wouldn't it be pathetically easy to just sorta hide and wait for the other side to attempt body recoveries and then attrit the piss out of very expensive CSAR aircraft and even more expensive flight crews who are supporting even more expensive to make and long lead time assets like PJ's themselves?
  13. The one thing that scares me more than anything about the F-35 is the seemingly abysmal sortie generation! Even if you're packing bays with nothing but SDB-II's and generating a 98% one bomb one splashed target percentage, there's still just not that many SDB's that fit in weapons bays when we could be looking at each plane going up once every other day. I'm fully willing to admit I'm wrong if I've been mislead WRT how often we can expect to get each bird in the air etc, but if things are truly as bad as they sound in this area... That's a huge problem! Especially for many of our allies who just plain aren't going to be able to afford significant numbers of F-35's even after cutting everything else they can to the bone and beyond!
  14. PISH sounds a lot like a sort of ancestor of the modern PELE and ALP rounds. Or at least it does to me with my admittedly very limited knowledge base when it comes to tanks, AFV's, their guns, and ammunition. Somebody please help me out here, am I seeing a sort of ancestral connection where there isn't one? Or have I actually made a valid point?
  15. It's almost like LPI/LPD radars were developed specifically so we didn't have to make the compromise we made when designing the "stealth fighter" before f-22 & f-35... I hate being an F-35 skeptic for this reason! Automatically being painted with the "tardlet letter" of the F-35 skeptic sucks, especially since I completely agree with everyone else that most F-35 haters should be painted with as a visible warning that stupid things like logic will have no power over them.
  16. Oh dear sweet baby Jesus... You weren't joking about full retard! The truly "precious" part is where they talk about not allowing institutional inertia drown out the voices "SCREAMING FOR OVERMATCH" It's a good thing I bought up those surplus M113's with 8 inch gun turrets while they were cheap... I'm gonna be rich when the army wants to buy them back!
  17. LoL I knew that I couldn't possibly be the only one who was nerd raging about all the maddening "little" issues with his posts.
  18. Well that makes it substantially more interesting... My vote is for them to use your roided up 5.56 in CT format for the pdw! That way we're at least covering our bases, especially while we wait for the rest of the world to catch up and start adopting nearly 3,000 joule ME individual weapons... It's that transition period that I'm leery of where good tactics and discipline by opposing forces could potentially create a dangerous situation here and there. Though honestly kori seems extraordinarily certain that they've adequately covered their bases. I wonder how much any potential decision WRT the program being rushed has anything to do with technical intelligence coming out of Russia.
  19. The one that's not financially or emotionally invested either way. Though it could be close to death here and on its way to adoption up north.
  20. That thing is awesome... Like a mutant techno manta ray that has taken to the skies to avenge the death of his oyabun by exploding itself to make up for the dishonor it has brought upon itself by honoring his former master by killing himself and the usurper who now sits upon his Master's throne! What do you want from me, I read way too many battletech novels and the book shogun itself far too many times in my formative years!!
  21. The South China post story is interesting... I wonder how many of those guys will wind up part of the Chinese Marines which China seems hell bent on standing up as quickly as possible. I'm very curious to see how that entire project works out. They certainly seem to have pretty solid pieces of kit as a foundation to build upon. To include their building new Zubr hovercraft. On another site I mentioned that this also could be a sign of the Chinese government feeling more secure WRT it's own citizens. A Chinese expat friend of mine really hammered home the idea that the Chinese army has for the most part been geared towards internal security more than anything else. I also wondered out loud how many of them would wind up pulling security along the new silk road or various places in Africa.
  22. For real? Space lasers? They better have been bomb pumped X ray lasers, because... Reasons
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