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Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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3 hours ago, T___A said:


And don't you wish you could cop some Hollywood ass when you're 93 and wheelchair bound?


Also this doesn't really surprise me one bit, sad as it is.



10 hours ago, Ramlaen said:

I am waiting for it to turn out to be true that the Clinton campaign 'colluded with Russia' to help Trump win the primary under the expectation that he would be easy to defeat.


I am still waiting for him to keep this campaign promise.



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Trump gave an impromptu statement to the press today about the dossier and turncoat Republicans. It is worth the watch.




I love hearing how hysterical the WH press pool sounds.


Edit: @7;24 "I think the uranium sale to Russia and the way it was done so underhanded with tremendous amounts of money being passed... I actually think that's Watergate... modern age."


Edit: @14:40 Trump says that if he were to guess which Republican is responsible for paying for the Russian piss dossier, that he has one name in mind.




Trump is just running circles around these guys.

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So it looks like the scuttlebutt is that Lil' Marco Rubio's campaign was first behind the Russian piss dossier, before the Clinton camp picked it up.


Per CuckBart...




Washington Examiner getting the scoop first and with Rubio denying.






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Yes, those charges are most certainly related to Russia collusion, and not regarding events that predate the election by up to a decade. This is why people think it's a witch hunt. Also, the theory is that there charges are coming out now because the harsh light of truth was starting to shine on the cockroaches that are Comey, Muller, and other swamp creatures involves in the real Russian collusion that is the uranium 1 and fake dossier scandals.

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What I don't understand is that during the election all the conventional wisdom was that Trump NEEDED to get this guy on board because Manafort is a steady hand, and a pro at campaigns, and had this big Rolodex of contacts for fundraising, and that he was going to keep Trump "on script". The mainstream media was saying it, political pundits were saying it. 





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26 minutes ago, Ulric said:

Yes, those charges are most certainly related to Russia collusion, and not regarding events that predate the election by up to a decade. This is why people think it's a witch hunt. Also, the theory is that there charges are coming out now because the harsh light of truth was starting to shine on the cockroaches that are Comey, Muller, and other swamp creatures involves in the real Russian collusion that is the uranium 1 and fake dossier scandals.

Politicians aren't people, and they don't surround themselves with the best of the best.  Trump is a corrupt fuck.  Theres bound to be something to pin on him, if you dig deep enough. This is as much of a witch hunt as the Republicans going after Slick Willy back in the day. Anyone who is surprised that some sort of law was broken by a politician who managed to get to the top is delusional or overly partisan.

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