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Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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Watching the speech on Youtube and - holy hell - Trump knocked it out of the park. This is the most conservative inaugural speech that has been given in decades. 


And LOL at the shit that the previous Presidents had to eat when Trump called them out.

If by conservative you mean slightly fascist, then yes.


“At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice,”
Sorry, the phrase "total allegiance" just scares the heck out of me.  
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Also, Bernie would have won? Please.

My advice to lefties is to stop underestimating Trump immediately. If you, and especially if the DNC, keep trying to explain/laugh/cry away Trump's victories, he is just going to pound you to dust.

I think Trump is one of those people whose opponents find it hard to take him seriously, and I think that's because he wants it that way. I think his personality is naturally like that, but he uses and amplifies that as a way to get his opponents to underestimate him.

I also think those lines in the speech were calculated. Pride in the nation, loyalty, patriotism, these are all things the far left in the US associates with dangerous right wing ideologies like fascism, but which sound like fluff talk to everyone else. I think he said those things that way because lefties are programmed to see Hitler in those words, and the more the left is freaking out about monsters under their beds, the less they are putting together a serious strategy to combat him.

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1) Trump voters are the demographic who can't afford to take a few days off from work in order drop a couple grand on airfare and hotel tickets to attend an event like this. Conversely the demographic of Obama supporters who can attend an event are the so-called 1-percent who are wealthy enough to do this. Or they have government jobs that allowed them to take time off.


2) The voting demographics of Washington DC, northern Virginia and Maryland are typically non-Trump and pro-Obama.


3) Democratic voters are generally more pre-disposed to attend political rallies and demonstrations whereas their counterparts generally aren't.


4) There was and is a legitimate fear of violence surrounding any Trump event. My friend just attended a Milo Y-ackoffinasock (or whatever his name is) event last night at the University of Washington where violent protesters pelted attendees with balloons filled with paint and where one individual was shot.



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If by conservative you mean slightly fascist, then yes.


“At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice,”
Sorry, the phrase "total allegiance" just scares the heck out of me.  



I disagree my friend. There was nothing fascist about the speech. The issue is that since the Counter Culture movement of the 1960s and how it became mainstream in the 1970s and 1980s, the left has been successful in portraying any sort of love of country, any sort of love of the flag as "fascist" when it is anything but. The men who stormed the beaches at Normandy and Anzio and Iwo Jima would have perfectly understood what Trump meant with that quoted statement.


Furthermore, the success of Trump has been the push back of Americans who are tired of being called "fascists" - which is such a lazy term thrown around too often these days - and who are tired of being browbeat and bullied out of fear that they will punished for uttering a statement that is perceived as politically incorrect. 


Trump's a flag-waver. Trump loves his country. And he built his entire campaign identity around Making America Great Again. No secret.


Probably the most important part of his speech came in the very next line that you quoted and is this. These are lines that Theodore Roosevelt would have uttered. Or Harry Truman. And it is the belief that America should aim for a post-racial society. 



When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us, "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity."
We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
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1) Trump voters are the demographic who can't afford to take a few days off from work in order drop a couple grand on airfare and hotel tickets to attend an event like this. Conversely the demographic of Obama supporters who can attend an event are the so-called 1-percent who are wealthy enough to do this. Or they have government jobs that allowed them to take time off.



I know a bunch of people that attended this march, and I can assure you they are not "one percenters".  They are estimating that 500,000 people are at this march.  I doubt they all fit into a single demographic, other than the obvious fact that they don't like Trump and are predominately female.

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Mattis looking for closer cooperation between State/Intelligence Agencies and the Military.




"It's good to be back and I'm grateful to serve alongside you as Secretary of Defense.

Together with the Intelligence Community we are the sentinels and guardians of our nation. We need only look to you, the uniformed and civilian members of the Department and your families, to see the fundamental unity of our country. You represent an America committed to the common good; an America that is never complacent about defending its freedoms; and an America that remains a steady beacon of hope for all mankind.

Every action we take will be designed to ensure our military is ready to fight today and in the future. Recognizing that no nation is secure without friends, we will work with the State Department to strengthen our alliances. Further, we are devoted to gaining full value from every taxpayer dollar spent on defense, thereby earning the trust of Congress and the American people."

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1) Trump voters are the demographic who can't afford to take a few days off from work in order drop a couple grand on airfare and hotel tickets to attend an event like this. Conversely the demographic of Obama supporters who can attend an event are the so-called 1-percent who are wealthy enough to do this. Or they have government jobs that allowed them to take time off.


2) The voting demographics of Washington DC, northern Virginia and Maryland are typically non-Trump and pro-Obama.


3) Democratic voters are generally more pre-disposed to attend political rallies and demonstrations whereas their counterparts generally aren't.


4) There was and is a legitimate fear of violence surrounding any Trump event. My friend just attended a Milo Y-ackoffinasock (or whatever his name is) event last night at the University of Washington where violent protesters pelted attendees with balloons filled with paint and where one individual was shot.




Well the reason I posted that picture is for all the circle jerking that Obama had a bigger turnout, the crowd size doesn't look that different when they were both at the podium.

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I know a bunch of people that attended this march, and I can assure you they are not "one percenters".  They are estimating that 500,000 people are at this march.  I doubt they all fit into a single demographic, other than the obvious fact that they don't like Trump and are predominately female.


Judging by the signage held aloft, I don't think the Womxn's March on DC is going to be very successful in attracting swing voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and other Rust Belt states which voted for Trump.






The whole "Nasty Woman" chic is bizarre and certainly doesn't push public opinion in their direction.


Well the reason I posted that picture is for all the circle jerking that Obama had a bigger turnout, the crowd size doesn't look that different when they were both at the podium.


I thought Obama in 2009 had a significantly larger turnout. Not that it matters.

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