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Sturgeon's House

The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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Uh, good luck, I guess.



Doesn't really effect me. I only have one gun that could even take high capacity mags, the M1A, and I bought it after the ban, so all I've ever had for it are ten rounders. 


I sold my AR and Mak-90 before the ban hit, because once it did you couldn't sell them in state anymore and I needed the cash. 


It just sucks cause it makes it harder and more expensive to own and shoot guns. 


I can't even order ammo from out of state anymore. 

Edited by Jeeps_Guns_Tanks
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Faxon Firearms (Nathan)  Mark  2 hours ago

Our pleasure to be here.

All writers and customer's opinions are extremely valuable to us and we truly appreciate those who take the time to communicate with us with good intent, even if a negative review or result.

Please contact us anytime!


Oh fucking really?



Its unfortunate to see your write up nearly 5 months after SHOT without consulting us on the root causes of the issues seen. We did get a chance to evaluate that rifle and are happy to report it was an ammo issue from that event. 

By the time you shot it, we had worked through the supply we brought and moved to whatever the store had. A few boxes of overpressue ammo made it into the cycle. They were VERY hot loads further compounded by the can and thus the results you saw. We brought a few rounds home and they were over proof loads, pressure speaking. 

To us, the fact the guns took that ammo, repeatedly, and had safe shooters is a testament to the platform. We stand behind it proudly. 

We will always let everyone have their opinion, but yours was tainted by a single encounter. All other reviews, especially with guns and ammo we have not controlled nor want to, have been staller. TWANGnBANG at the same event put over 3000 rounds of 762x39 through a gun nearly overheating a can without issue with no cleaning. 

We wish you the best and hope you have another encounter with another ARAK in the future.

Nathan at Faxon


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Anytime someone talks about the US needing a bigger rifle round, you just link them to this article and ask whether they'd rather have bigger boolits or X number of those bad boys.


I'd rather have a trebuchet that launches neutron bombs honestly.


Or one of those expensive shotguns.

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Also, the NRA tries to make a boring gun dramatic by adding cool graphics and sound effects:


Also, they show an awful lot of images of the Mini-14, instead of the AC-556, and that one guy who looks like a senator was all HAD BILL RUGER BEEN A YEAR OR TWO EARLIER THE US ARMY WOULD HAVE ADOPTED THE MINI-14 FOR VIET-NAM.

There's so much wrong with this:

A.) The Mini-14 wasn't "a couple of years" behind the AR-15, it was a full decade behind.

B.) The Mini-14 was designed for 5.56mm... A round invented for the AR-15. No AR-15, no 5.56mm, no Mini-14.

C.) The Mini-14 was designed by Jim Sullivan and Bill Ruger. Sullivan's name should sound familiar, since he's the guy who designed the AR-15.

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Tony's forum seriously believes that a soldier cannot hit a target at 500 meters with a weapon equipped with the most advanced individual weapon sight in the world.


I wonder if I should tell them I hit a target at 480 yards with an AK-74M and a PK-01VS red dot just yesterday


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Comments on Failxon rifle from russian forum:

"Arak is this African vodka, one of the those 2 alcoholic beverages that even smell disgusting"

This person should gtfo. Arak is amazing because it is drinkable and requires literally no work to make. You simply cut the top off a certain species of palm and drink the resulting juice a few hours later.

If its off or tastes terrible, it's because you forgot the second of two whole steps. Which means you are too stupid to live.

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