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Syrian commandos captures Jabal Al-Qamou’ in northeastern Latakia



  On Monday evening in the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade (commandos) of the Republican Guard – backed by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), Fouj Al-Mughawayr Al-Bahir (Syrian Marines), and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) – imposed full control over Jabal Al-Qamou’ (Al-Qamou’ Mountains) after a violent battle with Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham. 

   In addition to capturing Jabal Al-Qamou’, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade and their allies also captured several other sites inside northeastern Latakia, including Jabal Kafr Sanid and the village of Karoum in Jabal Al-Akrad (Kurdish Mountains). 
   With the capture of Jabal Al-Qamou’ on Monday, the Syrian Armed Forces are now closing-in on the remaining territory that is currently held by the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra, the Free Syrian Army, and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham along the Aleppo-Latakia Highway (M-4 Highway).



Government forces approaching strategic heights overlooking Idlib



  The Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade (commandos) of the Republican Guard and their allies are quickly approaching the Idlib Governorate’s border with Latakia; and with this rapid progress, the government forces could find themselves at the gates of Jisr Al-Shughour within weeks. 

   However, in order to reach this rebel stronghold in northwestern Idlib, the Syrian Armed Forces will have to capture the remaining heights overlooking the Al-Ghaab Plains from its western countryside; something, they have been unable to do after losing entire province to Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest). Following the capture of Kinsibba last week, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade has been steadily advancing along the Aleppo-Latakia Highway (M-4 Highway) that ultimately leads to Jisr Al-Shughour; but, without the Heights of Kabani, the government forces will be at the mercy of the Jaysh Al-Fateh militants above the city. 
   Over the last 72 hours, the Syrian Armed Forces have been transferring soldiers to the Kabani front, where they are likely to launch an assault in the coming days. Sources from the Syrian Army have confirmed the recent approach by government forces to seize these imperative heights, which will eventually break the last line of defense for the Jaysh Al-Fateh militants in Idlib. 
   If the Heights of Kabani are captured by the government forces, then they will be in position to strike Al-Sirmaniyah and then Jisr Al-Shughour.
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Syrian government supply route to Aleppo still cut as fierce clashes continue






  On Monday, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and Jund Al-Aqsa (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) successfully repelled a pair of counter-attacks launched by the Syrian government forces in order to reopen their only supply route to the Aleppo Governorate. 

   Despite recapturing a number of points along the Khanasser-Ithriyah Road, the Syrian Arab Army’s Republican Guard and Special Forces were unable to recapture the most important villages under ISIS’ control, which has left them unable to reopen this supply route. With Jund Al-Aqsa in full control of Rasm Al-Nafal; and ISIS in full control of Hawaz, Shillalah Al-Saghirah, Raheeb, and Rawayheeb, the Syrian Arab Army has been forced to split up their units in order to combat the extremists wrecking havoc along Khanasser-Ithriyah Road. 
   According to sources from the pro-government Palestinian militia “Liwaa Al-Quds” (Jerusalem Brigade), the Syrian Armed Forces should have the Khanasser-Ithriyah Road open in 48 hours, as they have the extremists flanked between a small parcel of land that occupies a number of points along the Syrian government’s only supply route to Aleppo. 
   The disruption of this imperative supply route to the Aleppo Governorate, marks the 2nd time in 5 months that ISIS has been able to cutoff Khanasser-Ithriyah Road – the 1st time was in October 2015.



Tiger Forces deploy to southeast Aleppo amid ISIL assault on Khanasser



  The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has launched a powerful assault on the Syrian government controlled city of Khanasser in the Hama Governorate’s northeastern countryside after successfully cutting off two separate supply routes over the last 48 hours. 

   According to the latest report from the city of Al-Salamiyah, ISIL conducted a VBIED (vehicle borne improvised explosive device) attack on a Syrian Army checkpoint outside the city of Khanasser; however, it was reportedly repelled before it could reach its intended destination. 
   Not long after the failed VBIED attack, ISIL began their assault on the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses at the strategic city of Khanasser, where they are currently deadlocked in a heated battle for control. 
   Earlier this morning, sources from the Tiger Forces confirmed that two separate contingents have been sent to the southeastern Aleppo front in order to help restore the Syrian government’s main supply route along the Khanasser-Aleppo Road. 
   Among the reinforcements was the Cheetah Forces “Team 3”; this special operations division of the Tiger Forces led the charge to lift the 3 year long siege of the Kuweires Military Airport in late November. 
   The next 24 hours will be crucial for the Syrian government forces; if they are unable to hold onto the strategic city of Khanasser,  they will be in serious trouble.
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Syrian Government agrees to the “cessation of hostilities”


  The Syrian Foreign Ministry announced that the Syrian Government has officially accepted the terms set forth by the Russian Federation and United States to end the violence in Syria through their “cessation of hostilities” agreement. 

   According to the statement released by the Syrian Foreign Ministry, the government and its armed forces will agree to a ceasefire with all non-terrorist rebels in Syria, beginning on Saturday, February 27th. The agreement does not include jihadist groups like Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham (Jihadist group), Jund Al-Aqsa (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS). 
   Despite the progressive attempt to end the violence in Syria; this agreement will likely do very little to change anything, given the fact that most jihadist groups are embedded in the rebel camps. 
   The Syrian Government did stress, however, that neighboring countries should do their best to limit the number of jihadists crossing their borders into Syria.



Russian airstrikes propel the Syrian Democratic Forces to capture several sites inside Aleppo City



  Minutes ago inside the provincial capital of the Aleppo Governorate, the U.S. backed “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) – alongside the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units (YPG) – imposed full control over the Younis Al-Saba’wi School and Jama’ Al-Istaqmat in the Al-Ashrafiyah District after a violent battle with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra”, Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki, and Jaysh Al-Mujahiddeen. 

   In addition to capturing the two aforementioned sites, Jaysh Al-Thuwwar of the SDF captured several building blocks from the extremist rebel forces in the northern sector of the Al-Ashrafiyah District. 
   This successful counter-attack by the Syrian Democratic Forces comes just two days after the extremist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki attempted to recapture the Youth Housing Complex in the Bani Zayd District. The Syrian Democratic Forces were backed by the Russian Air Forces this morning; these airstrikes provided the rebel forces with much needed cover against the extremists hiding in the condensed areas of Aleppo City. 
   Yesterday, the YPG and their allies captured the Salehiddeen Mosque in the Bani Zayd District after a 48 hour long battle that started with the extremist rebels attempting to retake the Youth Housing Complex.
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Situation involving ISIS cutting off the Ithriyah-Khanasser Road is more serious than originally thought. They have cutoff 3 different sites

This is what happens when NDF is left to protect important objects. Although Leith loves to overreact at events in Syria. 

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