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Syrian conflict.


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Shikh Yasser Al-Khatib was suspended from his work by Syrian Authurites in #Damascus after saying "people in the west lives like animals"


More info on that MANPADS i posted on previous page:


A weird looking MANPADS prototype in #Turkey which was made for #FSA groups to use. Program failed, weapon working thou. #Syria

Another photo. #USA Stinger type copy in #Turkey. Failed in mass production. Though successfully tested in #Syria by #FSA last year





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During combat on Israel-Syrian border with Radical democrats several shells overflew to Israeli territory, which IDF used as excuse to strike SAA



   Israeli airstrikes reportedly targeted Syrian Arab Army (SAA) military positions in the government-controlled area of the Golan Heights, Saturday.   


   The strikes came after 10 projectiles allegedly landed on Israeli-controlled territory in the Golan Heights. Two people in Quneitra were reportedly killed in the attack, and two Syrian government tanks destroyed.

   Clashes between the SAA and militants continue to rage in the Golan, with Syrian army officials accusing Israeli forces of giving cover to anti-government fighters.



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