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Sturgeon's House

Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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I've stopped keeping tabs on /pol/ for Trump drama, but they seem to be having a field day making up ridiculous stuff to see what people will actually report on.  Edit for more complete pic.  I feel like I'm living in a cartoon.




Edited by ApplesauceBandit
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With how so much of the Trump talk lately has had unnamed sources, I'd hope this will teach people to have at least a little skepticism.  Everything lately feels like it's supposed to be from a leaked top secret report or some US intelligence agent who wants to share his stuff with the media.  I'm going to be headed to bed in a second, but I'm going to see if someone's posted a link to the full version of the "report" somewhere.




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With how so much of the Trump talk lately has had unnamed sources, I'd hope this will teach people to have at least a little skepticism.  Everything lately feels like it's supposed to be from a leaked top secret report or some US intelligence agent who wants to share his stuff with the media.



I saw that 'report'.  It lacks the feel of an actual intelligence document/summary.  The language is all wrong.  One of the reasons I haven't shared anything on that around social media.  It is no secret that I am pretty vehemently anti-Trump.  But there is enough real reasons to hate the shitlord.  No need to spread fake stuff around.

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With how so much of the Trump talk lately has had unnamed sources, I'd hope this will teach people to have at least a little skepticism.  Everything lately feels like it's supposed to be from a leaked top secret report or some US intelligence agent who wants to share his stuff with the media.  I'm going to be headed to bed in a second, but I'm going to see if someone's posted a link to the full version of the "report" somewhere.







I've been working and haven't been keeping up to date.


But are fucking morons actually believing THOSE are legitimate sources or Intel reports or anything? The only person stupid enough to fall for juvenile and obviously trollish shit like that would be Dan Rather.


Edit: Noooo. Don't fucking tell me that Evan McMuffin fell for this shit.

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I saw that 'report'.  It lacks the feel of an actual intelligence document/summary.  The language is all wrong.  One of the reasons I haven't shared anything on that around social media.  It is no secret that I am pretty vehemently anti-Trump.  But there is enough real reasons to hate the shitlord.  No need to spread fake stuff around.

I myself haven't really kept up on all of the latest stuff since I've had to deal with a new semester starting up for me, but I'd hope no one falls for that either.  I'd be more concerned if anyone actually believed it in the first place.  I do know that /pol/ has made some more convincing stuff, but I'm still a little out of the loop at the moment.

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I'm glad to know that despite the election being over, there's still some quality laughs to be had over people managing to fall for this stuff.  I'll thoroughly enjoy watching people swallowing shitposts as truth for the next 4 years, seeing as they haven't seemed to have learned any lessons about this yet.


Memetic warfare is real, boys

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