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Sturgeon's House

StuG III Thread (and also other German vehicles I guess)


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14 hours ago, Collimatrix said:

I *think* that's a Panther.  KTs have an escape hatch on the underside of the front of the hull:




Ike is standing near the front of the hull, the ass end of the overturned tigger is pointed at the camera.


That's got the final drives at the camera end, looks like Ike is at the rear to me

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My Warspot article on the Tiger is out People are butthurt in the comments as usual, someone even already got banned.


The editor is ruthless as always, changes include:

  • Cutting out all references to The Tyger except in the title
  • Shuffling around my illustrations
  • Shuffling my bibliography
  • Reclassifying the Hawkins grenade as a mine
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15 hours ago, EnsignExpendable said:

My Warspot article on the Tiger is out People are butthurt in the comments as usual, someone even already got banned.


The editor is ruthless as always, changes include:

  • Cutting out all references to The Tyger except in the title
  • Shuffling around my illustrations
  • Shuffling my bibliography
  • Reclassifying the Hawkins grenade as a mine

I tried to read it but apparently it's posted in some really weird font that is hard to read.


But seriously...


Are you going to provide a translation on Tankarchives.com of your own article?  Once you do, I can't wait for people to argue that you have mistranslated it in order to further your "Russian bias" agenda.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out that the Canadians had a huge range of German tanks prepared for transport home, including "A Royal Tiger, Jagtiger, Panther, and the original range of tks from Mk II upward". Compared to this wealth of tanks, the War Museum collection in Ottawa is rather bare. I wonder what happened to them...

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