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Sturgeon's House

The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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I remember it being particularly popular with these types or just other places where dangerous or large, territorial game are common.

One bonus of it is that it's rather tame in recoil compared to other rounds used for things like charging bears like the .454 Casual wrist murderer 2000.

We normally just use a .22 to get the bears to skedaddle. They don't like the sound of the rounds whizzing by them. Although we use a variety of tools to keep B'rer Bear at bay.

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Dont be so surprised.

I transfer Springfield XDs to people all the time because they want to buy American (nun a dat Glock euro crap!1!!!) and/or want to support the age old Springfield Armory.


I can top that finally, today I found someone hating Glocks because "Non american guns suck and buying non american products is killing our economy!" .....While talking about his collection of FNs, Berettas, and my personal favorite in his rant, Sig Sauers and how amazing Sig Sauer is. (Or how cops supposedly never carrry Glocks but far superior Sig Sauers..... I guess he missed the part where something like 70% of police agencies in the US use a certain brand he had a cognitive dissonance affected dislike for.)


Like, It's one thing to be fooled by a company that intentionally delves in deceptive marketing like it's going out of style, but jesus christ those brands don't even try to imply that they're not american nor should anyone who has the faintest idea of what they're talking about think they are.

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We normally just use a .22 to get the bears to skedaddle. They don't like the sound of the rounds whizzing by them. Although we use a variety of tools to keep B'rer Bear at bay.


I've actually had to shoot a brown bear while camping before because it was just walking closer to our camp in a really threatening way despite 2 warning shots in an attempt to get it to run. It was with a .44 Magnum +P+ that....Impressed the hell out of me performance wise.


(Entered and exited both lungs and came very close to making a through and through wound, it was down in no more then 10 seconds.)

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About TFB AK-12 comments of those, who want A545 to win - they need to remember that ZiD plant is pretty small and it is not equipped for serious serial production of the A545, while KC can start production for reasonable price for each AK-12.




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In the event that the A545 was selected, is it not likely that the gun would be produced by more than one outfit on some kind of royalty basis?

Such thing is unlikely to happen. More likely is that state will pay to ZiD to build more production facilities, but probability of AK-12 mass production is higher, IMO.


PKP Pecheneg in hands of Syrian Army soldier.


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I've actually had to shoot a brown bear while camping before because it was just walking closer to our camp in a really threatening way despite 2 warning shots in an attempt to get it to run. It was with a .44 Magnum +P+ that....Impressed the hell out of me performance wise.

(Entered and exited both lungs and came very close to making a through and through wound, it was down in no more then 10 seconds.)

Shot placement OP!

It depends on what neck of the woods you live. Here the bears are scared of gunfire (four wheelers, etc) because the locals do a good job of blasting them before Fish and Game notices. Plus the bears fill up on salmon, berries and dump leavings.

Elsewhere, humans and gunshots equal food either by camp raiding or gut piles left by hunters and the bears are more aggressive.

Good job not letting Yogi steal your pic-I-nic basket.

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I have been tracking down one of these for a long while:






While wildly historically significant, it really is a terrible firearm in just about every regard.

I have yet to shoot a Berthier, but anything has to be better than the Lebel's magazine and elevator.

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You've watched Othais's videos, right? He and Mae are of the opinion that the Lebel 1886 and Reichsrevolver 1879 are basically the worst modern-for-the-time-ish weapons you could have gone into combat with in WWI.


Oh yes, he is doing a great job.


But he and Mae are correct on the Lebel (I have never even handled a Reichsrevolver). It is easier (and only marginally slower) to single-load rounds and the G88 rifles absolutely blow the Lebel out of the water.

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