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WoT v WT effort-thread


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First battle in my shiny new T-10:





I bought it because I am a sucker for frying pans on pikes, but I'm pleasantly surprised so far. This doesn't feel anything like the IS-8 I played way back when, either because I'm a better player now, or because the meta has changed; maybe both.

I sold a few tanks I didn't play to get it 30% off for the On Track event, and was worried I'd regret that decision. Considering one of those tanks was my FCM 50t*, no I don't feel bad at all.

*I know lots of guys love this tank and think it prints credits, but my 36% WR with it over 144 battles tells me that it's just not the tank for me. I think it's just too huge to work for someone who's used to the little Soviet roaches.


To complete my poêle sur le nez brochet collection, I think I need an IS-5, T-22SR, Skoda T-50, 110, and WZ-111 1-4, so far as I know. I currently have the IS-3, IS-3A, T-10, and WZ-111.

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First battle in my shiny new T-10:





I bought it because I am a sucker for frying pans on pikes, but I'm pleasantly surprised so far. This doesn't feel anything like the IS-8 I played way back when, either because I'm a better player now, or because the meta has changed; maybe both.


It got buffed.  Twice.  First it got an HD armor buff in 9.12, and then it got a track resistance and gun handling buff in 9.13.

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IS-7 is a big departure from T-10.  The IS-7's performance was fleet of foot back when mediums on went to tier IX and it was faced against the T30 and Maus, but by today's standards it's rather sluggish.  I guess the devs are still smarting from that closed alpha period where it was super OP.


Rather a shame, when you read those excerpts from DAV where the IS-7's testers are rhapsodic about how fast the thing was and how easy it was to drive (they were used to T-34s, I'd wager, so the power-boosted controls on IS-7 would have been a huge improvement).

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IS-7 is UP, plz buff

Also I read that now WT is going to let tanks live until all of your crewmen die, meaning that you can get away with having one guy climbing back and forth between the gunner position and the driver position, which takes some time, but you can still play.

I need to smoke what their having

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Try to play, Comcast fucks the connection.  700+ MS ping spikes.


If there were a way I could (legally) put the CEO of Comcast testicles in a bench vise and slowly crush them each and every time I have the slightest bit of lag, I'd surely pay double.


Triple if I could smoke his wife and/or offspring when their ridiculous excuse for an ISP let the magic internet pixies escape for no reason.


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