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Sturgeon's House

The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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Yeah, but Toxn, the guys with PDWs won't feel like they're really participating, and that will make them sad. To compensate, they'll have to hand out participation awards, and those will be so heavy that they'll outweigh the benefit of the fancy 40mm missiles. See? A GPC is the only viable solution!

You misunderstand: the 40mm missiles are participation awards. For the other side.

"Thanks for participating! Here, have a missile!"


More seriously:

The whole American fixation of riflemen is something of a long-standing trend if I recall correctly. Thankfully, our Seff Effrican fixation on wheeled death traps allows us to bypass the issue entirely.


In essence, I think the infantry role of the future will devolve more and more into carting around and babysitting 'support' weapons; which, as you mentioneed, fits zee Joiman approach pretty well. To that end you actually don't worry too much about making your ammunition load unitary or anything. You simply make sure that the PDWs and associated ammunition take up as little of your mass budget as possible, and then load in as much of the important stuff as you can.


Edit: the fact that the above suggestion looks very much like the loadout you see in Ghost in the Shell (subguns and mongo cannons only, please. Saito can fuck off) is purely coincidence, I swear

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The DBP-10 out of the QBZ/QBB-95-1 already has that as an effective range though, the iron sights adjustments stop at 600m for that exact reason actually. (It's farther on the QJY-88 for obvious reasons, even though it uses optic sights a majority of the time.)


The bullit of your love life is already there babby, you just haven't seen it!


Though to be fair, rifleman are trained to hold fire until 400m if they can manage to get that close.

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A 75kg weight increase is a likely penalty for the platoon for switching to a conventional-cased GPC. That would earn you 84 missilenades to spread around 6 grenadiers (14 missiles per grenadier), FYI.

The thing the GPC guys don't seem to grok about the way I think about these problems, is that any proposal that comes tacked with a weight increases causes me to think "is there anything else I'd rather carry than that?"

A hard question for me to answer if I'm weighing missilenades versus Switchblades or recoilless ammo, to be sure. Not so hard a question when I'm weighing any of those against Biggar Boolitz.

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The DBP-10 out of the QBZ/QBB-95-1 already has that as an effective range though, the iron sights adjustments stop at 600m for that exact reason actually. (It's farther on the QJY for obvious reasons, even though it uses optic sights a majority of the time.)


The bullit of your love life is already there babby, you just haven't seen it!


Yeah, except it weighs what, 14 grams? I'm talking something more like 9 grams.

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Yeah, you're probably right.


I thought Powley's had something that estimated the total loading weight, am I imagining things or did I just take too many painkillers and not see it?




Imagining it. I used to use Powley to give me a head start on making a SW model and then find weight that way.

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Interesting to note: Some branches such as the PLA Marines still use the battleworn Type 67-2 design as a stationary MG (it's also sometimes used in vehicle mounts and coaxials but, a bit different in that case.)


I thought using the QBB-95-1 as a SAW to help support infantry landings in a mobile invasion makes sense, but I can't really make sense of using the 67-2 over the QJY-88 considering it's a much less mobile weapon. Granted it's for stationary MG nests, but you still have to get the damn thing there in the first place.

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*Puts on shill hat*

For reals, guys, share this video wherever you can, and subscribe to the channel. I wasn't there for the testing, but I've been behind the scenes for a lot of this, and Alex has fought pretty hard to bring you guys this video. We know there are a lot of YT personalities that accept money from manufacturers and basically act as ad firms, but the TFBTV ARAK-21 test was the polar opposite of that. Alex waited for 9 months for this gun, and fought not only Faxon but our boss, too, to get it.

The gun has problems, and the market needs to see that.

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Absolutely. This took me 9 months to get a test gun... from a coworker.


I have never and will never do a paid review. Others do this so blatantly that it is disgusting.

This was the only time I have had to fight to get a video up and published, and it was a really big ordeal.


Also again, subscriptions really help. They determine what videos show up at the top of searches and help with search engine optimization.

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It is going on TFB later today.


However, hilariously only 3% of TFBTV's views are directed from the actual blog. The vast majority come from those already subscribed and random searches.


Also, every subscription helps in many ways :)

I'm looking forward to reading the comments on TFB about it.

Wow tho.   Pretty epic fails there.

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