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Sturgeon's House

The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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Since we're violating Mech's rules of Small Arms thread posting...


A few weeks ago, I guess it's closer to a month, one of the local auction houses which specializes in estates had a Heckler and Koch GMBH 770 semi-auto hunting rifle. Since most of the H&K offerings that I've seen are black and plastic, it was curious to see one of their traditional sporting offings. I didn't get a photo nor did I care enough for any of the firearms offered to see what it went for but it was probably in excess of two grand.





It is a fiddly looking gun.

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Go fuck yourself 



The mental gymnastics needed to compare cars to guns always make me cringe.

Not to say we can't compare deaths to deaths; For instance, it is true to say more people are killed with cars than "assault weaupuhns" in the U.S. So, "statistically," cars are more "dangerous" than guns. However, for him to think that suddenly throwing licenses at things will magically fix them is autism beyond belief. 
For instance, I personally know dozens of people that have stolen vehicles/drove vehicles without licences and kept them for years without being caught. (I work with at-risk kids and under-25s) 
This guy is probably a 20-something bleeding heart yellow-journalist that still lives with his parents. I mean, the quality of his videos prove that he hasn't taken any worthwhile editing classes. And---how long has he been doing this? a decade? With no quality improvement?

I extrapolate from this that he doesn't really care about anything he's saying. He doesn't deserve attention, but neither does he deserve hate. He only deserves to be forgotten.


The vast bulk of the "gun control movement" has more to do with garnering attention and money than an actual concern with the public welfare.

The few gun control advocates I've attempted to speak with were pure sociopaths with little concern or concept as to how their utopian ideals would come to light, as long as they got their way.

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Weights of four major Cold War 7.62mm rifles, slings excluded:

FAL G1 - 9.42 lbs


M1A (M14 stock and USGI barrel) - 9.47 lbs


PTR-91 (HK G3 clone) - 9.22 lbs


SIG AMT (Stgw. 57 variant) - 9.84 lbs (note that this is 0.77lb heavier than when Alex measured it on a different scale of the same brand - gotta admit I'm more inclined to believe my figure)


*begins furiously searching gunbroker for forged FALs*

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Hey! Leave Mini-14 alone! It is a perfectly adequate weapon for the time period it was designed in the 1970s and 1980s. It is like the 1983 Ford Escort hatchback of assault rifles and used to be offered at a decent price point compared to the AR15 and back before people expected match grade accuracy out of a gun that was intended to knock around in a pickup truck and be used for shooting coyotes.

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Hey! Leave Mini-14 alone! It is a perfectly adequate weapon for the time period it was designed in the 1970s and 1980s. It is like the 1983 Ford Escort hatchback of assault rifles and used to be offered at a decent price point compared to the AR15 and back before people expected match grade accuracy out of a gun that was intended to knock around in a pickup truck and be used for shooting coyotes.


They are the acme of mediocrity. 

When the term "meh" is searched for, one will find a picture of the Mini-14 as an example.

It's a carbine intended to be a cheap alternative to the AR-15, Ruger simply makes up the cost difference every time you buy a magazine for it.

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