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Everything posted by Xlucine

  1. http://niiikooooo.tumblr.com/post/177825520308/im-uploading-this-because-its-honestly-gold-and
  2. A data point https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-45419445
  3. A cool spear was found https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-atlatl-ice-patches-1.4809947?cmp=rss
  4. It's also completely lacking any statement from Brophy about the need for speed, despite asserting that speed and range are both needed. Only asking for more range, of course, is a good excuse for getting F-35C with its ludicrous amounts of internal fuel stowage (More than a F-14, with only one engine to feed! About the same weight as an entire harrier!)
  5. Putting it on the wheels and drive sprocket does look like it would be frustrating to maintain
  6. Are there many cruiser designs under consideration that could be subsumed into destroyer programmes? Huh, I didn't expect that. Just about everyone else (other than USN and RFN) has destroyers for AAD and frigates for ASW. Dedicated big ASuW ships is a bit pointless these days, as it's easy to strap ASCMs onto most things (of course, easier on a 7-10k frigate/destroyer than a 2k corvette)
  7. I'm not sold on Main Battle Ships - ASW, AAD and GP constabulary work have pretty different requirements. A hull to do all three will be much too expensive for the GP work, and taking out the stuff you don't need is basically a redesign of the ship (e.g. adding a bit mast with a big radar on top for AAD has a big effect on the ship, and same for a proper quiet machinery installation for ASW). One class of ship to properly do everything would be cool, but that's a lot of money to burn Fuel consumption per unit weight of cargo and overall fuel consumption are not the same thing
  8. Servicing the armament is a plus for manned
  9. It wouldn't - the benefit is the reduced cross-section reducing the drag. Technically the propellant gases will still accelerate the projectile through the conical bit, but as the diameter (and area at the base of the projectile reduce) then the force applied by the gases also reduces (the energy taken to crush the skirts also slows it down) - so muzzle velocity for a squeezebore is lower than for a straight walled tube of equal length. To model one in the powley computer I'd be tempted to adjust the barrel length for constant swept volume (i.e. starting diameter * length input to powley computer = (starting diameter * length of straight bit of barrel) + (volume of conical bit of barrel)), the swaging losses are probably pretty small.
  10. Things this battle teaches: - Radar > Visual spotting (in WW2 at night) - Information management is key Taken together you can end up with what should be a japanese advantage resulting an a pretty major beating, even with many unforced errors on the US side
  11. I like the mental image conjured by that article of Jeb! walking around manhattan, showing everyone on the street the paper because he's just so damn happy
  12. I tried putting the values for the US 105mm on the T29 into that a few years ago and it matched exactly with hunnicutt (IIRC), which shows that there is precedent for predicting large calibres with it
  13. Our lineage came out of africa and ran straight into a big pile of spaghetti
  14. They sound unusually high, given brimstone (not an AA missile, but still a complex weapon) costs ~£80k ea.
  15. Can I compete with an ATG/AT-rocket and overweight light tank combo? Because given the terrain that looks like the better way of matching the threats
  16. On the inlet? It's not uncommon for fast jets to need extra inlet area during takeoff, so I think it's just for more air to the engines. Examples:
  17. Wars started by america to force people to take opium: 0 Are you even trying?
  18. Didn't the french find the panther broke after 150km, not 1500? Panther was better than sherman at swimming uphill through mud, but churchill was dominate in poor conditions. Tigger was just hopeless, for some reason, and T14 (!) was about the same as the sherman https://imgur.com/a/fV825TZ
  19. Is there any truth in the 'training to be school shooters' claim, or is it just someone taking 'training to shoot' and adding 'and would be capable of attacking schools'?
  20. Protection from 100mm APHE isn't to be sniffed at, that's the same level as the chieftain specification - a pretty big jump from leopard 1 armour
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